General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you play Storm Spirit?

How do you play Storm Spirit? in General Discussion

    I can't play him.

    Quick maffs

      I dont know what to say, i think if you play like 10 bots game you will get him.

      Its not like he is super hard or something


        dont have a laggy computer

        pls no pinoy

          like the entire game or certain parts


            I know how you feel, I can't play storm for the life of me. Laning stage is really easy for me, but once the ult comes into play I can't play it for the life of me. I have trouble managing mana with ult (gauging how far I can go, what spells I can use, how much I need to get out). And it's not just going in to the right position on the first zip, it's repositioning yourself so you can still use skills and be active in the fight, but not so where you are too far or too close to the fight. On top of this, using active items is just too much.

            I just write it off with one of those heroes I won't be able to play, and don't really want to learn. For me the heroes on the top of my head wisp, ember spirit, earth spirit, invoker, meepo, LC, weaver.


              me too


                i dont like using bottle while fighting but i just get a bloodstone first lol


                  the main problem is probably u guys are spending too much time on failed ganks after you're lvl 6, hence losing farm/gold for better items at 20mins while other ppl catch up, storm is a snowball hero, if u can't snowball/be on par with other heros, then u wont be having fun


                    ZIP ZAP WIN GAME!

                    Storm spirit, is arguably one of my best heroes. Don't really know what tips I could give you, but in pub games I have seen lots of failed by ganks by storm spirits who use their ulti for initiation from too far and waste all the mana. Before you get big mana regen items (Sheep, orchid, BS), you need to get a hang of controling his mana pool and learning when to make big leaps. Play bots and you should get a hang of it.

                    And in fights/ganks, remember to do little zaps everywhere, this is a good tactic because you can avoid aoe and targeted dmg if timed correctly, and it loads your passive.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      Since we are on the topic of Storm Spirit, when is it a good time to gank with him? As soon as he gets level 6? After maxing a certain skill? Does he need to farm something (small or medium) before ganking?

                      I had a Storm in my last game who literally ganked 0 times. I wanted to flame him, but then I realized I only have one game with him, which I won by rat doto tactics instead of playing him as he's supposed to be it didn't feel right, anyways, when?

                      waku waku

                        i prefer ganking when enemies are overextending, but i suck as him too as anyone can see
                        the hardest part for me is actually keeping in control so i don't cast spells before using overload charges yet do so quickly enough so a new one applies before the last one expires


                          press r, press w, press q, then press r a bunch of times



                            gank as soon as you hit 6
                            the first gank is always successful

                            you shouldn't die (much) as storm spirit, in some games you can snowball by just farming and counter ganking (carrying a tp and watching the map for dem killz)

                            also, EE's arcane boots + soul ring is legit

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              K...does that mean I can flame away at those Storm Spirits that sit in the mid lane farming their Orchid's then?



                                kanye went to uni

                                  Treads/Orchid > Bloodstone rush btw, in case there was any doubt about that :p


                                    Okay, thank you guys. I doubt it's anything to do with reaction time or lag seeing as my Puck is pretty good. I also know tactics like ult on the floor for overload charges. So it's probably because of mana management problems.

                                    Do you get bottle?

                                    Quick maffs

                                      I heavily disagree about you ganking as soon as you get lvl 6

                                      Let me explain this, you are not going to solo kill someone with storm at lvl 6 unless you are a full mana and against a really squishy hero, you actually need to have someone to trust in your team.

                                      If you fail a gank with storm is a big deal, he needs so much farm, that its why losing gold/exp is a really bad thing with this hero.

                                      If you really need orchid i dont see the big deal at sitting in lane and farming it, usually i gank one or two times after lvl 6 but i never stop farming.

                                      "you shouldn't die (much) as storm spirit, in some games you can snowball by just farming and counter ganking (carrying a tp and watching the map for dem killz)"

                                      Plus farming with this hero is really easy, personally i like how blitz play this hero he goes for bloodstone and he farms a lot, before orchid he only fights when the situation is really good for him.

                                      btw. remenber that if you do little jumps everytime you will get out of mana for chasing, so be carreful

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        soul ring arcane boots op

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          like a motherfucking baws

                                          real nigga

                                              ee no mEErcy

                                              Quick maffs

                                                rolf EE


                                                  EE best SS

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    was ist da man

                                                    btw 10 years without a sing stream

                                                    I am crying


                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      What Satallizer said. Most important is mana management. Other useful tips are
                                                      1)SS without mana is dead SS. Use ulti to escape ONLY when there is no other way, you dont want to find yourself without mana when you need it.
                                                      2)Dont waste all mana on remenants when farming you want to always be able to counterinintate, Rule of thumb dont go below 30% mana. Carry a TP scroll.
                                                      3) When you have a hard laning stage (Puck, SF, QE Invoker, OD) on radiant stack medium and large camp to get back in the game.
                                                      4) Dont instantpick storm (I did that alot), you will get fucked hard and your ass will hurt badly.
                                                      5)Dont pick storm vs Lion/Shadow Shaman, these supports rape you harrrrrd
                                                      6)Dont go EEs Bottle into Soulring into orchid, its just a waste of time(he did it in competative). In a normal pub you get 4 retards who are OMG STORM NO GANKZ GG at 7 min in the game. You will rage and you will lose and you will cry.
                                                      7) Probably the most important of all... DONT use all mana on 1 huge jump you need mana ALWAYS. Remeber that you need mana to gtfo of the fight

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        @ Satallizer

                                                        Great find man that is too funny! :D

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          I actually think its fine to instapick storm


                                                            does someone know some players who play a rly good stormspirit and pcik him frequently?

                                                            OT: watch replays of good stormspirits and u will learn everything u need...but for that u need some replays and i for myself have troubles to find some.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              fuck you


                                                                ???...something liek this guy s no joke ..if i face better mids i always lose my lane and rly could need some good replays

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  And that won't change. I mean if they are better ofc they will win the lane. duh


                                                                    haha are u trolling me? ofc it would help to see how a good player reacts if he is ganked or outfarmed :)
                                                                    ( how many ganks he does in ealry game , how he max his farm , how he reacts in teamfights , when he conter tps to help his teammates , when he agrros the creeps, when he pulls creepcamps ,when he harasses, when he plays safe, when he goes for deny over lasthit and the other way round, when he goes for rune ..etcetc)

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      Honestly, the best advice I think is:

                                                                      1) Learn his combo instinctively. This requires some practice. Ult in --> Throw a slow --> Vortex --> Throw a slow --> Remnant --> Throw a slow --> Blink around/throw a slow ad nauseum.

                                                                      Remember, every time you cast a spell you get your buff. Also, it stays with you until you attack. You could have one ready when ganking from the woods instead of zapping in.

                                                                      2) Get a big mana pool before heading off to gank. His spells/combo use a lot and unless you execute it perfectly, you'll want some extra mana for finish the gank or escape.

                                                                      3) Farm a Linken's Sphere instead of a Bloodstone first. This will give you less regen, but it gives you good stats (+15 attack speed, +2 armor) and will protect you if you get counter ganked. Next get an Orchid and then follow up with your Bloodstone. Be sure to disassemble your Arcane Boots for the last piece. This will let you buy the BoT recipe without buying brown boots again.

                                                                      4) You can fly around like an asshole and try to solo everyone because you think you're a ninja, but please don't. SS will get incredibly strong if you're careful about not feeding. All of the items that are typically bought on him have high costs. Dying means downtime means no extra gold. Ganking with him requires excellent communication with teammates so that you don't blow all of your mana on a failed attempt. Doing so means you have to go back to base and losing out on XP/gold again.

                                                                      My build order:

                                                                      1x Tango, 3x Iron Branches

                                                                      Bottle, Boots of Speed, Magic Wand

                                                                      Arcane Boots, Linken's Sphere, Orchid Malevolence

                                                                      Bloodstone (disassemble Arcane Boots), Scythe of Vyse, Boots of Travel

                                                                      Black King Bar (sometimes Linken's Sphere alone isn't enough in team fights), Shiva's Guard (slow/armor/INT), Dagon (burst heroes down much more quickly with potential to snowball), Power Treads (more IAS/stats; consider after disassembling Arcane Boots)


                                                                        Linken's sphere is NEVER EVER core on ANY hero except Weaver, what ridiculously shitty advice.

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                          Man, Orchid + Treads give SIXTY ATTACK SPEED AND A SECOND DISABLE, and it has an easy build-up ... idk why you'd go any other build :p


                                                                            I always win mid with Storm in 90% cases,and than I just throw in teamfights.


                                                                              ball in use pull kill people run

                                                                              repeat until ur super fat and win game

                                                                              altho counterpicks and ganks and disables makes it quite dificult

                                                                              pls no pinoy

                                                                                farm as much as possible till you have your orchid, only participate in fights where a) you have a rune or b) where you can tp into a lane for guaranteed kills.

                                                                                should be able to get orchid up between 17-20 minutes after that everything is easy, carry dust or whatever u need to secure easy kills


                                                                                  I have a 70% winrate with storm in over 40+ games ( not on this account ). So i guess that's good?

                                                                                  There really isn't much to him, get your very basic items up. Boots, bottle, magic wand ( wand is optional ). Then either get treads or rush orchid. I find that if you get a good start, rushing orchid is the best option. Once you have that orchid in a reasonable time frame, you will have a solo kill potential of slark.

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    bloodstone into orchid.

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