General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long will it take for omni to appear in pro matches

How long will it take for omni to appear in pro matches in General Discussion
Señor Mango

    Ive been playing him and i can tell ya, his laning phase sux but, with well excuted heals and repels he keeps his allies alive long enough for the fights to turn in favor for his team
    Thoughts? Items that work best with him in whatever role?
    General hero healing thread

    Low Expectations

      Where would you lane him? Spectra has poor laning stage yet she is used. The problem is that omni is meant to be a support but requires farm aswell as levels, has poor laning stage and is overall an extremly defensive hero. For him to work the entire team has to be drafted around him. There are other healers that offer much of the same but are alot more useful with less items (for ex. Dazzle)


        i think omnis best spell is repel during mid game, not his heal. his ulti is his best late game ability.

        The issue is that current meta is not forgiving for bad early game lineups


          Hard to lane him

          Señor Mango

            Honestly spectre/omni lane is one fucking defensive lane
            I tend to offlane omni with slark or another hero with awesome dmg output for omni to pwn with
            Ive been playing a lot and i have gotten used to timing his heals,repels which is key to turning fights becuz if u look at the enemy b4 they cast anything u throw the repel and u notice how the enemy cast animation gets blocked forcing the player to either back off or hesistant on finding another target to casta spell on

            Señor Mango

              If u want to take a look at my past omni games go ahead
              I build him as a hard support and i have been on point with timing his spells

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              Señor Mango

                I also tend to roam with an ally as omni during the mid/late game
                Ursa/omni brewmaster/omni (farmed) alch/omni
                So its much better to roam with str heros becuz of their durability.
                As dazzle, id say he can roam with anyone essentially agi/int becuz he grants the durability but not a lot of dmg output


                  damn i didnt know you were pro

                  Dire Wolf

                    Omni plus axe? You'd need a lot of range/disable to hurt them.

                    Señor Mango

                      @mark ohoho axe/omni is super scary

                      Jorges Sanz

                        Omni may be viable in two situations

                        1. Dagger heavy aggressive lineups to fully utilize repel (i.e. Sladar)
                        2. Pushing lineups with decent sustain

                        Personally, i dont think the current trend favours solo mid Omni(which is usually how he is played out), especially with the likely resurgence of Kotl + Image carriers (PL, Morph, Naga). Aghs Kotl recalling images every 15 secs can be gamebreaking.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                        Señor Mango

                          Haha ive mid with omni b4
                          I laugh becuz the only reason i mid was becuz qop was the enemy mid
                          And with the repel she did no dmg to me wats so ever and wasted her mana allowing me to right clickher to death


                            He's a great counter to heroes like Legion Commander if she ever becomes a problem. He works a lot like pugna though. Situational.


                              Omni should go well on a aggressive trilane built arround weaver. With weaver, aa, omni you can dish out tons of damage. Weaver sukuchis in, heal on her, hit with chillingtouch, repel by omni. Enemy can't stop weaver from hitting. Ez kills.

                              But this is more like a cheese strat. You can replace omni with abba or try to replace the aa with abba. Also omni, slark with some other stuff should do well (at least in pubs). For competitive he is too weak.


                                dislike omni as a support a lot. he requires too much farm/levels to be effective.

                                offline, or mid even and carry it through.


                                  i like omni as carry not support... i remember he was an imba mid too so if he's gonna appear it may be naga mid role playstyle

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