General Discussion

General DiscussionLFP in MMR stack EU

LFP in MMR stack EU in General Discussion

    No intentional broken heroes abuse. Just good dota without inadequate behaviour and rage asses.
    MMR> 4.5. WR>50%
    I am looking for enough smart players who can see what happening in game and how to play in each case.
    P.S. Dont add if ur MMR is low. Also i am really searching for good mid player and offlaner.

    Vanity  ツ

      You're the guy who really loves furion, if I remember rightly.


        ^ Not me. I play it hardly ever...


          I'll play if its EU west only. I'm NA.
          Pretty much a dedicated offlaner / support.

          Questo commento è stato modificato



              guys, i played with him prevoiusly and he deleted me cuz we had only 8 win from 10 games...


                I deleted u, coz u have so much butthurt after loses. It nerves. U play not bad. Dont mind.

                Bloody Hell

                  good offlaner is still needed feel free to add me or reflections


                    I'm a pretty good offlaner. Only 3.5k mmr on this profile atm (3.7k party), but you would be surprised how consistent player i am. Playing with 4k-4.5k mmr players regullary and i'm used playing with a good stack (90%+ winrate). If you're interested just add me and try me out.

                    Bloody Hell

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