General Discussion

General Discussion[Discussion : MMR] Average MMR

[Discussion : MMR] Average MMR in General Discussion


    According to this, a mmr of about 3750 would be average.
    Does this sound somewhat right?

    Also, why would a party mmr be lower than the solo? Shouldn't you be winning more if you're with people you know?

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    King of Low Prio

      the issue with MM tracking websites it that the only way to get information is having people submit it. At best it shows who cares about MM the most


        with a sample size of 2K, almost definitely not. Most low tier players simply don't care about their MMR enough to calibrate/work on it/are filthy casuals. I'd imagine (although i cant prove this in any way) that the average would be the high-2K region

        tbh you can compare it almost with the number of profiles linked with dotabuff. In the normal bracket a large majority of my games have more anonymous's than people who have dotabuff, which may or may not be a correlation to the number of people who submit mmr info etc

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          Well, if you're going by the people who care about their MMR (found this on Reddit where people submitted), would high 3k's be average then?


            No, this is the average of people who report in and are curious about their mmr ranking(which tends to be on the side of better players). Note the sample size of 1721 ;p

            "Also, why would a party mmr be lower than the solo? Shouldn't you be winning more if you're with people you know?"
            Not necessarily. Most of my games with my friends, I lose(usually around 30-50% range). Almost want to get plus just to see the overall...

            King of Low Prio

              keep in mind just having your profile unlocked is not enough to track your MM, you have to join the website and have a bot attached to your account


                one sample was done by this guy who had a bot randomly add people from live games

                the average was also around 3.8k, sample size was in the five digit range

                also playing with people on your level and playing with people below your level is different

                i rather 4 teammates at 4.8k than the mixed bag of goods that queuing with a stack of 3k-5k brings me

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                Dire Wolf

                  five digits when game has millions of players is still rather small. I think average mmr is more like 3k, but is you weight it for frequency of matches it's probably around 4k. If that makes zero sense what I'm trying to say is people 3k and under probably play like 10 matches a week while people 4k and up probably play like 40 or more, several daily.



                    It only mean this guy mmr is about 3.8k. If he was 1k he would play with 1k players.



                      no... his bot would spectate live games ongoing at anytime, add people randomly from matches that he DID NOT PLAY IN

                      found it

                      the first one posted in the original post was a survey done on reddit, hence more bias and less respondents

                      the one im posting here is what his bot collected

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        i think average mmr is probably lower than 3k

                        anyway here's a poll

                        fucked up one of them w/e lol

                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                        Low Expectations

                          "Sample size = 1700" Well the site must be very accurate if there are about 8 milions visitors per month


                            anyway mark is right about weighing for frequency, but thanks to the astounding number of smurfs from players who feel 'wronged' by the system if you gave low frequency players equal weightage it might still skew the results


                              Is High still top 20% or has that changed? Because I'm at 3.3k (haven't played ranked in a while) and all my ranked matches are in High.

                              King of Low Prio

                                DSR /= MM


                                  DSR isn't a thing anymore is it?


                                    i only saw couple people under 4k 1 of them being 1.3k and other one 3.3k or so


                                      Looking at my friends they are mostly around 2,8k (oh well, thats why I never wanted to play with them) and I'm actually one of the highest with the score of around 3,4k (Im not really proud of this but I still think it's average at least). Probably depends if you have scrubs in your friends list or not

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        the avg is somewhere between 3k-3.5k



                                          Higher player play more often, so it's biased.

                                          You get Stupid by playing...

                                            AVERAGE 3000 CONFIRMED BY ME!

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              I'm 3.4k and I consider myself a pretty average player, so I guess that works out.


                                                Spent 34 minutes but i got some actual stats about my friend list:
                                                78 players with public MMR (and 10 private)
                                                Average (solo / party): 3582 / 3516
                                                Minimum (solo / party): 1875 / 1996
                                                Maximum (solo / party): 5329 / 5033

                                                Sure, this does not represent the global averages, its just a fun fact, at least for me.


                                                  I'm 5000 SEA mmr
                                                  This is my true fact :

                                                  1st thing 1st : party mmr can't tell anything since you can get others player(can impact the game than average calibration) to party with you.

                                                  From my point of view(SEA),
                                                  <4000 mmr players : weak and terrible player, don't know how to impact the game, don't know how to lane, very weak unit control skills, can't predict and land skill, etc.
                                                  <4500 mmr players : avarage player, can snowball and stomp weaker player as well as drive to fed and throw game, no sense of map control, non-sense item choice, can change easy execution to disaster, don't have enough presence in game