General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me with my MMR plz

Help me with my MMR plz in General Discussion
175058643 | New id

    Hi all
    Im just having a big problem,The thing is im tired of playing with stupid noob 2-3k mmr players and in my first acc i had 3k mmr at first but becuz of some f***ing noobs that buy hand of midas in min 22, now my mmr is 2k there and in my second acc which i had 51% win rate ive got fuc*ing 2k mmr again and im just tired of playing with noobs i just dunno what to do to have a better mmr and play with better players
    Can anyone of you guys tell me an advise or sth to help me get higher mmr?


      You are 2k mmr and play with noobs,means also that you are a same noob like them. Advice is watch replays of better players,read guides watch your own replays catch mistakes and improve by yourself. Nobody can help you to boost mmr but yourself.


        I think I might make a guide on how to get out of the trench. I've been playing solo ranked for a little bit now and some of my first games I had 4 Brazilians on my team who all picked carry. It's pretty much as simple as being the only ward bitch, pinging a lot to set up kills (since they don't speak any fucking English), and then figuring out who's the actual best bet for a carry and trying your hardest to feed them.

        Watch this match, , I do pretty much all those things I said before. Nobody on my team spoke English I just figured out that our Sven was decent.

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          You dropped around 1k mmr and then got calibrated at 2k and blame your team mates?


            if u want i can play your acc up to 5k :D
            but only party mmr
            i hate playing solo :D


              advice ?
              sure pudge picker

              Steef 2.0

                Watch every replay, you can speed it up even. Watch professional team games. You ended up twice in 2k MMR, Now it is time to better yourself.

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                  As Nice as I can say You aren't good enough to carry teammates at 2k so at most you are a little higher than calibrated
                  Take a brake from the game, enjoy and stop caring about mmr till u get better


                    watch my replays and you can get on my level one day, maybe.


                      ^Not impressive for almost 3k games


                        stop being shitty at dota and then complain about shitty teammates


                          - 35% winrate
                          - not my fault
                          - getting SF ult at level 6
                          - wat

                          how do you lose 1k mmr from one person buying a late midas. you don't. fyi the game can sometimes calibrate you higher than your actual skill level. just cos you get put at 3k after 10 games doesn't mean you're a 3k player. if you lose 1k mmr then you're playing badly [/i]consistently[/i] enough to lose 25 more games than you've won.

                          if you want to get better, watch your replays and see what you could've done better. watch player perspective.
                          check your skill build

                          show me some of your games and I can probably notice mistakes just by looking at the scoreboard + skill build, even before I watch the game.
                          maybe you levelled up a skill too slowly and you didnt have enough damage
                          check your item build - were there better items you could have gotten
                          last hitting
                          were you playing too scared because enemies were missing
                          did you die because you were too greedy and got ganked


                            By the way 25 games is massive even on an insane luck streak 1k mmr is crazy change


                              My problem is that my teammates aren't good enough to carry me to victory. Why do they have to be as bad as me?!

                              I really would like to increase my mmr as well. But one of the problems I've found is that everyone sucks (including me). What this means is that I can only play against baddies and so I feel I'm learning bad habits and such. Sure these habits might work in my ranked games but that doesn't mean it's good play. I try to watch as much competitive as I can and I like watching people stream themselves playing dota. I've been winning a good deal lately but it's been slow although that is partially because I don't usually have time between school and such to play a lot of solo queue.

                              Don't want to hijack the thread but I figure it's relevant; what else can I do to improve and also make sure I don't pick up bad habits? Watching my own replays helps but it's like proofreading your own paper, you can't pick up all the mistakes because it's your own paper and you're used to your writing. I also do like to mess around sometimes. I don't always tryhard.


                                Just play your best game and I promise you, if you are a good player, your mmr will go up 500 over ~50 games no problem. Just don't judge the performance of the teammates and do your best. If you lose, you lose. But you will win way way more often.

                                I repeat, focus on YOUR game.

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                                  i just find it funny that some people here telling the guy he sucks yet they suck themselves :[

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                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                    Ez guide on how-to get 4k+ MMR in solo queue

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                                      McStappy: He sucks compared to most (if not all) of the people here. You don't get 35% winrate just because of crappy teammates.

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                                        doesnt mean you have to talk shit to him unless youre 5k mmr then feel free to


                                          If he comes on here and complains about shitty teammates with a 35% winrate he gives everyone on here a reason to flame him.

                                          I honestly don't care if someone's bad or not, but when someone is bad and they blame everyone but themselves then I care.


                                            you're shit
                                            just learn to play


                                              Am I the only one that thinks that the "get to 4k MMR" guides are kinda dumb? It's like saying: "Play a snowball hero and don't die"

                                              Just play what you like, don't get worked up about bad teammates and enjoy your time, I don't know. I find it personally funny when people start raging in games and I'm very chill. Sometimes people just don't notice that they're just doing as bad as you and start calling you out over their mistakes.

                                              And if you end up getting to 4k MMR through this way and start playing what you supposedly would play normally you'll probably have just as much as a hard time as before. I mean... these guides can be followed by everyone, right?


                                                Let me or noobi play on your acc