General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does my team suck?

why does my team suck? in General Discussion

    team always sucks


      Top heroes:

      Invoker - 2.34 KDA
      Shadow Fiend - 2.57 KDA
      Pudge - 2.77 KDA

      Recent losses:
      Tranquil boots on Doom and 0-5
      3 Null Talismans and random staff of wizardry. Massive feeding. Low GPM and XPM. Almost no tower damage. Shitty skill build
      3 support heroes on your team, builds like a support anyways. Level 1 powershot lol
      Feeding. Level 1 stats rofl
      Shitty skillbuild against this lineup

      You suck.

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        "high skill player" nice!


          i could consider that you are trolling but i think no one would play 650 fucking matches just to troll around

          bad news for u bro


            jason, look at my ranked games, im in very high, everything lower is in stacks or 1v1 mid.

            you suck so badly that you cant even accept the fact that you suck this badly.

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              Even if Wink was 700mmr his points would still be valid. Attacking an individual's credentials instead of their arguments just means you can't actually come up with a reason they're wrong...


                3 of those games were tmm, which idc about and how would u skill wr lvl 1 against brew? lmao and why would u build semi carry and not mek + utility when we have stronger early game and push? go semi against void lc brew? nice. Also, whats wrong with tranquil doom offlane?


                  @ Jason, that really the biggest part of your problem some one tells you what you did wrong and instead of thinking "WOW why did I do such dumb things, how could I do better next time." you think "None of those things were wrong Wink must be a dumb ass to not see why I did them". once you accept that you can improve you will improve, but if you deny that you make mistakes you will keep making those same ones.


                    You play team matchmaking and create threads about how your allies suck, wtf


                      when i play solo allies are bad


                        Rabble rabble rabble.


                          the one thing all your teams have in common is you.


                            how would u skill wr lvl 1 against brew?
                            Fucking Windrun or Shackle

                            lmao and why would u build semi carry and not mek + utility when we have stronger early game and push?
                            "lmao" because you have plenty of force staves already and no fucking damage

                            go semi against void lc brew? nice.
                            Yes, a hex, orchid, and/or halberd can win games against anyone. nice.

                            Also, whats wrong with tranquil doom offlane?
                            It offers nothing outside of lane, you have a powerful heal that should be maxed first in rough offlanes, and you dont benefit from its passive when you start farming. Brown boots into late BoTs or just phase boots would have been much better.

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                              tranquil boots are great for providing regen in the offlane till u get ur midas if u are having a rough lane


                                "the one thing all your teams have in common is you."

                                Rofl :D


                                  or yaknow, you can get a bottle...


                                    tranq way better than bottle lol

                                    also why do you care about kda rofl

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                                      Bad place to ask, you won't get legit answers because nobody knows your situation in details.


                                        You don't need either if you are even half decent at either doom or the offlane, get a stick a basi and you should be alright till you pick up drums or something else. If I was faced with a call I would probably go bottle over tranquils as doom has more mana issues then he doesn HP regen issues because....scorched earth.


                                          esp wink 2.5-3.5 kda on top heroes on US EAST 4k mmr


                                            ok? im 2kda with 5k mmr on west...


                                              and that doom game was over by 13 minutes, team decided to afk because every lane lost so badly. Shackle lvl 1 against brew LMAO ok kid


                                                Are you actually 5k though? I am curious cause its not like your doing anything fishy, just made a smurf account and pick mids. Is that enough to get you 5k?

                                                ....its a genuinely serious question.

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                                                    ive been 5k ever since i was callibrated over half a year ago..


                                                      dem teams,
                                                      worst players ever


                                                        LOLd hard at the 1st and 2nd replies.

                                                        Owned a stat-creeping wall of text with 4 words


                                                          Wink please explain what wind run and shackle would do against a brew at level one, since powershot is ass level one

                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                            Shackle and wind run are better level 1.

                                                            Part of the problem jason is you are coming to us for help, and then ignoring what we are telling you.

                                                            I used to have this problem too. I thought my team was holding me back when infact it was me making mistakes. Everyone here is a great player, better than you. Take their advice, or dont come asking for it.

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                                                              LOL he says hes 5k. Please post picture of your 5k mmr or let me (or someone else that is trustable, eg: melody, sampson, havoc) add you to prove it.


                                                                ^^ sure


                                                                  I dont thinkl u ahe on 5k, but, this people is stupid, go post your games in other site, always you will better if u upgrtade your scape or your cc in first lvl, but, if u upgrade escape on lvl2 whatever men.... as I said, dotabuff pople is stupid, and cant understan you if u rage a bit, the teammates always suck, but if u are beterthan they u have a +20% probabiñities of win more than yourt rivals.
                                                                  So in a bit m0ore games if u are better u will upgrade your mmr

                                                                  I'M DRUNKED



                                                                      Yeah, jason is a 5k mmr player with 344 wins...

                                                                      Wave, did you sell him this one?

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                                                                          yep bought it for 50$

                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            Is this a troll attempt? Because it's not working as intended

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                                                                            Bot (Passive)

                                                                              person in high telling the person in very high what hes doing wrong

                                                                              and by attacking credentials its usually easier to show that the person has little to no idea of what they're talking about hence their opinion being somewhat invalid. face it most matches that are losses would not be turned around by specific item/skill build choices...they are impactful but not nearly as much as people like to make them seem. gameplay decisions are the same, but your team has 5 players and your play only makes up 20% of the play, same with game impact.

                                                                              generally taking advice on db is a bad idea seeing as people only look as far as items and skill builds which often dont have much to do with your individual loss (unless its a necessity item, like say BKB, but if its a call between vanguard and drums it really wont change the game outcome as much as gameplay decisions which DB people dont look at, like roaming as a spectre versus farming an empty lane)

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                                                                                ^ why are u playing supports in calibration? that's like the worst way to screw over ur mmr

                                                                                spam tinker/zeus


                                                                                  i had to tell some retard to fuck off mid today after he fed 0-2 to enemy tinker in 5 minutes, thank god for that. wouldn't want some trash screwing over my smurf mmr

                                                                                  i think i can get it over 5k after calibration, i added someone and he was 4700. my stats (kda and hero dmg) were pretty much better than everyone's by a significant margin.

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                                                                                  Bot (Passive)

                                                                                    yeah i know i need to get back to tinker/void picking

                                                                                    i kept panic randoming after watching nba draft scouting reports fucking draftexpress thank god its over now though so back to smurfing

                                                                                    hopefully i get 7-3 with tinker stomps


                                                                                      i actually played with ur smurf in an unranked game a while back, u took tinker first so i assumed u were trying to practice him for calibration. in any case i apologize but i'm gonna have to dodge u if ur on my team in calibration since ur going to pick tinker and i need to pick zeus LOL

                                                                                      i think grinding the necessary games to get level 13 is pretty awful, the mmr ranges imposed in unranked are pretty huge and some 3k trash will just show up and feed all game. worst part is they think they're actually good cuz they went around and got 2-3 kills early game while farming jack shit (you could say the same about 4000-4500 players, i think even retards can hit 4500 so basically only people after 4500 are even remotely decent)

                                                                                      anyways good luck, i'm retiring from solo queue once i get 5k since i lack motivation to grind any further and i'm pretty sure 7 months of dealing with autism is more than enough for a lifetime LOL

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                                                                                        >Looks at my stack games instead of my solo games to determine my bracket
                                                                                        >Complains about people not looking at details



                                                                                          i don't care about any of this but it seems like all u do is go into these threads where people whine about rmm and tell them they suck. and then when they call you out for your rating (which i believe is around 3.8-4k) then u get all defensive and shit

                                                                                          i post here occasionally and you've literally rinsed-and-repeated this ever since i started posting on db like 5 months ago. tiring much?

                                                                                          in any case i wish dotabuff would just force people's mmrs to be displayed next to their names so we can actually get a sense of who to listen to and who to ignore

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                                                                                            youre spot on on my mmr, and im not being defensive, just correcting people. if someone says my bracket is high, ill tell them its not. if someone said im 5k mmr, i would tell them im not. if someone complains about their team when they make really stupid mistakes on a regular basis, i will tell them those mistakes and then post John Cleese Explaining Stupidity


                                                                                              all the advice here is valid, though it goes both ways

                                                                                              power shot first is a greedier way of playing, just like offlane magnus getting shockwave over skewer when you have a much better block and can get level 2 fast


                                                                                                looks like everyone has their copyright...

                                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                                  get shackle after two points in power shot, u wont do shit with shackle until u get nuke dmg



                                                                                                    "in any case i wish dotabuff would just force people's mmrs to be displayed next to their names so we can actually get a sense of who to listen to and who to ignore "

                                                                                                    That is the reason that it isn't, everyones opinions should be considered and most of the high level people of legitimate skill don't post that often whereas the highly rated (MMR wise) ones are either massive abusers or egotistical jackasses.

                                                                                                    Lets put it this way, most of the post asking questions are made by 2-3K players, most of the QQ threads are by smurfs, 5K players complaining about MMR spreads, and 2K players who are upset because they got 30 kills with dagons and lost. A lot of the best advice you will get is actually from 3-4K players as they are not only the most frequent posters but also know their shit though some of them may lack the skill to execute it.