General Discussion

General Discussionsniper with blink dagger legit?

sniper with blink dagger legit? in General Discussion

    I tend to go blink dagger on sniper because in my opinion, it gives him that chase ability and generally IMHO, gives me a chance to position myself safe in teamfights... what is your reasoning about this? or is shadow blade better?



      lolz i was sniper, i remember i boosted it from 4.4k to 4.7k, when waga ganked me mid once he reached lvl 6, i got suspicious of the mmr in that game since i can just random and go mid with any hero and win in sub 5k


        lol hahhahah i suck

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          why blink dagga when he can sb? if you need better position force staff would do better, you might actually get 1-2 more ults in.


            olschool build and still legit


              you can't even compare sb to blink, buy some detection and sb is useless

              sb's only use is making people buy detection actually

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              Pom Pom 🍕

                shadow blade is more of a ganking item. It helps you go into someone's jungle past observers to gank someone farming there. Sniper is not a good ganker though, he just needs to farm and stay behind his whole team in fights. If he needs positioning then blink is a lot better, because it is instant and has long range too. If you want the speed from shadow walking, you could just go S&Y, manta style or phase boots instead. It is not a very reliable escape either, because of dust, sentries, gem, track, etc.

                I agree with guy above, its best purpose is making the other team poorer by buying detection items, but if the detection items make them able to kill you, it will pay off for them anyway.

                waku waku

                  ^ stop posting


                    You are wrong when you ask blink or sb. Answer is neither. Just learn to position yourself and you won't nid to waste money on those escape items. Sniper is strongest as a. Glass cannon.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I mean blink is really good on any hero. The question is what's better, blink or 2k gold towards your next item? In the case of sniper I'd say get your next item.

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