General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with early feeder in your team ?

How to deal with early feeder in your team ? in General Discussion

    Let's say you're mid and before mn six the offlaner already fed 4-5 kills to the ennemy carry and his supports ?

    You tell them to play safe but they just go on the lane and feed agressively. Now you can't even come to help on this lane because you will die but they keep feeding.

    How you deal with these situations ?

    Keep farming mid ? Try to gank on ur safe lane ? Ask your team to five man ? Or the game is lost ?

    I don't know how to deal with this kind of games sometimes I feel it's just about who has the player that will perform the less that will decide the losing team rather than the best player deciding the winning team.

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        keep farming, help the safe lane if the safe lane is breaking even, ignore the fact that he's feeding, because you can't control him, and mute him incase he complains for the lack of help or ganks, because that'll just make you play on tilt.


          let him feed and win the other lanes.

          or lose.


            If mid/safe lane is doing good, there is hope. If not, game is lost go abandon. If you don't have a free leave then go afk and hope for server crash.

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              When have we free leave ?

              Dire Wolf

                It depends on what hero you are. If you're a carry, just farm. If you're a ganker, gank top maybe. If you're pude? You're screwed.


                  When you play 25 games without leaving.

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