General Discussion

General DiscussionAnything I could have done to save this game?

Anything I could have done to save this game? in General Discussion

    Not sure what i could have done to help team win, we have a great start but then we lost momentum

    replay analysis would be greatly appreciated


      You guys didnt push at all, almost none tower dmg. You did most tower dmg on your team as Jakiro, that says a lot. Also Jugger was quite farmed, still he did very low hero dmg (i guess he was afk farming) and its hard to win the game that way.


        Do not pick supports with 2-4k mmr , cus carrys don`t have idea how to lasthit creeps.


          ^ what hurricane said about not pushing enough. You all should have a good 4v5 advantage early-mid game when doom is busy jungle farming. That dire line up has a rather scary mid to late game potential hence I would ask the team to push immediately after 1-3 kills or a smoke gank. Alchemist and doom both need a lot of farm to get where they are now. Other thing is no lifesteal on juggernaut. After he ults and spins..he can't go 1v1 with alchemist or a doom because he lacks lifesteal i mean get a vlads on juggernaut.

          I think the game was lost because of the matchup from juggernaut..he tends to fall off late game..if he can't go toe to toe with the other team's carry after using his ult and spin.

          Luna should've gone BKB first to survive against dire with a lot of disables and nukes. After 35 mins, invest in a gem to deward and cut off map vision for the dire if you're able to afford one as a support.

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