General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game is your fault Outworld. (by 4 pro players)

This game is your fault Outworld. (by 4 pro players) in General Discussion
Just dont feed

    Outword devourer (me) fails:
    -do midas
    -dont have tp sometimes
    -bad positioned aganist void in late

    Outworld devourer fails (by my team):
    - have midas
    -have no farm
    - dont gank
    - u noob
    - why only ganked 2 times
    - ss bloodseker? (pinged it 4 times going bot)
    - gg mid another ss (i told in microphone: shaman blood miss)
    - u feed bloodseker

    My team fails:
    - Darkseer boots on min 15
    - Naga boots on min 8
    - Ember boots on min 11
    - Trilane cant aganis a bloodseker with 4 lasthits and bristelback
    - No wards since min 14
    - Stealing courier and i couldnt get tp to ''gank''
    - Only 4 wards in all game
    - Darkseer and naga siren with vanguard, WHY MEKANSM?
    - Ember bf in 30 min
    - Ember cant do the W+Q for get trapped the enemys
    -Ember maxed W, after it E, and after it Q
    - Naga amazing ults saving all team (oh irony.....)
    - Flaming me cause no ganks and midas all time
    -Loose a trilane

    I get reported by the 4 players and now im muted. :DDDDDDDDDDD

    IDK MB THEY HAVE MORE FAILS, but my net gold was the same than void in the first 20 min

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      Don't think reports stack in same game, so you've probably been accumulating quite a bit of reports over time.

      i left her

        I dont think people know that they dont always win or get good teammates.......qq


          You know, almost every my game lost due to retarded teammates could be won if I had better execution. You should think about it.


            my teammate got a heart before boots and gave me shit still lol

            Just dont feed

              I saw the replay to see my errors, and i had a couple of that but this game was unwinnable.

              King of Low Prio

                most games are unwinnable when u are fucking awful

                Just dont feed

                  Just see 12 min of the replay sampson.