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General DiscussionMy Personal Blog: 4k Shitters Galore

My Personal Blog: 4k Shitters Galore in General Discussion

    Are you tired of being stuck in the 4k trench tier? Are you paired up with shitters who die as AM to a team with no reliable stuns? Do you continuously whine about how awful your team is? (Caution: As the proximity of your MMR to theirs suggests, you do the same retarded things sometimes, unless you're above 5.5k)

    If so, this blog is for you! I have decided, at Beesa's request, to make a blog on my personal journey through the mid 4k trench. Will I ever reach 5k? Or will I be stuck in the gutter, playing with sub-par players in MMR hell? (Oops, Swiftending dispelled that myth, now I can't use that excuse...but I can still point out the shitty teammates)

    Unlike many low-5k shitters who picked lycan, terrorblade, phoenix, invoker, mirana, and ember to secure their rating, I will have none of that. (Reality: I've picked Terrorblade 43 times)

    Stay tuned for more!

    For those too dumb to understand, I find solo queuing extremely un-enjoyable, so this is one of my "creative methods" to make it less frustrating when I lose. I'll try and make each story about each game as hilarious as possible. I will poke fun at everything and anything, including myself, for fuck ups.

    Oh yea here's my starting MMR:

    For some perspective, I've never gone below 4350 on any account, and I've never breached 4850. So my average is around 4600, and right now I'm just in the "gutter half." I've been here for about 3 months now. Games should be pretty easy till I breach the halfway point, and I will update for every game I play, which will discourage playing more than 3 games on any given day and minimize loss streaks.

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    Dr Sharkie^

      good luck sir! I'm interested to see how your journey goes.


        go terra


          How do I post images onto dotabuff forum without the link? Like the actual image? Does anyone know the code?


            Also I had some autists in my first game so this should be fun.


              Nvm I think I got the image thing. Here goes.


                Once upon a time, the RMM gods decreed that on Friday, April 4, 2004 A.D., Imperium's game will be wonderfully fantastic...for the other team.



                Amazing! Free farm drow has 5.5 cs/minute and TA not even 4.

                What are the lessons for this astronomically high skill game, my 4k shitter friends? If ur on
                my team, try not to get hooked by really makes my games easier U_U


                How do you lose TA Mid to Pudge anyways? Teach me doto Pudge player, you are amazing, senpai.


                Really! It would help if you didn't get hooked guyz ._.


                Oh dear...didn't see that one coming.

                4k shitter games also have amazing farmers. They make 6k games look
                like they're being played by scrubs. I mean just look at this drow's farm.


                Condolences, 4k shitter scrub, for there are many games where your safelane carry won't farm...even in a free lane. (Yes, this was a drow ranger in a free farm lane)


                20 min with 2.5 cs/minute TA vs Pudge. Such skill! Much wow!

                You see, there are 2 types of doto players. The shitter scrubs (i.e. most people in the 4k shithole) who almost all think that mid is some auxiliary lane where you're supposed to "gank" 24/7. "TA is a ganker," they probably think. SF must also be a "ganker."
                "Why didn't you gank??!!!111" is probably the first question to pop into the mind of a sub 5k scrub whenever he loses his lane and tries
                to pass responsibility to another player, or has the map awareness of a bat during daytime and dies.

                Then there are the non-retards. I'll let you figure out what that means.

                Now, I don't know what's going on in the minds of all the 4k shitters I get on my team, but you see, there is this phase that lasts barely over a minute even before you move your hero into the lane. I call it the "picking phase" and any monkey with even rudimentary knowledge of doto knows how important it is.

                So when the team picks Drow and TA, 2 heroes who excel at focusing down single targets but not so much in teamfights without
                tanky heroes, along with 2 squishy supports, the first thought that comes into my head is...

                Well, nothing. There's nothing to think about. It's obvious to all but the most dim. I didn't expect any other outcome
                unless they were excellent at positioning themselves...which they weren't.


                Ok guys, maybe fighting 5v5 isn't a good idea...


                "Let's try it again, Forrest!"

                (Admittedly I was stupid and joined in on the fight and died as well, a mistake I should have forseen)

                Lesson of today:

                1) If you see your team pick like shit, pick a 1v5 hero. I might've been able to carry with offlane Naga Siren, rushed rad, and then
                go for super-late game with 6 slots, while taking down their towers slowly and ratting/cutting creep waves.
                2) Never bandwagon. If your team rushes in like retards, and you know you're going to lose the teamfight, stay out of them and farm.
                Warn your team once but don't overdo it, pubs don't like being educated for some reason. (Some mixture of small dick syndrome
                sprinkled on top of the Dunning Kruger cupcake, but you'll have to consult a dota psychiatrist for more information)

                Can't really be arsed to find where I messed up, at least in this game, because I rarely play Axe. I'm going to avoid
                doing so in the future since he's not my type of hero (i.e. doesn't have 1-2 active skills and right clicks).

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                  "I've never gone below 4350."


                  Sadly that's what happened this game. I probably deserved it too for playing poorly.

                  Here's the breakdown of why I think we lost

                  1) No good counterpushers against their rather annoying lineup, except ember.
                  2) I didn't farm quickly enough.
                  3) Teammates (Ember and Seer) were caught needlessly near the end.

                  I will focus on #2, the farming aspect.

                  Here are some numbers demonstrating how great 4k shitters farm.


                  62/13. Not very good, but not horrible either. Probably what most 4k shitters would manage. I was playing AM + partially jungling CM against a Panda, and Shadow Shaman rotated in at around 8 minutes.

                  Oh M Gee, what to do next time? (Could potentially hit 70-75 cs with near perfect play)

                  1) I messed up the illusion micro for the first few waves. Should never do that again.
                  2) Push the wave after getting treads/pms/qb, and then blink into jungle to farm neutral camps.

                  However, let's look at the other players. Remember dota is a game of relativity, not absolute values.


                  53/27. As you can see, the 4k TB picking shitter on the other team had abysmal farm (even relative to me, which is about as bad as it gets) for a free lane. There are 2 possibilities as to why he sucked.
                  First is that he focused too much on denies and messed up some last hits (happens sometimes). The other is that he is simply inefficient. Terrorblade is one of the few safelane carries who can easily transition into jungle
                  at almost all stages of the game. The only difference is that he can summon illusions to tank.

                  So please, do yourself a favor if you play Terrorblade and don't sell the hero fucking short. You have one of the best
                  carries at the moment (a circumstance that will probably change in the next major patch) and you not farming 7 cs/minute by
                  minute 10 in a free lane is just embarassing. Push the lane and kill the hard camp easily, you have a good mana pool anyways.

                  As for mid, we can easily deduce who's winning:



                  Ugh, that second image is disgusting. Have you figured out why? (I mean...aside from his 0-2 score...and aside from his low cs...)

                  The ember lost for 1 simple reason: He went a trash skill build. He maxed out bolas + fists (sigh...) which has been discussed
                  extensively as a trash skill build. (Refer to this thread:

                  Wow! Note how all the 5k+ players go Flame Guard...I wonder why.

                  You see, one of the things I've noted all this time about players whining of "MMR hell" is that they don't realize how
                  all their plays will lead to different outcomes. I can assure you 100%, that if Ember won the lane by maxing out FG, the chances
                  of us winning would be much higher. Why? Because then he would have room to gank the terrorblade and suppress his farm, and
                  allow an even greater gap between our heroes and theirs.

                  I'll even give an example of one of my mistakes (there were a lot in that game, trust me) to demonstrate.

                  Critical blunder - typical of 4k shitters who don't think a bit outside the box.


                  Let me explain. Terrorblade TP'ed in with 262 HP and 1182/1277 Mana. He wanted to sunder me. I thought I wouldn't be able to kill TB with mana void + 1 hit.

                  For some perspective, AM with Double Damage deals 300 + ~48 right click damage at that point. With 1 right click and Mana Void, factoring in TB's high 18 armor, he still would've died. Even in the worst case scenario,
                  I could hit a second time after Hit + Mana Void, and he would die 100% of the time.

                  But why didn't I go for the kill? Well, I was ignorant of the fact that Sunder has 0.5 s cast time, while Mana void has 0.3 s. This mini-stun is easily abusable for many close kills.

                  I'm curious what the mindset is that forces me to make these mistakes. It might have to do with overall not knowing
                  how to play the hero well enough (how to abuse certain skills to make the most of them). It might have to do with
                  choosing to play too conservatively.

                  Here are some interesting gems from that game, since our clock was running his mouth the entire fucking time. Must be his period or something, since nobody said/did anything to offend him.



                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    Yes, thank you lord Gaben! I finally have a win tonight after 2 games of unbearable solo queue RMM losses in the 4.3k shitter bracket.


                    1) Go mid as Ember (Max out Flame Guard...for fuck sake)
                    2) Find gank opportunities esp during nighttime when their supports might not maintain wards
                    3) Keep camping their safe lane for kills (Hide in trees, etc.)

                    I performed quite well due to the 4k shitters on the other team being out of position constantly. Ember is one of the best heroes to punish people out of position due to his retard proof skill set. I also had 48 cs in 10 minutes while not even spending the last 3 minutes in mid lane, which is how I should continue to try and play my games. Maintain around or above 5 cs/minute while still finding ways to maximize impact by getting kills and assists.

                    Here's a rather skilled move I pulled off (something you typically won't see of any 4k shitters). I admit I surprised myself, actually, since I'm usually the passive "go afk farm and carry" type of player.

                    I assume most, or at least the more talented, 5k players would be able to do the same though:


                    Note the Invoker (Orange's) position on the minimap. He's last hitting the wagon and is about to retreat.


                    He's fogged, so I can only guess. Most players run in a straight line though, and he still doesn't suspect anything.

                    I keep chasing with Remnants.



                    Finally caught with sleight + bolas. He tried to EmP + Tornado me (EMP deals pure damage, so it doesn't affect my shield)
                    but I still killed him.

                    Funny because I failed the OTHER two times in this game I attempted it (1 unit/1 hero sleight + bola
                    requires some practice to get it right).

                    (Note: If the Invoker was above 4.5k he probably would've been smart enough to realize he wouldn't win 1v1, and just turn on ghost walk and run away...)

                    Taking into account all this and making the correct decision is one of the hardest things to learn in dota, but it comes with more and more experience. I did not see this Invoker use Ghost Walk at all this game, so I concluded he wouldn't have either this time.

                    Now, the thing is, had I failed in this gank attempt, it wouldn't have been a big deal. However, in very close games,
                    failed ganks or not attempting ganks that could be easily successful with good micro will cost you the game. Many 4k shitters
                    do not understand this concept.

                    Also more QQ's, except this time RMM put that guy on the other team. The siren was whining about his team. But is it
                    really a surprise though? He picked an afk ricing hero whose main job is to farm radiance, cut creep waves, be completely useless
                    in team fights until 5 or 6 slotted. It works when RTZ or EE does it...because they farm very quickly and get those items
                    up by 35-40 minutes. This guy would've taken more than 50, by which time the game will probably have been lost.


                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      thats some deep shit man
                      NOTICE ME SENPAI

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                        as masochistic as this sounds, the more i analyze the plays of 4k shitters, the more i hate myself (but derive some strange kind of satisfaction), so hopefully this will motivate me to play better and get out of the trenches


                          you've never gone below 4350 you said, so be happy with the actual teammates. i just got 4,1k, but i got calibrated at 3,2k when ranked came out, and hell man, you don't know what the 3k tier looks like. but apparently improvement can be done.

                          Manny Mammoth

                            tfw no one makes a 2.8k shitterier blog to help you get out of it


                              Last night, tards were allowed to play dota 2. It was fucking massacre


                                road to 5k,the only way to do it is to get new account,get 400%booster,play around 40 games,get lvl 13
                                then play ur 10 games for MMR, go only as solo mid, or ull never get over 5k


                                  @ drophar

                                  i know what it looks like, i have 2 smurfs and i played the first few games starting off at Volvo's 3000 default MMR. they weren't difficult, i always snowballed with heroes i don't even play (storm, sf, etc.) even if my team was feeding and the game was 1v5. Obviously the higher MMR you are, the higher your "1v5" threshold is.

                         (all 3000 MMR players except me, first game on smurf. i had 2 disconnects and 4 feeders, so it was literally 1v5)

                                  congrats though for making it here, so let me tell you a little bit before i head off to bed:

                                  the thing with the mid 4k trenches is that the players are very volatile. one game you get some players who are decent/cooperative, the other you get complete trashbags. (sometimes you will be that trashbag)

                                  in theory, THEM playing poorly shouldn't affect YOUR play, but in practice that's not the case. Sometimes people run in and die, you try to save them, and you both end up dying. the solution? don't bandwagon. adjust to your team's skill level. if they are good, just ride the wave. if they are trash, then my advice is to mute them if they're arguing amongst themselves and play like it's 1v5.

                                  from what i've read/people i've talked to, picking 1-3 heroes over and over and trying to make a big impact while farming well is the best/easiest method to get to 5k. unfortunately axe isn't a farming hero and my carries were pretty horrendous in my first game (drow was 3800 mmr and was shittalking the entire game, which amused me greatly), and in the second it was partly my fault, partly the team's. those were all winnable.

                                  either way i'm probably just gonna adopt this sarcastic tone when i lose a game badly and try to entertain as much as possible.

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                                    that's why i've been trying to stick to heroes that don't rely that much on teammates. retards still pull when theres an axe and veno on the offlane killing creeps before they even reach our tower, still got ppl insta locking pudge ending up feeding and spectres/tbs rushing naked radiance. however i'm trying to adapt


                                      tl;dr= i dont deserve were i am

                                      it might sound repetitive and trolling.. but... get gud and u will rise easily. I thought for a long time too i was "stuck" somewhere but then i realised everything i could have done better and suddenly i started to increase. Bad games, bad luck, leavers, that chance has everyone to suffer, good and bad players.


                                        TA losing to Pudge happens even to me on TA, I hate laning against Pudge. Pressure is on you to win the lane, but just one small mistake and booom. Fucking 70+% win rate after 300 games at mid 5k mmr and I can still lose lanes to pudges occassionally...

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Quick maffs

                                          I agree with zenoth if you dont play TA much you can lose a lane to pudge, in my first TA game against pudge i maxed reflection instead of meld :/


                                            the moment where you start attributing any of your loss to teammates is the moment you stop improving.
                                            something that i do consistently is to mute all my opp whenever the game starts. helps you concentrate.


                                              Nicely done. It is a lot easier to gain MMR if you can stand spamming Phoenix though!


                                                Epic blog, liked, subbed.

                                                Low Expectations

                                                  The only way to win is to mute all your teammates


                                                    ? I didn't say I was "stuck" at my MMR, or "I didn't deserve this," read the thread...

                                                    I am saying EVERYONE in the 4k shitter bracket is awful, including me. EVERYONE WITH 4000-4999 MMR IS AWFUL. Literally I came across maybe 2-3 players in the past several weeks with some MMR [4xxxx] who deserves to be at 5000 because of their gameplay/game sense.

                                                    Whenever I see a decent support who nabs me some kills, their endscreen MMR is > 5000. Whenever a support leeches exp and is overall useless, their endscreen MMR is < 5000. Not too surprising tbh, better understanding and execution.

                                                    Zenoth, I can't really believe that since TA can outcs pudge extremely easily and wins as long as you dodge hook. Also having 47 cs in 20 min on TA is no excuse no matter how much you're "ganking." In my Ember game I had 48 cs in 10 min while having a score of 5-0-0 at 10 min. That player was just awful. Also if he can't play TA...then don't pick the hero lol.

                                                    Thank you Jussi, but my phoenix is awful haha.

                                                    SUb 5k Pleb, I do the same thing, but only if my team goes full retard. It's amusing to see their chat sometimes even if all they're doing is all-chatting like a moron.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      lol i ran into another dotabuff forum poster vandal, this should be interesting

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        vandal too stronk


                                                          TA outcs pudge, but if you lose control of the creep wave it's not safe to farm beyond the river thanks to melee range anymore.


                                                          I got stomped by some random Pudge mid - if he rots and catches up with you it's basically a race to see whose hp drops faster as you can't outrun him, and he started with double gauntlets. Mid lane snowballs very quickly.

                                                          I would consider myself a fairly competent TA player based on the number of games and records I have on this hero, so I cringe when people blame a fellow TA player for losing to Pudge. Things can look awful very quickly, and not necessarily because of incompetence with that hero - sometimes people fail to understand that. On one hand I have stomped mid against competitive players with my TA, and yet on a bad day I can get crushed by some 4k Pudge.

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            "Games should be pretty easy till I breach the halfway point"
                                                            dude you're so wrong

                                                            games are pretty easy if you're playing 1k under your MMR
                                                            above that it's already hard, mostly because of allies, not enemies


                                                              I'm pretty sure vandal was like 1-3 or something on safe lane sf in my game till like 20 min in when my team fed over and over, oh well. i'll write about it.

                                                              holy fuck this current pool of players is cancerous, i get 2 players in both games who random and can't play their hero at all. i'm going to wait like 10 min before clicking the "find match button"

                                                              how's ur solo q recently guys


                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                go kill urself u retarded monkey i dont want to read this shit and ur crying about ur rating being super low


                                                                3k player saying he is 5k player


                                                                  i can mmr boost u tho

                                                                  from 4000 to 5000 it's 15~ keys for each 100 points, u can pay for 1k points or 100 each


                                                                    wave i didn't cry about my rating, PLZ READ the purpose of this thread.

                                                                    also i can get a 5k account from friends for free if i want to but not going to do that

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                      "also i can get a 5k account from friends for free if i want to but not going to do that""

                                                                      u know the price for 5k accounts is higher now that valve changed calibration, why dont u sell them and make big bucks huh

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        coz i can ask them to play on my account, i don't need to buy/sell them (not interested either)

                                                                        why isn't every 6k player selling accounts


                                                                          they are under different names and/or they boost their main accs like half of the people on leaderboards is doing atm


                                                                            based klasynky turkish #1 middle east player TÜRKIYE CD/CM ABUZER


                                                                              i missed u wave
                                                                              we are in need of some flaming being done around here, bogidoto making way too many trash threads

                                                                              for example:

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                       was abusing cm/cd recently too, add him onto the list


                                                                                  nah i want to do same as bogidota, i need a stack in unranked and win 200 times without losing once and then i'll pick tb in ranked to 7k


                                                                                    (not saying i'll do it with bogidota, i just need a zapport and cärry)


                                                                                      nah imperium they all do it lol :DD and valve wont do shit cuz they are retarded


                                                                                        beesa doesn't though ;D


                                                                                          yo why are my games at 4300 harder than at 4700 lol this makes no sense...time for more posts

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            Zenoth can TA manfight pudge if you max meld ? In my first TA game against pudge i maxed reflection ( didnt really think about it ) so everytime he got in melee range with rot i was dead.


                                                                                              sorry vandal, if you read this thread, i didn't mean to flame, i was just upset at my team. don't take it personally.


                                                                                              today's lesson...actually there are too many. i'll just list them one by one.


                                                                                              WHY ARE U GOING BOOTS FIRST ON A MID HERO YOU RETARD, GET SOME STATS ITEMS


                                                                                              WHERE IS UR BOTTLE, IT AIN'T ON THE CROW EITHER


                                                                                              DO U KNOW HOW TO CLICK W ON A LOW HP HERO


                                                                                              OK U DON'T, LET'S MOVE ON

                                                                                              (The zeus was 4100 MMR)

                                                                                              Also vandal didn't get razes




                                                                                              sigh...i should've picked a hero i actually know how to play, so i could actually win mid against invoker. ember/ta would be fine.

                                                                                              if u want to see 4k shitters on one team stomping 4k shitters on another, be my guest, but it hurts lol.

                                                                                              Here's one theme those games had in common: I had 2 players randoming heroes on my team, that they obviously couldn't play in, and so the game was essentially going to be 3v5 from the start. If you can't play a hero...then repick. I mean is it that hard?

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                                                3rd game today where the team fed...but I actually managed to carry. I don't think the game needed to be that difficult either, but I won't comment too much about it. Sand King was the only competent teammate and helped secure the win, I think the others were just running around being useless until late-game when they actually helped win team fights.


                                                                                                Tinker has a huge lead over our mid (magnus), due to ganks. Ember also had 3 kills on my solo seer, but I'm farming ok. 54/7 cs at 10 min, could be better though (I won't get into why, they're minor details and involve chasing heroes needlessly, but it didn't affect the outcome of the game).

                                                                                                So what do you do? Typically PL players go something like treads/drums/diffusal/[high tier item]. They might rush radiance after drums. Unfortunately those weren't viable item builds that game, for a simple reason. The opponents kept trying to suppress my farm by rotating top (Tinker had BoTs, it wasn't unusual to see all 4 come top whenever I was farming in plain sight) and I can't go up against Ember 1v1. So literally there's no viable lane to farm. So my ONLY option is to farm the jungle, which contributed to my 0 deaths.


                                                                                                I've been using this build since I saw Beesa do so in pubs, and it works. It speeds up your jungling by a significant margin and also lets you pick off 1-2 heroes with the increased DPS if you ever see the opportunity. (Doppelwalk in, Lance, turn on MoM)


                                                                                                The opponents were adamant about ganking my lane as much as possible (you can see their positioning as they retreat). Basically there's no way I would have 137 cs in 20 min without that item. With the typical drums build I would have 100 at best.


                                                                                                Magnus finally gets a blink dagger at 22:37. He's 0/4/1, and I suspect this is due to the fact that he randomed his hero. (Sigh...3 games today...same shit happens)


                                                                                                Team dies 5v4...Ember wasn't even there. (Note his position on the minimap) People didn't cast spells properly.


                                                                                                So what item do you build when they have heroes like potm, ember, blink dagger tinker, etc. who won't die to your regular right clicks due to having good escapes?


                                                                                                After that I just went butterfly/abyssal/diffusal 2. The rapier was Ember's last attempt to stop our push at the end, when they were almost certain to lose. We were down a pair of rax too and almost lost another, but somehow pulled it together.

                                                                                                The opponents threw away their lead, and it has to do with the same issues my team was facing. Not coordinating stuns properly, running around inefficiently while I just continued to farm with not much pressure, etc.


                                                                                                I don't know what other hero would possibly 1v5 that team...maybe a Naga Siren/Spectre/AM, though they're all more susceptible to being permahexed than PL.

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                  100% guarantee boost 5k

                                                                                                  15 keys / 100 mmr points

                                                                                                  [IMG][/IMG] any hero of your choice i will play
                                                                                                  matchid cuz private profile

                                                                                                  ~ if you have 5k and want 6k it will be 80% guarantee and 25 keys / 100 mmr points ~

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                    why 80%? aren't u supposed to be 6k?

                                                                                                    wave-sama how did u lose at 4187 D:

                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!