General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick and Agh's?

Rubick and Agh's? in General Discussion

    Is it worth getting aghs on Rubick?
    I don't mean rushing it, but getting it after blink/force and the other support items.
    Most games(those I don't have to get a mek as well), I go mana boots, blink or/and force, then a Eul's or sheep. Sometimes I get a drums as well.
    If I should get a Agh's when should I get it, in between which items?

    Also is it worth getting a bottle on Rubick if you are not mid, I don't mean stealing the runes from your mid?


      no,definetly aghs is viable item for rubick,but not recomended,get more disable/utility/surv items and ur doing fine.
      bottle u should get if u plan to roam alot,and not having such a flexible mid dat does not depends on getting runes and can just bottle-crow.

      harvard graduate

        It is only really worth it if there are enough good spells to steal. An example would be playing against a Tidehunter and a Lich where it could theorically enable you to steal both ults or w/e you wanna steal.
        However, I dont like it. I remember an interview with Kuro after the upgrade was introduced and he said that it rly isnt that useful because by the time a support has t2 boots, force/blink, drum and ghost scepter the game will be over before he can get another 4.2k gold.
        Sure it makes you more survivable but I think IF the game lasts that long you would be better off with a Scythe of Vyse or Pipe.

        Dr Sharkie^

          I agree with Kappa.


            +1 Kappa