General Discussion

General DiscussionHow did Spiritbreaker die out?

How did Spiritbreaker die out? in General Discussion

    If you honestly stop to think about it, the only real significant nerf was his ulti no longer being magic immune. Was that really all it took to turn Space Cow into Space Junk??

    And that 0.2 BAT nerf is honestly not that big of a deal considering SB was considered OP for his early game, not his late game.

    Vanity  ツ

      His ultimate was nerfed really hard and it was not only by making him not magic immune during cast. E.g your ultimate wont go off if you lose vision over the unit you're going to cast it on, something which I find very frustrating.


        The nerf + doesn't fit meta + people just know how to play around it.

        King of Low Prio

          he pretty much has to walk into the face of the enemy team then gives them a million years to react to his ulti. This is why he can still work in pubs (because people are slow as hell to react) but not against competent opponents

          Dire Wolf

            Dude the tiniest changes have huge dota impacts. Look at razor last patch, measly .6 str gain per level and his win rate goes up 5%. Void barely got buffed at all, he got improve turning rate I mean wtf?!? and his win rate went up. So yeah, those small changes can be a huge deal. Dazzle lost a mini stun at the start of one skill and he went down quite a bit.


              "And that 0.2 BAT nerf is honestly not that big of a deal considering SB was considered OP for his early game, not his late game."

              It makes a big deal in the early game, because without treads you don't attack remotely fast, and then with treads, you're basically the same as a SB with brown boots pre nerf. So rather than having 3

              This makes a difference when your attack time now is longer than your stun so it's actually possible for people to get away whereas prior to the change, you were much more likely to continuously bash someone so they couldn't do anything. A late game skill such as bash should not be proccing that reliably in the early game with no added attack speed whatsoever.

              If you think that BAT doesn't make a difference, look at how good Anti Mage and Terrorblade's attack times and their attack animations are in the early game with basically no items.


                I just used him.

                Sniper was 0-6 and enemy Invoker was 10-0. I shit you not. We still won. I still feel he's strong lol and bloody simplistic to use.

                EDIT: I somehow feel its the impression that SB has been nerfed to oblivion that caused his drop in popularity. Twice in the game I couldn't ulti due to losing sight. That bothered me a bit. The actual BAT didn't affect me much(?). I didn't even notice it. But yeah, ultimate nerf makes bkb core.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  but why do they even nerf Bara?


                    because he was dominating pubs. it's not the first time where a hero's been nerfed because of it's pub winrate

                    centaur, drow and I think treant had really high pub winrates before they got nerfed.


                      He got nerfed so badly, his agi gain and base agi got nerfed too much he right click so slow now that he's trash. A lvl 1 legion should beat a lvl 6 bara using only right click. And his ulti got nerfed too badly, too easy to avoid. I love the hero but a lvl 10 that has stats from a standard lvl 1 carry can't be good enough to be played.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        how would a level 1 legion beat a level 6 SB? what are you basing this claim on

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          He thinks SB hits once in 5 seconds or something. But seriously, he has always been easy to deal with, mostly because of the wide usage or wards and good TP reactions. Also his ulti was the best thing about his ganking, it got nerfed in a very bad way. They just needed to make him a little more squishy with less base STR or less starting armor. Or just don't nerf him. Seriously, Pudge is raping pubs as well, why not nerf him then?


                            Because Pudge have a skillshot. And Bara doesnt. And still most Pudges suck :P


                              Most pudges doesn't suck. However your Pudge does suck.
                              Bara was fine as he was imo, however I only play bara as support so he've been fine for me (lately, post nerfs).

                              When enemy picks something like Tinker, I simply go support bara and charges him early as fck without prob because of how tanky I am.
                              Rather nerfs his tankiness indeed.


                                He was at a point where he was just rediculously good, just had so much initial burst damage that you could not react to, but now that any stun will stop his ulti he's less good. Considering the frequency of Cold Scnapps in games, you're going to not have a good time.



                                  Just make the test. They nerfed bara base agi and agi gain so his attack speed is too slow, he's not even good mid anymore because he hardly last hit well. I speak of the 6.79 change btw. Don't listend noobs like Sam.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                  harvard graduate

                                    0.2 increase in BAT is huge for a hero, which you mainly build for tons of attack speed. After all I think people just got tired of the hero. It's the same as Bristleback and Death Prophet, they used to stomp pubs in January-February like no tomorrow and are rarely ever seen today. People copy what pros do and listen to forums like these that tell them to pick Lycan/Ursa/Batrider every game and win.


                                      Sam has 5700+ MMR while you're a high bracket trash rofl

                                      I think dotabuff needs a policy where they attach your solo + party MMR to your profile so intelligent people can weed through the shitposts. I mean I've seen some 3k players make some good points but it's pretty rare, something that hardly surprises me

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        ^ Who cares the dude has 17 games with spirit breaker over more than 3k games, so it's like if I talked about a hero I played once. If you think his agi nerf do nothing you're a complete moron 1kmmr or 9k mmr. Even at his prime spirit breaker wasn't a a good late game carry, now he can't even jungle correctly due to his low attack speed.

                                        The fact he say 'SB attack once in 5 seconds' prove he don't know the hero.


                                          It's not like you picked SB because you needed a late game carry anyway...


                                            He's not good early too, so he has a very small interval where he's useful. Before the nerf he was some kind ok. But if he's as good as you say just play 100 games streak with him because he's definitely a funny hero.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              agi nerf? his base attack time got nerfed, not his agility. there is a noticable difference.


                                                yeah he got fucked even badly.


                                                  obviously he was exaggerating but his point is still correct; a BAT nerf for a hero who needs to proc bashes is huge


                                                    what everyone else said

                                                    multiple nerfs

                                                    fell out of push meta


                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      that 1 second cast delay on nether strike basically caused bara his downfall.

                                                      instant netherstrike is his bread and butter!


                                                        wow 38th most played. He was like 2nd at one point right?


                                                          I liked the hero back in the days, cause it was fun to play and gank the shit out of opponents. Played him once a bit back after the nerfs and he's just not that good anymore. Maybe he had too much hp at the start, but other things were ok. Now he needs so much more to be effective, it's a shame.