General Discussion

General Discussionanalyze me plx

analyze me plx in General Discussion

    some infos about me:
    - im playing dota for roughly 5 months
    - i've started with a 3200 mmr after calibration
    - im stuck at 3,6k mmr right now and i just cant get higher but i really want to rise
    - i always play solo in ranked; maybe thats the biggest fault :o
    - i play support / carry 50% but never mid, i just feel uncomfortable playing mid
    - favorite carry ursa, i mostly play him on dire side
    - on support side i really like cm,jakiro
    - itreally pisses me off when i have to play vs a group of 3 or sometimes even 3+2... its nearly impossible to win as solo queuer

    i really appreciate some positve feedback to my recent lost games
    (delete dota, ur shit, u belong were u are... thats not what im looking for)

    here we go: <-- this one hurt so much

    thanks for your help in advance

    Ples Mercy

      delete dota

      ur shit

      u belong where u are


        dude for a 5 month player you have a very nice MMR


          1st piece of advice, stop playing riki. Riki is a pocket strat and picking him all the time will see you get counterpicked and raped higher up and the same goes for ursa. As you go up and up the game punishes you for being greedy and picking certain heroes unless you have a stack to stand behind it.


            ^from my last 150 games maybe 5 have been with riki. ursa is 50% team dependent i would say. i always jungle with ursa first 7-9mins, go rosh with smoke, farm again and after my blink dagger i go n try to stomp

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            Quick maffs

              Nice MMR for 5 months


                "carry" and "ursa" should not be in the same sentence as 100% of the other carries rofl stomp him from min 25-30 with similar free farming conditions

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                  Maybe you are just picking "bad heroes" when you consider lane matchups .... diverse your hero pool and you should be fine... even if costs you gold picking phase ...

                  Sup m8

                    Why can't i every play with people like this. All hail support players


                      @darkness I think Chris would disagree with you there.

                      @devil-the-gamer I would be happy to do a match analysis for you I have done for a few others. While my MMR is the not the highest in the world I do have a decent amount of experience to help you see from an outsiders perspective issues or things that would either be hindering you or would help you improve your game. Just give me the ID of a recent match where you either failed and want to know why, or you did ok/good and want to know if you could have done better.

                      Looking at the games you posted I see a lot of pretty lame items decisions

                      Look at all that physical damage (holy shit) but not one ghost sceptre. Also 2x pipes and null field from rubick? I fail to see where you needed to get so much magical resist for. Blink dagger should have been bought by you on CM in this situation, mobility here is key and if you can't move as CM you die. You can't "tank up" as CM she will always be infinitly weaker than everyone else but you can add quick patch up items (mek, urn) then mobility and escape (blink, force, ghost, and Euls)

             I think you were just dealt a rough hand here as the mix between magic and physical means you were screwed and again, the mobility in games like this is key. I play a lot of CM and prepatch it was our teams most selected support along with chen and visage


                      As you can see from page 2 perfect stats and easy games cause CM was always that good as a support, but then after the patch she struggled a bit as you can see from the scattered loses on page 1. Its not all that big of a nerf to her but it's enough to hurt if you aren't stacking and trying to make plays in the early game as CM.

                      Try getting a Euls as that can not only disable key heros on the enemy side but you can Euls into blink or whatever for positioning and escape + movement speed which she sorely needs.

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                        Plz dont bring up io/ursa stacks that is not equal ^


                          Find a good guy who can teach you more about dota, just like other profession. You need insight from someone who better than you are.


                            Before you start to overthink anything in dota start of by playing the other 69 heroes you havnt played. then you can start " thinking "

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                              @Havoc i have the feeling i did really bad in this game

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                there is a difference between ursa and io+ursa

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!