General Discussion

General DiscussionOk. I m done I need motivation

Ok. I m done I need motivation in General Discussion

    4-5 months ago I was like 4700-5000 mmr all the time,than somehow I droped alot. And last 2-3 months I m like 4200-4550 ( Atm 4320 )

    Dunno why I played better 5 months ago than now tho, I think I have more knowlege and everything but probably my mechanic and decision making was better or smth I have no idea, I m just making every single game so many mistakes which I see but I m still making them. Also I pick instant alot when I wanna play smth and opposite team counter pick me hard and I just don`t care, so ofc I have low impact in game. This bracket atm is hurting me games are so bad and players are just disaster but I m also disaster I have no idea why I play like 4400 scrubs. I must change this I must get my 5k back. Give me some motivation boys to play better.. please

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      cos you played as imba slark who need only 2 buttons to use


        ^ You make yourself dumb with your comment,even more cus your 1. hero is also Slark


          I've been on the same road as you, so here is my thought:

          Since we both played with and much better players before, and then got a shit as lose streak.
          We got frustrated, mad, annoyed and lost all motivation to take DotA as serious as we did before.
          Thus, when we see other do a stupid mistake, we get mad and stop playing.

          I actually had something good to write, but I forgot what cause I'm talking with rl friend while writing so it, yeh. I lost it.

          However when you look at the bad things only, you start playing worse yourself. After 6.81 I think I have like 30 or 40% winrate, this patch made me a worse player it seems. Althugh I've put a lot of thinking into my games lately, so I'll prob return back as soon as 6.82 hits.=)


            ^ My top 4 most played heroes in 6.81 are all 60% + but I m fucking losing so much with other heroes which I was winning before for example.

            47 Brood

            14 Wk

            13 Mirana

            11 Spectre


              calibrated at 4700 5 months ago

              all my accounts are around 4500 solo right now (but i can still claim the 5k privilege cuz i have 5043 party, through duo queuing, not 3 or 5 stacking)

              some people i talked with said they stopped playing for a few months after ranked came out and after the grace period, they got 5k.

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                the proper way to improve is to have the attitude that every little thing matters

                did u miss that uncontested creep kill? focus and time ur last hits better

                did u evade a gank but was forced back to fountain with low hp? acquire better map awareness

                (notice in the last question, evading a gank by itself is already a 'good' play, but you can play even better and not lose 80% of ur hp pool and waste a minute walking back to fountain)

                did ur allies die and the other team's heroes are all on red hp and on the retreat? carry a tp scroll and react faster

                did u miss out on a kill because you didn't take into account regen/wand/etc.? check opponents' inventories next time

                i whine and qq to zenoth whenever my team sucks so i'm kind of a hypocrite for saying this but just remember that a better player would win at least some of the games you lost and thus acquire a higher rating

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                    because he plays casual with his friends? i asked him about it before. btw i would like to elaborate on how party mmr = shit because matchmaking doesn't discern the difference between party mmr and solo mmr.

                    take this for example; game has average rating of 4.5k. one team has 5 solo queuers and enemy team has a stack of 2 and a stack of 3. which team is more likely to win?

                    lol its known mm's main focus is balancing mmr and by the laws of probability by being in a stack, you will always have an edge over your opponents. if you wanna argue about that then i apologise because a majority of players in the dotaverse will agree party mmr = inaccurate.

                    don't delude yourself.


                      how about stop making shit threads and get a life, you're playing 24/7 and still 4k mmr, are you trying to be a pro doto player? cuz you're failing really hard

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                        have you considered the possibility that you are just not as good as you think you are. i was at 4800 at some point and i am now at 4500, i just take it that 4500 is my mmr when i dont always pick my best heroes



                          MMR becomes MORE accurate over a wide sample of games. Slowly dropping clearly implies something.


                            ^If you drop 3-600 mmr in a row, what does that mean?


                              learn to control yourself and never go greedy picks. stick to small pool of heroes that you're effective with. I was 3800 a month ago and now I have same mmr as you.


                                u do realize i was being sarcastic right? i don't think playing in a party is necessarily harder or easier because you get matched up against/with stacks regardless

                                if u drop 300-600 mmr in a row that means u either played worse or ur mmr was inflated due to having good luck (i.e. valve MM putting retards on the other team), abusing OP heroes, etc. and the system is simply correcting it

                                additionally there's no reason to consider calibration MMR to be fully accurate - some people were calibrated around the same value as mine but are now over 5500.

                                i don't see what's hard to understand - the odds of having retards on ur team is the same as the odds of having retards on the other team (and then there's you...of course). if u don't improve at all u will gain or lose mmr just based off the randomess of the MM system.

                                people wonder why their MMRs are being "held down" but never consider the possibility that they get win streaks due to retards on the other team. the only constant factor is YOU.

                                u can just regain ur sanity and stop worrying about this bullshit. have fun, learn the game more, and your MMR will eventually increase.

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                                  @luxon thats tryharding i.e. playing your best heroes. you will find your mmr in jeopardy once you start playing heroes outside that small pool

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                                    i randomed like 8 games in a row on my other account and won all of them. your hero choice doesn't matter nearly as much as your execution.

                                    if some of u guys would learn even 1-2 supports instead of restricting yourself to playing carry only "because my team is awful" mb u would win more games due to fewer role conflicts. i don't think this thought has ever occurred to someone like bogi but that's hardly surprising


                                      anyways i already explained that i was being facetious but wizard's logic is shitty anyways: "lol most people agree party mmr is inaccurate"

                                      i'm sure lots of people believe in ghosts and spirits and demons too

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        i played against bogi a few days ago, i think it was 8 am or something right after i got home from work and i fed nonstop with buybacks until i was 0/12/0 or something

                                        in the end i actually won because that bracket is full of shitters and if you truly belong at 5k, you should be able to win 1vs9 regardless.
                                        p.s i only fed because vengeful took double damage rune at 00:00 and kept crying that "no kill sf, veri hard ebat cyka", that shit pisses me off and he apologized for being a dumb cunt when i died 10 times

                                        this was one out of two times i've played against bogi, i had him against me and he ragequit/abandoned.

                                        sub 5k bracket is fun sometimes

                                        ICE SKULL

                                          oh actually clock was crying and i felt bad because he seemed like a good guy, i confused him with vengeful


                                            @yikes, if you were being sarcastic then I apologise and take any aggression I gave back.

                                            But party stack still has edge over solo. Because being in a party stack doesn't mean you get matched against party stacks. It does not.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              i wish dota 2 didnt have solo/party bullshit :< should be one rating only it would clear up a lot of things thats wrong with this mmr


                                                I have a direct correlation to in which the more I fap the worse I play in Dota...I dont fucking know why but its fucking true......I didn't fap for the past few days and my mechanics suddenly improve and i make way less mistakes with better apm and shit weird like that


                                                  i dont get it how do u even manage to lose mmr

                                                  i keep trying to throw games on purpose to go bellow 5k but i always bounce back to atleast 5.5k it seems like i can't get any lower than 5.5k no matter how hard i try to throw (hence i dont ruin into fountains on purpose every single game cuz its booring)


                                                    ^SHUT THE FUCK UP FUCKING SLARK PICKER MOTHER FUCKER RETARDED CUNT NIG!!!!


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                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      dangdang plz lets go fish very strong fish make good muscles

                                                      Mikkei Combine

                                                        funny, I went to 4700 to 4k from throwing, but now I have gotten it up to 4600 in a win streak. But i still have the hardest trouble getting from 3700-3900 on a different account. Explanation? I really think there is a giant lukc factor along with attitude that goes with it.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          you're actually a 3k mmr player, you bought 2 accounts i believe (this one being the second account you paid for) and you are paying for MMR boosting services

                                                          thats the explanation, yeah


                                                            Play to improve, not for the numbers.


                                                              i watched the replay wave mentioned. he did feed intentionally cuz venge was retarded but still came back cuz the other team was walking around doing nothing. bogi's team got raxed at around 22 despite having a huge resource advantage early game which just goes to show that even if u throw hard u can still win if ur truly skilled/competent enough

                                                              obviously the other team is going to point fingers at each other and blame teammates but it is in fact all their faults. instead of saying "my [x player] is autistic" or "my team is full of monkeys" how about "we are all autistic?" once u accept that everyone (including you) is awful at this game, you can move upwards because you + 4 retards is going to win against 5 retards over a long series of games (whereas 5 retards vs 5 retards...and you're going to be stuck)

                                                              the "getting noobs" argument doesn't even apply till you hit something like 5400 MMR when ur going to be better than the rest of ur team most of the time

                                                              not pushing ur advantage is a huge game losing factor. if in fact u cannot even win against a team where one player was throwing intentionally (wave) then u deserve to be in the 4k bracket. i don't care how good your k/d/a or ur creep score is, the only thing that matters is whose throne/tree endures longer.

                                                              wave was flaming bogi obviously but if bogi didn't have a huge ego he could learn from losses such as these and get 5k eventually.

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                                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                                I need a real explanation. But I do love when you talk dirty to me.

                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  just uninsall, u suck

                                                                  Mikkei Combine

                                                                    Anyways, the moral of the story is, your attitude and the people you play with are what really ruins games. Ive seen games ruined in 5k because of peoples attitude. But in 3k almost everyones attitude is quick GG. Just ask arteezy he knows the feeling.

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      the moral of the story is ur fucking stupid

                                                                      if im wrong please correct me

                                                                      Mikkei Combine

                                                                        I've heard about plenty of buying account trash talk but mmr boosting? thats a new one.

                                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                                          I never thought i might ever write this but.......

                                                                          wave is right LeL


                                                                            the moral of the story is ur fucking stupid

                                                                            if im wrong please correct me
                                                                            SO FUCKIN BIG ROFL XD!

                                                                            Wave, I used to fish a lot when I was younger, especially in sweden! GIDDE/GEDDE/GJEDDE, you know?
                                                                            Was extremely fun, should prob start fishing again, wohooo!

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                              go watch the replay, the booster is 6k+mmr
                                                                              his friends 5.2k on the other side throwing game hard @min 0 by suiciding chicken and rush tower dive


                                                                                those 2 retards, the game was worst than account buying faggot playing with me!

                                                                                Mikkei Combine

                                                                                  Well none of you think anyone is right. Regardless of how you feel, (which is nothing) you just agree what everyone else is saying for the sake of fitting in with the crowd. you'd be damned to even step foot outside and think for yourself. No I would never trust someone with my account to mmr boost.

                                                                                  Also who the hell is this S O E A S Y person?

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                                                                                    ^Do you think anybody cares about you?
                                                                                    ^Your mmr?
                                                                                    ^How hard you suck?

                                                                                    No, nobody does. However, everybody hates you, your attitude and you existence.

                                                                                    Mikkei Combine

                                                                                      No I don't think anyone cares about me, but that is an empty comment cause people still pay attention to people they don't care about it cause its human nature. I don't care about mmr either which is why i have multiple accounts so i can do different shit on each account (no they are not bought).

                                                                                      How hard I suck? I think everyone here in this forums is pretty top notch bad.
                                                                                      Also, what is so wrong with my attitude that you don't like?


                                                                                        I don't want to put out your fire here Bogi but the highest you have been was 4607, I don't remember a time you were ever 5k.

                                                                                        Mikkei Combine

                                                                                          Havoc coming out with the exact mmr haha.



                                                                                            I can confirm what Havoc says

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                                                                                              Havoc why you got to do this :(

                                                                                              "i dont care about mmr" - Hael.

                                                                                              lmfao says the guy who buys accounts and complains on dotabuff about how their games suck and that elo hell exists.
                                                                                              Also, people pay attention to you cause you're entertainment. You're here for us to laugh at you.


                                                                                                LMAO AT WHAT HAVOC SAID ROFL ROFL

                                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                                  I remember seeing Bogi @ ~4880. But ... yeah ... it's like he holds a big sign above his head saying 'please troll me'.

                                                                                                  Girl with beautiful face

                                                                                                    Lol'd at the Hael joining this thread.

                                                                                                    Go buy new account.

                                                                                                    .  .

                                                                                                      Lol noobs still thinking that anything is relevant.
                                                                                                      It doesn't fucking matter whether you are good or bad. The fate of the game is decided by 4 players on your team. If you leave afk min1 you have the same 50/50 chance to win. It doesn't matter if you play 10/0 in first 15 minutes, also it doesn't matter if you play 0/5 in 3 minutes because everyone at every mmr is super retarded and it all comes down to who is less retarded. Nobody ever wins because they are good, they win because enemies were bad and they simply get lucky.
                                                                                                      Also what I've noticed is that valve puts up losing players in my team almost every game(let's say overall winrates of each player is less than enemies by 3 percent, 0 hero damage, ruiners etc.). And guess the result? Of course that enemy pudge who was 0/3 against me in 5 mins goes 15/3 during next 10 mins.
                                                                                                      I have a hypothesis, since I flame nonstop and get reported nonstop valve intentionally puts me up with that and the cycle goes on.
                                                                                                      One more thing. Valve intentionally puts up bogitrashes who went from 4k to 4.5k against players who went from 5k to 4.5k and think that they are equal in skill and here's your forced 50/50 explained. It's just impossible that a 4k player learned so much to be on par with 5k player after a lose streak.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!