General Discussion

General DiscussionIs RTZ God ?

Is RTZ God ? in General Discussion

    This guy is fucking perfect, plz if someone once saw him do a mistake tell me where, cuz ive been watching every EG game since RTZ joined the SADBOYS and every fucking game im more impressed about him.
    Praise the lord RTZ and bow to his might and powers.

    kanye went to uni

      He's very good, pity about his music and everything it represents :p

      casual gamer

        RTZ u r fuckin perfect m8.
        you're a flower. you're also a rainbow and a river. you are the manifestation of all perfection and i want to i don't fucking know. i want this to not sound gay, but you are fucking perfect, RTZ.
        ty for listening


          the fact you havent seen his mistakes shows me how fucking bad and 2k mmr you are
          he has tons every game i get sick of watching him... i just put the camera on zai or ppd and enjoy it more when they give noob rtz too much camera time


            i miss his stream

            Game is hard

              that ember spirit game where EE was standing in playing luna. forgot who they played.


                rtz is hot

                Quick maffs

                  He is a 17 years old kid, and i think you are a guy right ? so how the fuck you think he is hot man ?

                  That was both really gay and pedophile


                    Rtz is love how dare you talk about him like that?

                    Good at dota [Check]
                    Polite [Check]
                    Shit music [Check]
                    good psture [Check]

                    I would turn gay for him

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      it wouldnt be pedophilia it would be statutory rape. pedophile = someone who is attracted to people who haven't hit puberty yet

                      its normal if you find a 17 year old attractive don't worry mate, though i can't say it's a good idea if you try to put his dick in your mouth or something


                        Where can i find some internet porn with 15 years old girls in action?

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          He has a bad voice, no good looks like Loda or Akke. Acts like a douche or behaves like a buster. Doesn't play support. He's no farm god like Burning or Hao. Not as greedy as EE-CHan. All in all he's a good pubstar champ. And finally if I was to scale him, he's like 2 blitz on the dota scale.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            He shit talks too much. I hate dendi's personality but love his stream. He never fucking talks.

                            RTZ cries too much. Rager ez. QQ.


                              rtz master race fgts


                                ^^ Akke = sexiest guy in doto no homo. His girlfriend is sexy too.


                                  Benao, yeah right you are better, thats why you are in 6k like him.

                                  ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                                    ok, dota community full of perverts and gays confirmed, i was talking about his gameplay ffs.


                                      Dorkly, do You know how many years do we have to call us pedophile?
                                      No, and phedophile is when you have like +30 and you like 0-14 years old, cause the body on girls or guys with 16-18 years can be like a adult body.


                                        Xcalibur better than rtz on skills, but he is uglier, not as much as Sampson, but so ugly too.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          gameplay ?

                                          "Praise the lord RTZ and bow to his might and powers."

                                          fangay confirmed ?


                                            What is bad on be a fan and what is bad on be gay?
                                            TOO MUCH STUPID IN THIS FORUM

                                            Hex Sigma


                                              Quick maffs

                                                "Dorkly, do You know how many years do we have to call us pedophile?
                                                No, and phedophile is when you have like +30 and you like 0-14 years old, cause the body on girls or guys with 16-18 years can be like a adult body."

                                                That definition is seriously wrong

                                                "ok, dota community full of perverts and gays confirmed, i was talking about his gameplay ffs."

                                                Sadly, yes ( i dont care about the gay part but cmon ... the guy is -18 )

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  Rtz is very good, one of the best mid mechanic in the world,but you don`t see his mistakes? Oh cmon,you must be really bad player than. All players make a ton of mistakes same as Arteezy too.It`s impossible to play perfect,some games players play almost perfect but its not possible to play perfect dota (still) .


                                                    i think Arteezy have insanely good micro and he is having huge impact on a games he playing if his teammates giving him space . I believe if Arteezy going to focus hard on improving and respecting his enemies he will be for sure one of the best players in future . Only thing he lack right now in my opinion - is experience . But this is not a problem and will come in some time . As a player i like him a lot . But the music on his stream is horrible !


                                                      For me Arteezy will always be a low tier player because of this match.


                                                      That was worst Ember Spirit EVER. My eyes bleed when I look at his items.

                                                      Luckily for no-skill Arteezy, Eternal Envy carried him in that match and they won.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        For me Bulldog will always be a low tier player because of this match.


                                                        That was worst Ember Spirit EVER. My eyes bleed when I look at his items.

                                                        Luckily for no-skill Bulldog, Loda carried him in that match and they won.


                                                          ^Legit items on Doom. I don't see anything wrong.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            I am not defending rtz playing like shit BUT he said on his stream that his team was basically telling him to do whatever possible to stop the bleeding.(aka get as tanky as possible as fast as possible) Before he could even touch a creep to finish bkb he had a storm/mirana flying at him.


                                                              bulldog is legit. Everyone has a bad game.

                                                              He basically carried alliance through dreamhack


                                                                He lack many experience, you can see the play he plays and get caught out whereas in a pub it wouldnt have happened


                                                                  RTZ is really good, he is just feeding because he has no map control. His mechanics and overall play is tier one.

                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                    he plays high risk high reward

                                                                    he will outfarm alot of players who have half the deaths he has. For example players like s4 who is consistent all the time it is because he takes alot fewer risks


                                                                      RTZ has propably the best mechanics on midcontrol i have ever seen.


                                                                      1. His decisionmaking by far not optimal. He often does ramboshit and fails miserably.

                                                                      2. His mapawarness is also not optimal. He falls often prey to ganks, while other miders that might have not the mechanics, play a lot more carefully. I would put a big list of miders ahead of rtz so as:

                                                                      1. Mushi

                                                                      2. Iceiceice (Invoker Iceiceice is just too sick)

                                                                      3. S4

                                                                      4. Dondo

                                                                      5. Singsing

                                                                      6. Envy (I would rly put this unsymphatic tryhard above Rtz, while he is playing pos 1).

                                                                      He is still in the top 10, maybe straight after Envy. But he is far far away from beeing perfect. There is no perfect dota player. The closest to perfection I have seen so far, is Burning playing Antimage. Its quite rare to see him miss any lasthits or do dorkshit in some of his antimage games.

                                                                      If you want to watch "percect" players, you need to watch the Chinese Teams. They are not so innovative and their games are pretty boring to watch sometimes. Its often like 12-8 Kills after 25 min. But if one Chinese Team take the lead early on, they are most likley to not throw it. A thing that happens more often on EU Teams and way more often on Cis teams.

                                                                      King of throws btw. was EG for a long time ;).

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                                                        Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.

                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                          The only one on the list I dont think is correct is dendi (based on the last year) he just has not been preforming to the same caliber as he use to. If he steps up his game and returns to where he was at post TI3 then I would agree with it.


                                                                            @Sampson: I think that's mainly RTZ's fault. He brought in the farming-mid meta to the competitive scene, while Dendi's strongest heroes are tempo controllers. That's why Na'Vi is underperforming as well, IMHO.


                                                                              i beat rtz once in a game in mid

                                                                              im probably good

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