General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe.

Axe. in General Discussion

    I hated him. All the people in my MMR played him as a slow ineffective jungler who maxes helix and then proceeds to buy a vanguard. By the time they buy a blink, they've lost most of their early game effectiveness.

    But the thought of dunking people over and over again was so enticing so I decided to give him a go.

    Yes, I played him as a jungler. Using the tranquils boot trick, I could jungle efficiently between camps without waiting for the 12 second timer and I didn't need to waste any money on consumables like tango or salve. By going 1-2-1 skill build, albeit with a slower jungle, I managed to be useful to team really early on. By rotating frequently to mid or my safe lane to either go for a kill or spam hunger harass, I was able to help both lanes win whilst nabbing an early kill or two. I then proceed to get blink and rotate a lot (something that makes sense but most jungle axes DO NOT do), help my team, pull off nice initiations and dunk the shit out of everyone.

    The hero is pretty fun. Especially when you get lucky with those early spins.

    Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to think of something along these lines, I just feel this should be the way to play jungle axe. Sounds obvious you should play axe this way? Most people don't.


      Well thats the problem with most junglers, they go into the jungle and forget about their team


        The thing is, other junglers scale more and don't do as well early on.

        That Furion or Lycan is going to be way more effective with items as opposed to as an Axe. That Axe is going to turn a lot more fights around as opposed to a Furion.


          just uhh.. be wary of invis units (:


            Yeah, in one of games against Nyx, I was really cautious about it whenever he went off the map. In general though, you just want to obscure the item right beneath your hero. I'm pretty sure getting the Tranq stolen is a rare thing and the pros outweigh the cons.


              used one, drop my tranquil at nc. Puck have invis take my tranquility, bad mood all the whole game.


                You build odd items on axe, but yea you're almost there. The real trick is to not jungle at all on axe. Go offlane and rape their carry into the ground. Whenever you can, agro the creep wave and shove your spins down their throat.


                  Item builds seem weird but I guess if it works it works...proof of the pudding type of thing.

                  I usually build him like so


                    @Flop I had something like that happen to me once, except it was an invis Nyx. :(


                      Only thing I really consider core on him is a blink dagger...everything else is situational...but a bloodstone...what the hell...


                        hell ya bloodstone

                        just spam his ulti over and over again

                        Mortimer Smith

                          Why never mekansm?


                            Because axe doesn't really support and extensive mana pool for mekanism. Its a decent item on him to be sure but you are better off buying items for initiation and durability, the mek might be better off being purchased by someone else.

                            Bloodstone if gotten early enough can help you early/mid and help your team later on if you ever die in the middle of a jump you can heal your surrounding team mates. Keep in mind while not popular the bloodstone has an 85% winrate on axe so it is defo a legitimate purchase.


                              im surprised people dont build it more often

                              lately ive been goin tranq/vguard/blink/pointboost/ghost/aghs/bloodstone

                              honestly a ton of items work well on him tho, dagon5+ult lol

                              even thought about heart/shivas/ac/halberd/manta just for fun...


                                dreamt of a game last night where he was taken out in the second ban phase

                                think the team banning him had a lycan

                                fucking dreams


                                  I just destroyed axe's tranquils with lycan wolves.



                                    stone is only gotten in games where ur team is stomping. on axe ive seen it get picked up as a 3rd/4th item and at that point if u the 5k to blow its usually because the game is a stomp, kinda like DR.

                                    euls is an interesting pickup on him btw

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      I dunno...I think there are just better item pick ups than a bloodstone for a similar price. I mean...if spamming the ult is the goal, Skadi is a better option(on so many more levels than just mana pool). If you're bloodstoning just for the sacrifice...I guess...I mean he IS a support but...I dunno...odd to pick up an item just to kamikaze with.

                                      As for item build I think the only thing I really have set in stone at this point is tranq->Blink, and even then it's cracked as I've been thinking about picking up arcane's to deal with his severe mana problem in mid game. I mean I tried drums last game and it was pretty helpful, but that's quite a bit of farm and definitely an item that falls into the "win more" category(must already be winning and you want to win harder essentially). I don't even consider Vanguard a pick up anymore(too expensive and all it does is make you a little tanky, delays more useful items far too much, especially since I level Q last).


                                        Cyclone Stick!!


                                          tranquils need to be changed again imho ><


                                            AC Deso can make axe a pretty effective semicarry. Halberd can be a useful pickup.
                                            I think people buy Bloodstone on Axe when they buy mana boots for early game and can't bring themselves to sell the point booster. It's honestly not the worst to have so much HP and mana regen, but the guy could really use more armor. It's in the same boat as Vanguard or Heart. You're increasing HP on an already fat hero, when armor is going to be far more 'effective' HP.


                                              i think ur underestimating spell damage and his ability to do significant burst dmg and ignore BKB/grave/borrowtime

                                              not even doom can ignore grave

                                              given the stats on the item page for this month for axe, dagon 3-5, eblade, bloodstone, BoT, aghs all have the top % of winrates.


                                                Ive played axe alot, but I wont say I have any final say in anything, I just might have alot of experience. During my almost 1000 games ive found that itembuilds on axe is basically irrelevant, as long as you can maintain the correct playstyle. You shouldnt worry about axe's farm, axe is the one to worry about others farm, ruin opposite teams farm and you win. Although dunking is fun as hell, this can often lead to you just dunking, if you dont contribute in any other way you have basically just ruined your carrys farm aswell, this temptation must be kept under control!
                                                Ive tried a shitload of different builds but ive found vanguard to be really good lately, with an early vanguard t1 towers pose no threat anymore. But ofc you shouldnt stay in jungle til you get it. Vanguard could be a meka instead but that requires arcaneboots i think.
                                                I like the helix if it's combined with an ealy blink, since blink doesnt really do much on him until youve got some lvls in both helix and "TO MEE!!!" but as many before me has stated it usually takes some junglingtime.
                                                He's awesome offlane, wrecking carrys early, even as solo in pubs. As long as you never sit back and relax with him he's a good hero! Paint yourselves red with warpaint and be as furious as axes should be while playing him and everyone will have a good time :)

                                                phew this ended up being a long text, anyways, that's my cents...


                                                  @Kryptnyt If you're going to build any sort of orb or weird item like that go for the mjolnir and shield yourself with it when going in.

                                                  If you are going to jungle axe then battle hunger axe works so you can help lanes while farming.

                                                  If you are offlane do not put any points into battle hunger till much later.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    Battle hunger is what I max first when I go offlane O.o you can pretty much guarantee it will deal a large amount of damage to the babysitter at the very least.

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