General Discussion

General DiscussionAbbadon wasn't broken enough ?

Abbadon wasn't broken enough ? in General Discussion

    I rarely make these kind of threads but there is clearly one hero OP as fuck now. With his first spells you can avoid 250 (or more don't remember) damage and give them back to the ennemy in a zone, so it can make 1k dammage difference if 3 ennemy are around with one spell. In 6.81 you will avoid 35% damage to your allies when under ulti with agh.

    I though they would finally nerf him but no they buffed fim.

    Last time I played abbadon I chased drow from his t1 to under his t3 and killed her that's how stupid the hero is.

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      sadly have to agree. however, he can still be locked down.

      game is bad

        Get Euls or OD. When his thing goes on, Euls or astral him to eat up the time.


          im really lovin this buff tho
          i already liked him to begin with
          now he's gonna be a beast lmao


            Except you need to buy that 4200 scepter to make use of his this buff. It's better then MoM / Basher I think.

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              abaddon op? you mean that melee support with no disable who only fits into situational drafts?

              Dire Wolf

                He's a weird tweener, he is sorta a tank, sorta carry, not really support, no disables. He's a lot like axe minus taunt. Which isn't really that good. People lose to him cus they don't know what to do with him and focus him. I don't really mind the buff.


                  he was op? rofl
                  so he could shield and heal allies in the cost of his own hp

                  his ult was so op huh? it'd be sad if ppl just stop attacking him as soon as he pops his ult :D

                  anyway just like lich i doubt that abbadon will have the guts to go for a aghs on a high tier game. by the point he does, the game is already over


                    Well Abba is good early and his shield/heal is really big early, maybe mid-game, but lategame he just sucks. And, even with ult he is right-clicked to death. It doesnt matter if he dies 5 seconds later, imo. And, I don't think its hard to NOT focus him under ult. Sure, the Agha upgrade seems powerful but, still, support abba will not have the money for it. For Carry Abba, I don't think its worth a slot.


                      I agree with Mark but he's not really a carry either. He lies somewhere near Omniknight and Tidehunter in terms of "I need levels at the very least, but hey, if I get some farm I can be useful as well."
                      I think you will still want mek and mana boots before you turn to aghs. I don't think that the Aghs is even always worth it over a Shiva's Guard or a Pipe, but it is cool that it makes manual activation of his ulti worthwhile.


                        he's great for defensive line ups

                        and u can still build him as a carry

                        now his aghs is more than viable imo
                        it'd be great for push lineups if someone else can do all the warding/bitch support
                        35% dmg reduction in 900 aoe is pretty significant along with heroes like tide/spec/omni (10 second global ult on every ally unit including buildings? THE FK)

                        also interested to see if there'll be lots of lich + tree since u can cast armor on buildings now
                        gonna be hilarious tryin to watch someone backdoor

                        what "makes" him seemingly op is just his shield, cause it's a super debuff, and unlike repel pre 6.81, it wouldn't take off positive buffs
                        with the relatively short CD, and being able to make a 5 second arrow turn into a .5 second arrow, or making a fiend's grip look like a brain sap. i wish they made his death coil cd a lil shorter :9

                        also since enemies don't prioritize you much, you can just avoid atking and get tranqs, soulring + spam coil til wit's end

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Everyone got it wrong it seems. What Aghs on Abba does is healing him for the %35 of the amount your allies in 900 AoE took. So it's like a selfish upgrade.


                            Yea Sam, ppl think his ult will reduce by 35% the amount of dmg his team takes, and convert it into healing. But thats not the poing. Instead, 35% of all the damage done to his teammates will going to heal him, so thats basically the same shit.. you just will have to kill his mates first (which already happens lulz).


                              It redirects 35%, meaning your allies don't take that damage. It's not selfish

                              Miku Fan

                                Yes, it redirects the damage to Abaddon.


                                  Hva er ratinga de, DUke?


                                    Abbadon has the third wr for something he's good. The only reason people don't realise how good, is because he's too boring to play with.

                                    I laugh at people that say you don't need to focus him in team fight but with this update he will just activate his ultimate when his allies are attacked and offer them a 35% damage reduction for free. This thread show that players don't even know how his ultimate works before they play him and realise how easily you can win with.

                                    Go to t3 activate ulti and either their team will fight with 35% damage less or lose their tower.

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                                      If what sam said was right, 4200 useless gold then. Bye bye abadon hope.


                                        Aghanim's Scepter Borrowed Time now REDIRECTS 35% of all damage dealt to nearby allied heroes to Abaddon when active.

                                        Doesn't this mean the 35% of the damage any ally in 900AoE gets reduced by this %? Aka he absorbs 35% of the damage in 900AoE?

                                        Abaddon, Venge, Shadow Feed new strat - dmg strat op wow much cool


                                          You guys are just clueless. 4200 gold isn't easy to come by for an Abaddon. And if that Abaddon is playing a supportive role, there are much more favorable items that he would want to grab before ever thinking about an Aghs.

                                          Just because you kill players at the shit MMR you're at doesn't mean the hero is overpowered.


                                            sebastian whr ar u from

                                            manic pixie ass man

                                              l0l this thread

                                              - he doesn't have fast farming tools to get an aghs unless he's ur carry, in which case get a radiance u fool
                                              - if he's your support, then he would much rather carry mek/pipe/necbook
                                              - he still has 0 disable

                                              don't get me wrong, i love me some abaddon..but he's not OP at all.

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!