General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderleveled, underfarmed supports

Underleveled, underfarmed supports in General Discussion

    Hello guys,
    I am currently havin' issues with underfarmed supports in games with such a good teams. I don't know what I did wrong well probably some things I recognize such as bad stacking (+ none of your heroes could farm camps easily), maybe? rotating towards offlane and help to our offlaner. Game I talk about is
    But there was a gap between skills which reveals things as this so much. Can anyone help me with this issue ? I mean some nice hints not sendin' me to the posts - as I read some of them but still want deeper explaination. Thanks a lot for effort if there will be any. I appreciate it.


      Gank mid, you're Earthshaker, it's literally the best thing the hero can do before level 6.

      If ganking mid doesn't work (even with smoke and such), try pulling+pulling through to the big camp, this will provide lots of exp and gold if you last hit.

      Outside of that, try to farm your arcanes+blink, even if a fight is about to happen, tell your team to back off and only tp if you can clean up.

      With supports that aren't desperate for blinks, make sure you stick to where the fights will be, and always carry smoke+tp so you can start/join a fight whenever needed. Winning fights are the best place to get exp and gold as a support, but going into lost fights is how you fall behind.


          Earthshaker is in the same boat as Omniknight. You can always contribute to a fight as long as you have mana, but your skillset allows you to farm an open lane's creep wave very quickly in order to avoid ganks. Don't be afraid to fissure+aftershock for the dough. Until you have mana boots and blink dagger you should get money where you can or you won't be able to properly defend your T3s.


            Ye guys thank you especially Wink. I did in another games as double stacking with pulling and takin' mid while mid goes with another supp gang(before lvl 6 to get 6) one support arcanes while another wardin' etc. Then just switch - also when you got offlaner such as DS is fine to use fact he is op meka - but that's what I know before. Thank you very much mate !
            *Kryptnyt well I got this point and it's fine but was thinkin' what if you get supp duo who can't actually use spells for takin' creeps. But that's not often and kind of different story I think is about picking phase.
            Again thank you guys so much. Hope if someone will have same issue will get here :)

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