General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter promising myself...

After promising myself... in General Discussion
bum farto

    I would never again do ranked on EU west I did, and the result.....

    Play EU west by all means but just don't do ranked. People on EU west have some serious issues and have zero ability to work together, while americans complain about peruvians I denote my recent win streak on the fact that I queued with competent US players while EU west offers nothing.

    It's not a language barrier its just that EU people have this misconception about what to pick when, and firmly believe that you can random or pick whatever you want and you should be able to get a win and if not well.....that's just Valve forcing 50% winrate on them and not the fact that they picked bad.

    When I play EU west I feel like I am under pressure to carry my team and on US east I feel the comfort that people are decent enough to play at a similar level to me.

    About that game here's how it went. PA solo, Doom Jungle, Bara "support" came top with me, and I was mid with the Tinker offlane. PA fed due to being solo, Bara failed cause he was queuing with his higher ranked buddy and was bad, doom slow farmed nothing and tinker had 16 minute Boots of Travel. I struggled a lot that game with the additional pressure of not just having a rough offlane but having to buy wards, dust etc. which delayed my mekanism hugely.

    Anyways note to myself and others, if you want to rank up please don't turtle on EU West go to another server. Also, if there is a mirana don't rely on one person to carry all the dust and sentrys. Those are not items only reserved for the supports.


      whats your mmr anyway


        Omg wtf Havoc, fckin Hael_2. Cry more, move on.


        yh, I feel the same. Because of all this shit happening post 6.80 I feel I've became a "gameruiner, I don't even care>" guy myself sometimes. After my losses in 6.81 overall I've come to a position where I don't even care. Games on EUWEST are stupid as fcuk most of the itme.


          well yes, I could have spared you the suffering, you need only ask.
          same shit every god damned game. wait with picks, guaranteed solo support. pick instantly what you want to play, get counter picked + selfish crap.
          playing meepo in 5k pub=suicide.

          King of Low Prio

            Hael 2.0


              China has late game smokes (no early game), warding pull camps, and occasional doublepulls. People don't rage too much, maybe once every two-three games but I tell them to shut up and play and they actually listen. This is at 3k so I'm pretty impressed. Only thing that bothers me is I have to use Chinese for everything and called Tusk an actual tusk by accident.

              bum farto

                This is not to say all games are bad it's more if you want a game where 2/5 are not filled with vile frustration then either stack or go on US East. The players are the same skill level and execute stuff about the same but simply pick better and are a lot more mobile early game where it counts.

                Having looked at my chart from 6.81b all the losses I have are when I decided to queue EU West (I think I won one EU West)

                Note: People should seriously stat check over and over to make sure they're playing the right heroes on the right servers. Also, PA and Bara were a team. Bara was 3700 queuing with a PA that was 4300 but having looked at her account I can see its a smruf. This is the reason you don't do it, cause you wind up in games where you and your usual friends are by far the weakest players on the team.


                  Come back to us havoc, come back to the master servers, welcome back to MURICA


                    so whats your mmr

                    bum farto

                      4300+ why?


                        it looks like u got a bad stack, doesn't that happen in us servers too or am i missing something


                          well... seems like your team laned it completely wrong. bara supporting a pheonix with a solo pa?

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                          bum farto

                            He was top cause he wanted to farm and I told him I was fine solo and needed the levels then he decided that he wasn't going to support and then it just all went tits up. PA lost to Mirana cause bara went down at level 2-3 and they both dived under the tower and died and then PA died two more times solo in the space of 5 minutes. Game wasn't made easy that I was not playing under the comfort of having the levels and the Mekanism due to bara camping my lane and tinker unable to gank cause he had nothing at all and I believe he randomed tinker but couldn't actually play him.

                            @just the tip It does but a lot less so simply because American servers are filled with more people that are willing to hold to roles. They play just as good/bad and throw/shittalk as much as any, however they are still very good at keeping roles well versed instead of randoming and just playing it and hoping for the best. US players will bitch play bad but will play to the end and play hard and really work for their wins and are usually better mannered whereas EU players give up after the first blood most of the time.


                              all of my games are either in eu west or eu east and i first pick or random a lot, i get occasional games where everyone picks stupid shit and nobody buys a courier, but usually it's normal. i dont see how after 1 fail game you come to that conclusion

                              im not offended or anything just seems weird


                                Maybe you just win more on US servers because overall skill is a bit lower then EU West, so they're easier to win on. I really doubt people are that different in the way they play and pick heroes, it's probably just bad luck. You may even attract those kind of players cause you think too much about them when playing on EU - law of attraction n shit :)


                                  i just played with a 4k mmr 3-14 visage who didnt even skill ult so i guess havoc is right, maybe i need to start playing on us


                                    Ha! That explains why EU 5k+ players claim to be generally better than 5k+ players from the Americas...EU trench is even trenchier and harder to overcome.

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                                      wait till you come sea, all the us players fly over to lose mmr and complain about tryhard pubs. the average mechanical level at 5k+ is on par with, sometimes better than competitive level.

                                      source: zephyr

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                                        I don't know why you make such a big deal out of 1 game... EU ain't that bad, maybe just a miss match of MMR between NA and EU or something.

                                        Yes, there was a tendency to pick a jungler every game (axe every fucking time) but it seems to have passed for me. You can always just wait for last pick and get what your team needs most though I prefer to get a carry (someone that can accomplish things on his own) right now since I trust myself to do well.


                                          Stacks skew too much the average skill/mmr per team. They might look balanced on paper, but if you get a 3100 solo mmr with 3900 party mmr you are kinda' disadvantaged.

                                          bum farto

                                            @Steror There is nothing wrong with Axe, people are just bad with Axe.

                                            @Hurricane The ceiling cap on EU may be higher but the average player is about the same skill except they're just more competent on US East.


                                              Why do you guys force yourself to sound like Dota conspiracy theorists? Also, Why did Havoc try to help me improve if his MMR is only 4300. That is what mine is at. I thought havoc was 5k+. This just keeps getting better and better. You care too much about a simplistic number and thinks it give deep detailed results. Go read a book.


                                                Hi Hael

                                                bum farto

                                                  "Why did Havoc try to help me improve if his MMR is only 4300"

                                                  1. You aren't a 4300+ player, you simply achieved that rating aesthetically
                                                  2. You can always learn something.
                                                  3. I have peaked a lot higher than that but have dropped due to smurf accounts and low skills on EU.
                                                  4. Because I am just better than you.


                                                    You are one Darwin award mother fucker, mother fucker. I've gone slightly beyond 4300 and 4300 is hardly any different then how i see 3800-3900 players play. you are the purge of the dotabuff forums with your "trying to help the less fortunate" looking ass.

                                                    The only thing bigger than your ego is your rating.


                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    bum farto

                                                      I went beyond without smurfing, you didn't. Sorry, I am just that much better than you.


                                                        Of course you are and you can stay that way in your own big ass head. I'd rather have a higher mmr player that doesn't talk to the people he coaches in a patronizing manner.


                                                          all you 4k scrubs just shut the fuck up. im fucking sick and tired of 4k scrubs throwing my games.


                                                            You are tired of throwing your games. how about them teaching 3k players how to play.



                                                              I play on SEA server right now and it confuses me. It's like you get people who can use force staff effectively, know when to go ghost scepter, how to ward and such, but PICK TRASH EVERY TIME. Ahem.


                                                                things were boring around here without hael drama gotta admit

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  ...also a lot more constructive and helpful which is what I assume dota forums are generally used for.


                                                                    For the 4k scrubs insulting havoc, the difference between you guys and him is that he has some competitive experience as well.


                                                                      Inb4 wave commenting on how shit US players are compared to Eu

                                                                      Anyway as a person who used to live in ~Eu and recently migrated to US i can say games in US are WAY better than EU because:
                                                                      1. Most of Eu players are delusional and think they are god or dendi while in reality they are trash
                                                                      2. More pudge/sniper picks
                                                                      3. Less english (SA players are more likely to know english)


                                                                        no one doesn't know chinese in china xD


                                                                          ^ What about the recurring joke that chinese people living in different towns right next to each other cannot understand the other because of insane amounts of dialects? :D

                                                                          Donald Duck

                                                                            ^ oh, stop it. That's Italy.


                                                                              Maybe for people without computers. :x

                                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                actually EU is not bad, sure there are russians on EU West but there are some finer points to that server.

                                                                                1) Europeans don't give up as easisly as Muricans. You've seen the 3-10 scores or more where people just give up and afk at fountain.
                                                                                2) At least the throwers and junglers dont' feed enemy team.
                                                                                3) Positive attitude. If there are at least 1-2 people in a dota match that are negative about the game, there's only like 1 in every 2 eu games.

                                                                                4) 3k pub EU players know how to draft more than 'Murica players. They are more likely to listen to preference and take input compared to 'Muriicans.

                                                                                5) They don't have people who are playing while on the job, or on phone with girlfriend or on the phone.



                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    This is also probably cause Americans can't counter phoenix :P


                                                                                      ^ I can confirm that.

                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                        8-1 currently on phoenix in two days, my only loss was on EU west


                                                                                          how your opponents lost that last game is beyond me

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            Smurf account peruvians, probably 2-3k originally watching their game play and picks, consider the people I am queuing with now are ESP 3K peeps.

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                              Id play on US West if I didnt live in Europe, I have to agree with you though Havoc, Euro West servers royally suck more often than not on Ranked.

                                                                                              The amount of rage, know-it-alls and people who will just willingly start feeding the enemy team is ridiculous here, and ranked brings out the worst in people.

                                                                                              My most recent case in point being this game where OD, Kunkka and Shadow Shaman started off all claiming mid while I soloed the long lane on my trusted Necro. Then Kunkka and Shadow Shaman who were in a stack lost their lane against Lich/Silencer and deliberately started feeding them to ruin the game for the rest of us, while I managed to totally shut down FV in a 1v2 solo lane bot. Just check the scores and see what I mean, so utterly frustrating when you do your utmost best to play good and people like this show up in your games, and this is not uncommon either :[


                                                                                              Also, the game after which I ended 19/4/29 our sven started raging cause I didnt use my Mek in time to his liking, and kept going on for the rest of the match about it to the point I had to mute him, whining about my S&Y on necro and whatnot, if you check the HH you can see I not only easily outdamaged everyone else but also topped HH above our Omni.

                                                                                              And yes I know S&Y is totally not standard on Necro but play your own frigging hero and let me build an item that has actually helped me win plenty games cause of the easy build-up, STR and movement slow/speed.

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