Lol at Sven, he would be fucking op shit then.
Kunka is nice, although that stun is kinda big, maybe lets say 1.6 ( 1.8 )?
DK, is also nice, but come on, 40 damage per second? Too much. Maybe make it somewhat like 25 /s and some -regeneration ( it is after all poison )?
Es and slardar, i won't discuss. They are ridiculous .
You've gotta bear in mind that these are intended to be considered viable enough to pickup, I doubt Sven would ever spend 4.2K gold on Aghanims unless it was worth it :P
For the amount of extra armor reduced on that Slardar upgrade, I'd rather have a support buy himself a Medallion of Courage and put some better stats/mobility items on Slardar.
Would a +10% damage taken debuff on enemies be more worthwhile without being completely broken?
My goal in this is creating a scenario when every hero could potentially buy Aghanims, but it not being a core, but it still being worth getting if you know what I mean?
Yeah I get it. But there are some heroes which have an ulti which you can't really upgrade or it would be very difficult to do without either making it completely broken or a complete waste of 4200 gold.
So, for those heroes you have to think outside the box, Slardar would be one. Propose an Aghanim's similar to Nightstalker's or Tinker's which don't really affect their ulti, but the former the hero itself and the latter his first 2 skills.
I'm just focusing on fixing the really shit ones:
Gryo - Buffs dmg and adds a third missle so missles do 400/350/275 dmg and slow by 50%/50%/20%. I think nearly doubling the dmg would make people actually buy it.
Luna - Makes the stun from lucent beam also apply.
Brew - Also makes ult cost zero mana.
Nightstalkers - Make all of his abilities use night time effects and gives night vision during the day except for hunter in the night (that one still only works at night). Late game this has almost no effect anyway since night up time is 83% with his ult at lvl 3, but if you could rush aghs, would make it so he's not garbage day time, but not the op piece of crap his is at night either. Kinda in between.
Pucks - keep same but also reduce cooldown to 30 seconds.
hell ya
i think more should be added to DK... i was thinkin shorter cd or longer duration
Centaur: Ultimate - all level CDs 50 seconds, dmg increase from 1/2/3 to 2.5/3.5/4.5, changes slow to a 1.5 sec stun #notop
Drow: Ultimate - Gives bonus permanently as well as another +30 #notop
Tide: Ultimate - I have no freakin clue
Sniper: Increases range of attack by another 150, Gives another bonus chance to proc a double headshot (25% chance after the 40% chance is succesful)
Bloodseeker: Ultimate - Restores equal amount of dmg dealt by rupture, increases cast range to 1400
DP: Ultimate - Releases 12/21/30 spirits from the previous 4/12/21, increases duration for 15 seconds
Pudge: Ultimate - Additional passive (not retroactive), that steals 2 strength permanently from heroes killed during dismember
Gyro: Ultimate - Remove global. Add an additional missile (3rd) that lands 1 sec after the previous one; deals 150 dmg
Allows attack bonuses such as critical strike, desolator, etc during flak cannon, increases max hits to 9 at all levels
Too overpowered? Probably.
How about these scept upgrade
Lycan. when ult, two direwolves become shapeshift wolves with lesser power.
Razor. two storm cloud with lesser than 1 dmg & ar
Riki. within smoke screen. always invisible no matter what. like slark ult
Sniper. global range. or no cast delay
Spectre. option1. can reality into any spec illusion (rune or manta) . option 2. ult illusions apply a 15% ms debuff
Tiny. a second scept provides a second tree trunk with more cleave dmg lol.
wraith king. upon resurrenction, wk gain +50% ms/as with phase movement, and 100% life steal for 3 sec.
Treant. apply leech effect to ult
rubic. can steal and keep two ability
enchantess. split shoot ult, like medusa
dp. ult ghosts can have flying visions.
bs. remove the ult dmg cap. also gain 10% ms upon ult an enemy
brewmaster. three elements + himself = 4 hero units.
lich. each jump + 10% more dmg
mini stun on lucent beam ulti would be insanely OP
I think most Agh upgrades are worth it with a decreased CD so it can be used every fight ^Void aghs is only doable if you have an Invoker/AA/Natures so void can solokill a hero every min
give agh: to alchemist... 200% ult and lower CD. double gold and double gas, lul.
Hahaha funniest shit I have read in days get LD refresher suddenly 3 bears on the field :D Zoo strat takes a whole new meaning ;)
Bounty hunter Aghas: Turns into Lannister and shits gold
Batrider : Casting Flaming lasso gives additional 150ms. While under this effect he can go beyond maximum ms (522)
Morphling : Replicate also posses the skills of Morphling (without Replicate) and duration from 30/45/60 to 90*
Void : Summons additional illusions for every enemy that is caught on Chronosphere that deals 50% of his dmg and can also proc timelock. + his current Aghs upgrade.
Od : Borrows the Worlds Intelligence and using it on his own Giving him +20/30/40 Int before casting Sanity's Eclipse. (Similiar to Vipers Nethertoxin) Steals 1/2/3 Int from every hero he kills using it.
That LD
How about, LD aghanim's would improve bear's entangle chance to 25%, remove bear's 1100 max range away from LD to attack and bear doesn't die if LD dies first?
Slark. give ulti smoke larger radius, and every ally inside the smoke heal as fast as slark.
Ok how bout mini stun on luna's ult but each target can only be stunned one time? If more beams hit them it just deals dmg.
do the .1 mini stun for every beam, more dmg, more beam count, more beams allowed per unit and make it 250 AOE each beam for the shits
I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm still building dominator -> manta -> butterfly on her anyway
Per favore Accedi per inviare commenti.
After reading the "best/worst aghs upgrades" thread I thought I'd open a discussion on suggestions for new hero upgrades for Aghanims, or changes to current heroes that would make it worthwhile to spend 4200 gold.
Current ideas (would add more as time goes on)
Earthshaker: Keep current buff but change damage type to universal
Sven: Bonus Damage from 100/150/200 to 150/200/250%, doubles cleave % and radius while under effects of ULTI
Kunkka: Damage from 400/500/600 to 500/600/700, Stun duration from 1.4 -> 2
Dragon Knight: All levels of dragon form get upgraded poison damage over time (from 20/s to 30/s)
Slardar: armour reduction from 10/15/20 to 12/18/24 (alternatively, apply 10% extra damage taken debuff to those who have ulti cast on them)
Tidehunter: Damage from 200/325/450 to 300/400/500, stun duration from 2.02/2.32/2.77 to 2.4/2.7/3
Wraith King: Slow applies to enemies upon every death, regardless of Reincarnation activating
Treant Protector: Applies current level of leech seed to every unit caught
Io: Tether now stuns units for 1 second, followed by the slow debuff
Timbersaw: whirling death restores mana equal to 50% damage dealt, chakram deals 0.5/0.75/1% of your current mana in pure damage per second
Centaur Warrunner: duration from 3.75 -> 4, and mini stuns units hit by the stampede
Lone Druid: Removes attack limitation on bear, bear now benefits from attributes
Jakiro: Macropyre applies dual breath debuff to all units caught in the fire (duration refreshed until the leave ultimate aoe)
Luna: Each beam applies a 0.2 second ministun to targets
Mirana: Doubles duration of Moonlight Shadow during night, allows 2 extra starfall "double hit" targets during night