General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it important to master all roles in Dota 2? to improve winrate

Is it important to master all roles in Dota 2? to improve winrate in General Discussion

    I used to play support in ranked games, until I took an arrow to the knee everytime the mid fails to stop feeding. Now I played solo mid more and realize that I forgot how to play support anymore.Will it be really important to know how to play support in 3k ranked games?

    Primordial Soup

      No, but it's good to know the basics of every role I guess.


        No, but it does help.


          The good thing about 3k games is that nobody can play anything. However they think they can.

          EDIT: Especially support. 3k supports is like, shavers.

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            pretty much agrees with u all, meanwhile having a game where theres this retard thinking sniper is a legit mid hero against pudge


              Sniper owns Pudge in mid.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                but this guy is other way round
                he cant even last hit well for god sake


                  yes, 3k players in a nutshell. That doesn't change that Sniper>Pudge even though u said:
                  "meanwhile having a game where theres this retard thinking sniper is a legit mid hero against pudge"


                    my thoughts are wrong
                    Since nothing will went good when there is a sniper in my team

                    Hex Sigma

                      1. Pick slark
                      2. Get fat
                      4. Profit(ez win ez game ez rares ez life)


                        The good thing about 3k games is that nobody can play anything. However they think they can.

                        Hex Sigma

                          ^ Wait until you hit 2k. New metas everywhere


                            The good thing about 3k games is that nobody can play anything. However they think they can.


                              its nice that support is easy to play and you basically need 0 mechanical skill


                                attack moving and animation cancelling is still a skill.

                                pulling, especially pull-throughs can be considered mechanical.

                                positioning is a skill that is hard to improve on compared to something like last hitting. how do you know that your positioning is good? you know when it's bad because you get caught out and die, but you don't die, how do know whether the reason you didn't get caught out was because you had good positioning, or because of something else?

                                you can tell when you're good at last hitting because it's easily quantifiable, by last hits per minute or gold per minute.

                                so you may need different skills, but skills nonetheless, so playing a support is by no means easy.

                                Hex Sigma

                                  @regulator You made me giggle. You're probably one of those guys which thinks that supports ward runes at start and that's it. As a support you have to pull, stack, ward, make items, be in teamfights, gank mid, have tp scrolls, mek in 15 mins, sometimes initiate or sacrifice for the team, and lastly not feed. All of these with a tiny gold income. So how easy does is sound now?

                                  As a carry you have to know how to last hit, and what items to make. BIG FUCKING DEAL.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    are you RevengeOfBlacks's smurf?


                             as siractionslacks with omni....
                                      everyone at 3k sucks and lack so much mechanics that idk :) its sad xD


                                        sad is to have 5k games and still in 4.4k mmr



                                          put the highest rated player on a high impact support and he will have hero damage surpassing most cores

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            ^carry sk new meta


                                              sk is the shit :D
                                              i love him <3


                                                As a support you have to pull, stack, ward, make items, be in teamfights, gank mid, have tp scrolls

                                                wow support is hard guys

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  ^not sure if sarcasm...


                                                    I have a friend at 5.5k who plays support nearly exclusively in ranked. Almost every game I observe him in he will have the least deaths and highest kill participation, often 5-0 by 10 minutes or so.

                                                    playing support well is far from easy...


                                                      i dont see how that proves anything


                                                        No, just go mid all game every game.
                                                        Completely disregard everything and go mid.
                                                        This strategy will improve your winrate with no margin of error.


                                                          ^ wat u sure?
                                                          not sure if troll or what


                                                            Don't believe me? You can try.


                                                              not like I'm a pretty good mid my self

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                nah I have a better strat. Buy dagon 5 and rape.
                                                                #dagon op


                                                                  #all hail dagon


                                                                    Get dagon every game, problem solved


                                                                      thread became silence *moment of loneliness*

                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                        It's my time to shine.... what should i say...... OH I KNOW


                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!