General Discussion

General DiscussionShot-gun morphling

Shot-gun morphling in General Discussion

    I would like to know why is Eblade build so popular nowadays.
    I mean every single time I see morph played in pro match, build is always same : linken´s into EB even if morph´s team is far behind. Shotgun is imho only snow ball item for morph and linkens into manta for split pushing is much safer and much effective..... so I would like to know why do pro players always go this item build...

    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

      I think most pro players don't really have much experience with the hero. They use the first build that comes to their mind.

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        Snowball item ? Maybe. The reason is whit Eblade, you can instantly kill those supports in team fights who are getting annoying and who natural don't have a lot of hp, nor buying bkb ( cm, visage, lich - imagine, you one shot lich before team fight, you win team fight )

        On the other hand, there is his his stats change ( with eb +5 item slotted ) he can do imaginable damage in late game.


          one shotting supports is great, and it works pretty well in pubs, but imho its quite hard to execute in pro games, when supports just tank up (bracers, urn, cloak) whenever they see you finishing EB and also when you use EB, you are putting yourself into dangerous situation (I saw today morphling buying EB against tinker - didnt work :) )


            Because he can morph a retarded amount of agility to make eblade do insane damage, followed by the rest of his spells. It is literally a "fuck that hero in particular" build, but it is really weak. It is way better to go linkens into manta + skadi + satanic +bfly, because then you deal a lot of right click damage and you are nearly immortal with 2 escape spells, a satanic, your morph, and a linkens sphere.

            Pros just dont have exp with morphling and the carry build takes forever to pick up.


              You can't tank that much on supporters to survive eb in late game.

              "you are putting yourself into dangerous situation" yea, you do, but on the other hand you have 4 heroes to back you up + your ultimate. Also with bkb+linkens, you can't get into those sticky situation.

              P.S. I can't talk with guarantee, simply because i haven't played Morf in dota 2. All the above, was just common sense and watching streams. So you should wait for someone who can really play good morf ( and i mean good ) to tell you. ;)


                E-blade's always been popular, it's a risky item, whereas Linken's is a safer bet if you just want to be a right clicker. Getting E-blade first instead of Linken's saves you 5k of gold which is 10-15 minutes of farm, meaning you can start contributing much sooner, and much mroe in early fights. If you go Linken's first, by the time you have E-blade, the supports will have more items and more levels so they're more survivable against your shotgun combo.


                  E-Blade worked for me this game and I rarely play mid/carry at all. Went 18/1 which is epic for my hard support roles I usually am forced to play due to picks on my solo queue:


                  I ended up building the linkens first, then E-Blade, then butterfly and just hung on to a wand and did int to agi swapping on my treads when needed.

                  I'll say I would maybe get ghost sceptre first before linkens? Provides a bit more survivability by popping the ghost sceptre on yourself is what I ended up doing.

                  P.S. I've only used morphling 10 times, and the time before that match was 4 months ago. I picked him in a random draft for myself because they were going troll warlord and sounded like an EZ matchup mid versus me which it was. I wouldn't pick him against an O.D., pudge, sniper or most heavy mid nukers like zeus, lina, bane etc. He is really situational


                    He is actually quite good against pudge (at least I had succes with it), but I was more asking about pro games instead about pub (everyone can rape with fed morph


                      Nice Djerun. Yeah I feel any 3 star carry (morphling, drow, PA etc etc.) if the gold/item advantage is there, then its GG.

                      Hrm pudge vs him not bad huh? I should take a look at a few of your matches to see how you handle him. I have never mid vs pudge on morphling for 1 I rarely play him, 2 I rarely see him played, and 3 I figure the hook/ult would be tough to handle (must hook 1st I suppose!)



                        Oh Duh why is E-Blade so popular was the title.... maybe I should stick with it.

                        Cast E-Blade on someone then do ur nuke/stun and see why. E-blade with 40% more nuke ability is great with morphling + he is an agility hero so more agility, so that butterfly is just not as yummy IMO. + when you are building to e-blade you have that handy ghost sceptre for an escape mechanism. I mean why not? It's cheaper and has more dmg potential and gives you an escape.

                        P.S. I see more casters utilize an E-Blade versus Agi. heros because most agi. heros don't have a high nuke potential like morphling, if ORB attacks like clinkz's fire arrows worked with it fine, but it makes them dmg immune so no go. Only one I can think about using it is maybe Luna? But her nukes don't do that much dmg. Anyone else think of a good AGI. E-blade hero? Nyx comes to mind thats about it.


                          Pudge vs morphling is easy matchup for morph because it is impossible for Pudge to kill you once he hooks you, you start morphing into strenght and hitting him and in the end he kill s himself with rot (not mentioning waveform).

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                            Nyx plays more like an int caster anyways, that just happens to have agility as his primary stat.

                            On any other agi hero you're better off getting a Butterfly, but I guess you could do a joke build on Anti-Mage where you get E-blade to amplify Mana Void's damage.


                              i lost a game recently because morphling got eblade on other team, and my carry was meepo.

                              Told him to repick but noooo....