General Discussion

General DiscussionBrew builds

Brew builds in General Discussion
casual gamer

    What do you guys get on him? Where do you lane him? Do you max haze before DB, get 1 point early, or go 4-0-4?

    If I mid I'm fine on regen with bottle-phase-drum, but if i'm safelane I run out of mana in the mid-game. Should I be replacing my drums with a vlads (in safelane)? Or do I buy a soul ring or smth

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      I usually lane him offlane, sometimes safelane but mostly not mid.

      Brown boots, only if required an upgrade.
      My most general core looks like this

      blink, wand/stick, boots, basilus, bracer, tp (if great early farm maybe a midas)
      And then depending on the situation.
      Since agha barely increases DPS and the pure utility of the aghs is not needed i get drums,vlads, ac
      if needed i get it ofc but lategame you should have 5 slots reserved namely for blink boots agha vlad and ac
      provides great team utility. Last one depends on game, mostly hex, refresher or mjollnir for me

      What boots to get when ?

      Arcane ? if you feel your manapool is not sufficient
      Phase ? If you need extra dps early
      Treads ? If you want to abuse treads swapping early and/or for mid and lategame gives great dps during fights and for farming periods
      Tranqs ? meh
      Bots ? Self explanatory

      What skillbuild ?
      4-4-1-2 vs 4-1-4-2

      Drunken haze oder drunken brawler ?
      Drunken haze ? Provides you with great survivabitly though has to be casted however makes a hero which is reliant on his physical dps up to useless. great for chasing, gives you the chance to deal extra damage over time.

      Drunken brawler ? Passivly provides you with survivability and dps. By chance gives you more dps over a shorter period of time. Is passive.

      I prefer haze in most scenarios however if the game turns out to be defensive you rather get crit to go a little quicker from camp to camp.

      Any other questions ?

      casual gamer

        Do you ever go rad? Is it worth getting late or only as a rushed item


          Radiance is a great item on brew. As the Earthspirit is not that easily killed in teamfights its around 19*50 = 950 - 25% = 737,5dmg over the duration of the ultimate which is of course great.
          However you're primary target is to get your blink and after that you rather want to get the fast utility which makes the game very hard to win for the opponent, aka vlad ac aghs due to your team being unkillable and such.

          Don't get me wrong its a great item and it does its purpose quiet well however I consider other items more gamebreaking by experience.
          Also ive tried the no blink dagger build and It just feels way stronger having the blink making you able to solo hero and makes sure you can instantly blink out once your ultimate ends.

          But of course its always personal preference and experience! If something works for you and you enjoy it, why not stick to it ? :p

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            ^ whataniceguy

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

     you do like this. Only game I won in a while.