General Discussion

General DiscussionAbyssal Underlord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern and Oracle

Abyssal Underlord, Arc Warden, Winter Wyvern and Oracle in General Discussion

    Everyone is hyping about Techies but I've read the skills of the other 4 and I think they are really interesting, especially Arc Warden. Any Dota 1 players can comment?


      fuck all of them, if you thought pheonix was cancer, wait til arc warden.


        I'm I the only one hoping for actual new heroes that can utilize dota 2's engine.


          They are all pretty OP, but at least 3 of them, Abyssal Underlord, Winter Wyvern and Oracle, can completely fuck up their OWN team if played badly, so there's that.

          But fuck Arc Warden, he's a pseudo Techies, pseudo Terrorblade, pseudo Tinker all mishmashed into a single AIDS seasoned cancer sandwich.

          bum farto

            Arc Warden can seriously not get added at all. Thanks! But yeah I am all down for the other three.

            Pit lord will be my new most played hero so fast!


              Hey, at last someone else who loves the Pit Lord Assgalor.

              What did you think of his Expulsion skill being replaced by Atrophy aura? I only managed to play 3 or 4 games with him before transitioning to Dota2, but I think I played better with him after that change, though I did miss the channeled rain of fire.

              Personally, I'm waiting for Winter Wyvern. That's one hero I wouldn't feel ashamed whatsoever to exploit. I love it's concept.


                Phoenix wasn't cancer at all…

                Can anyone explain to me how Arc Warden will cause cancer?


                  an EXTRA midas every 65/60/55 seconds might be enough?

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                    and that's tip of an iceberg


                      the problem is actually fucking up ur team, cant wait to see those techies assholes suiciding left and right thinking tjey are doing awesome


                        as a non moba player before this year (didn't like warcraft 3, i loved 1 and 2 tho) I get the feeling from you guys that im going to rage smash my head into a wall every other game when techies is released :(

                        from what ive read im assuming they are like the dwarven demolition squad/sappers from warcraft 2

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Out of all those heroes only Pit Lord is not utterly broken, which is probably the reason he will get released after Techies.

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            Ill throw out a cheer for Pit Lord dude is a beast/err demon.


                              ^^Actually, I think Oracle will be added after Pit Lord. His spell icons and spell effects are already in the game.

                              Nevertheless, I hope they add Arc Warden last, he's freaking broken as hell.

                              bum farto

                                @Concede Hated it, expulsion was so good with forcestaff into a teamfight the aura (while more balanced) isn't close to as good.

                                Basically its like taking away leshracs edicts and going "Better now right?"

                                Imagining the combo with an ES ult....NAICE!

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  I'm not Concede :(

                                  Anyway, seeing nobody is answering you Yiran...

                                  Arc Warden's illusion can use his items as well. Having a Midas means double extra money every time you pop a new illusion, because IIRC, the items from your illusion don't share the CD.

                                  He farms like fuck and, even though probably not as fast as TB, he can probably do it even more safely. You DON'T want to follow the fucker because he's probably leading you to 5 or 6 mines which turn into homing missiles that deal I think 300 damage each.

                                  With Manta, Necronomicon and HotD, he can control a grand total of 18 units at once. If he doesn't want to push, he can go for a Dagon and have an 800 damage nuke everytime he has an illusion up for the price of only one Dagon and he's already a heavy nuker to begin with, plus his stupid spell which gives 100% evasion and increases attack speed for allies...then he can go for a sheepstick and hex two heroes, all again for the price of one sheepstick or just go Eblade and shotgun 2 supports.

                                  Yes, doing all of these requires quite a deal of skill, but you'll still find those assholes who devote themselves to exploit as much as possible the current broken hero.


                                    It's been too long since I have played dota 1.

                                    Does pit lords ult give a visual indicator like wisp for the enemy? And can it be cancelled if hes stunned? I remember I had a lot of problems using his ult back on dota 1, my ult got cancelled all the time (I was a super scrub and couldn't figure out why). Maybe the unit died.

                                    And is arc warden spark wraiths invisible to the enemy? I stopped playing dota 1 when this hero was out.

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                                      Arc Warden's sparks are visible to the enemy. But they can be hidden and they act like homing missiles anyway. IIRC, you can only dodge them by banishing or Euling yourself.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Hey for the ones who actually played dota 1

                                        Is techies actually a good hero ? I mean in the hands of a good player

                                        Do you think someone can actually win with him in lets say 5k brackets ?

                                        Quick maffs

                                          "but you'll still find those assholes who devote themselves to exploit as much as possible the current broken hero."

                                          Oh man that sounds like me


                                            ^ 3 of them are most exploitable as supports though, so good luck abusing them. :)


                                              Techies would be harder but not impossible in 5k brackets... people are still dumb as fuck


                                                techies is a good hero but much like pudge, the hero is hard to play competitive


                                                  techies feed from your enemies stupidity so ofcourse he has the potential to win a lot

                                                  people generally dont know how to play the hero so they just suicide themselves left and right and start complaining about his team. OR
                                                  put the mines in really dumb places no one will ever cross, or if they do is not for a good amount of time (time to trigger them bombz).

                                                  a good thing is PERHAPS it will force people to buy sentries from the beggining eventhough i doubt it because people only buy sentry when riki is already 47/0 with 4 divines


                                                    SLEAVE NOOB


                                                      arc warden can rat doto with ult ilussion he can use necro manta and push all the shit of your towers with just an ilusion, i think he should be played like lycan and get midas because with ult is dounle midas is so fucking strong hero

                                                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                        Just be lucky if you never had to play when midas still got refreshed by rearm....Tinker would be 6-slotted in 15 minutes. They fixed that pretty quickly :)


                                                          techies will stomp high brackets more than shit tier.

                                                          also, pit lord was a decent offlaner. something like tide is now.


                                                            Am I the only one who fears new heroes being added?

                                                            All the hype about Techies makes me curious. Disallowing me from the free movement I usually have, but now I have to be afraid hitting a bomb that oneshots me?

                                                            Can't move by mself?

                                                            If I'm offlane I have to be fucking afraid of playing aggressively if I can, cause the Techies that's mid or wherever could have teleported to safelane to plant 100 minutes for me to blow the fuck up?

                                                            Well, whatever.

                                                            More heroes to learn, yay!


                                                              Nature's Prophet is really fun in pubs, anyway. I don't mean ratting, but like global ganks and stuff.

                                                              I heard Midas doesn't give exp when used by the Tempest Double illusion, doesn't that make it slightly okay? And he has the Agility gain of Ember Spirit, which is not good to carry. And since Magnetic Field doesn't affect units anymore doesn't that make the Necro Spam slightly better? In the last few versions he just got nerfed and nerfed, just like Phoenix did. I feel like Phoenix shouldn't have got nerfed, people just cried when they didn't want to learn how to deal with a new hero and Icefrog nerfed them, I wonder if it's the same for Arc Warden. (The only Ember didn't get nerfed was because nobody realised his combo until Ferrari started using it, and he had to get nerfed after it was discovered. :/ )

                                                              Bot (Passive)

                                                                mass necro, midas push strats inc

                                                                and support techies is the way to go...suicide instawins lanes for ur carry and mines are great if u can place them well, if ur with a ranged hero u basically get free harass since the enemy heros are scared to shit

                                                                and stasis is broken as fuck


                                                                  Arc warden is broken. I repeat broken. Now this isn't coming from a noobs perspective. The hard part of arc is getting midas. But once you do have midas you should farm faster then a doom with midas. And the obvious choice you get is necro 3. CUse you can make a necro every 50 ish seconds and use midas every 50-60 seconds + your midas every 100 seconds. So in other words every 100 seconds 3 midases can be used and 3 necrobooks. Also when 100% evasion. +80% attackspeed gained in that circle is ridiciluous. Oh yeah you can use it twice. The purge is alright and can be very annoying. Not a huge game breaker. The other skill can be annoying and set up easy first blood and you can jungle decently with it. Also whoever said its not annoying in the lanig phase is completely dead wrong. What arc warden does In a lane is stop enemie mobility. Same with techies. You dont want to move around in the lane due to the fact you could instantly die if you land on these spells. It causes you to constantly stay in place which does a lot. all in all he's a powerhouse when it comes to pushing. It was worst when the circle didn't just apply to heroes. He would push faster then a necrobooks 3 lycan with ult and howl. He can also transition into a carry role afterwards cause he will make bank either ways. Also the 100% evasion +80% attackspeed for 8 seconds with some damage item is insane. Don't forget there's two of them or 3 if refresher. I think maybe 4 unless it got changed. Think of it this way. Imagine meepo if he could use every item you purchase separately from the original. The circle is broken because it benefits your team as well. And don't just say get mkb and its countered. That's fucken 5400 gold. And only the dps heroes will be able to get that. They also have to get their bkbs so another 3975 ish gold. So atleast 10k network before heroes can completely ignore the arc wardens skills. But there's still a lot of physical damage he deals. Also His skills benefits teammates so much as a hero. This hero is more team situated then a lot of heroes. All in all. Heroes broken. And if he gets in dota2 there will be much cries.

                                                                  Oracle is alright. He can be broken as fuck but so can other heroes. Pretty much his main annoying skill is he can make a carry invincible for 7 seconds if oracle doesn't get disabled or die to redo the damage.

                                                                  Pitlord is mainly support. His 3rd skill takes away enemy damage kinda like tide hunters anchor smash except pitlords is permant. Its 40% damage take away I believe rather then tides 60%. His aoe stun is physical meaning bkb will not go through it. His ultimate is an aoe boots of travel meaning he can grab his teammates as well.

                                                                  Winter wyvern. Imagine a sniper with a scadi along with lifestealers passive for 7 seconds. But with 1200 range. Give winter attackspeed and he can be deaddly. But he's not really a carry hero. His nuke is just your average nuke except it can slow. Does a little more damage then most nukes. His 3rd skill is pretty support like. Makes him or his team immune to physical damage but also disabled them for 4 seconds I think. But it heals them 5% per second idr. Somehwre around there. Its good for laning or whenever the oppenent used all magical damage to bank a certain hero and then you pop that and changes the fight. His ultimate is the ultimate counter to meepo in my opinion. Its basically axes taunt. Except you use it on the opponent and his allies attack him. No armor is applied. The range cast is completely shitty. Think its like 300 or something. Either ways he's mainly support but can be very annoying.


                                                                    And to those saying techies is mainly a support... You're so fucken wrong.. He can carry so easily. 6 second aoe stuns can easily win the game. Or the 850 damage with a huge aoe he sets in a second. Also his cast range with sceptor is crazy. Such a huge teamfighter he can't be called "support"


                                                                      Also don't say GEF a gem and you win cause its not that easy against a farmed techies. There's traps everywhere and fog applies. Techies is completely broken late game cause that's when teamfifhts matters so much. And techies is a very strong team figbtwr if he has farmed up a few core items. Mainly sceptor. Also bkb is not Bad on techies cause you can walk in and lay a trap. Your opponent can no longer go near the team fight without killing it first. But that's not to say there's other heroes they have to worry about getting in the way.


                                                                        pit lord is ridiculously strong - just go mid and spam fire (it also harms towers I believe) and he has 65 base dmg at level 1 which is higher than void's LOL

                                                                        atrophy aura is also broken as fuck

                                                                        good mid hero check

                                                                        good teamfight check

                                                                        good gank potential check


                                                                          yea i don't see how this hero isn't broken, he has an aura that's more potent than venge's in terms of dmg reduction (enjoy ur 500 PA crits 30 minutes into the game even with 3 damage items) and he gets bonus damage for 45 seconds whenever a creep/neutral/player controlled unit or hero dies

                                                                          u can probably just build all aura-based items (mek/vlads, shiva, ac, blademail) and go ham on the other team. maybe a sheepstick if ur team needs help killing a hero like void

                                                                          anyways given how dota 2 has released heroes previously, he'll probably be just like earth spirit in 6.78 and people will inflate their MMRs by 500+ picking him over and over again

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            on the day when oracle, ww and arc warden are released, i will give up playing dota for 1 month and watch is community RAGE


                                                                              I'm honoured to see one of my own topics necroed.


                                                                                just to fix some misinformation.
                                                                                pit lord stun dmg is magic, but the disable work on magic immune units. his fire does not dmg towers (it used to, not anymore) and his dmg reduction aoe is working only for base dmg (excluding any bonus dmg via items).

                                                                                all in all a good teamfight hero, nothing too broken. can be surprisingly strong if you get caught out by surprise. something like trying to kill undying, then he gets a 3 man wipe.

                                                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                                  What people don't realize is that literally everything in dota 1 was op at some point. Stealth assassin used to have a better version of death ward as normal skill, astral trecker (spirit breaker) used to have an 10 second root, etc, etc.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    dude thats just nitpicking and you know it. riki had deathward litteraly like 10 years ago. its in no way shape or form a suitable comparisment for any shit thats going on in dota today.
                                                                                    people just copy paste same crap over and over again, naix passives purchasable aegis yada yada yada.
                                                                                    i dont see the point of this. let alone that "What people don't realize" because everyone realizes. and knows it already.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      play AI maps and pick those WTF heroes is so fun :D


                                                                                        Pitlord is not broken. And will most likely be an offlane hero. Also his fire skill sucks almost not worth getting. At level 4 it can do a total of 400 ish damage if the opponent is stupid enough to stay in the same spot and tank 7 consecutive waves of fire. trust me if you haven't played dota 1 pitlord then don't say the hero is broken based on what you are reading on hero description. Its really not broken at all. Its like saying tides anchorsmash is broken cause it does 60% damage reduction.


                                                                                          his fire is not bad, because its huge ass aoe and you can pair it with his 2nd skill. not to mention you can easy get 2 waves off before target gets out of range, where his disable comes into play.


                                                                                            they are all useless. dont complain about arc. nigga has 20 something str +1,9 if i remember right. sure, its dangerous to let him farm, but if you gang him, he is a 2 skills kill. he is feed or fed, but most of the times feed.
                                                                                            pit is damn useless also. there are betters harassers on lane, better farmers, better tanks, better everything. he sucks hard.
                                                                                            wyvern has a nice heal, that makes kills impossible on his lane in early, unless a serious gang. after that its just a ulti hero, something like enigma. free kill if he doesnt have ulti or if he doesnt get too many allies in his ulti.
                                                                                            oracle is interesting. he has many possible builds, as most items work on him, depending of situation. this is actually the only interesting hero from all.


                                                                                              I love it whenever people say "just gank a hero and then they suck" cause every hero that is under farmed and underleveld sucks. But arc isn't THAT easy to gank as he has his sparks to kill people who try anyways or it gives vision. You. Will probably say use smoke or something but understand this is pub games we are talking about . but just because you can gank him dosnt mean easy kill. Also his ult image is the exact image of him so its confusing to kill him. Unless they changed that. Also in better competitive play the team will know to protect him for his midas. Cause they know once arc gets his midas its pretty downhill for the enemy. Also just because they have low strength gain doesn't mean they are stupid jeez. You act like every player won't realize they have a low health hero and wont play a bit cautious.


                                                                                                Gankning jsnt just 3 man rushing torwards a hero. They need to have good positioning, avoid wards, and at the same time the opponent needs to have a bad positioning or you are wasting time and doing more bad then good. In fact I've seen too many ganks go wrong and that could be devistating. This happens even in the international tournaments.

                                                                                                Von Darkmoor

                                                                                                  Hon fanboys should stop posting so much and also PITLORD WILL BEEEEE EPIC!!!! Also they should remake one hero back to the bawzy bad ass fathorse man he was.

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                                                                                                  Dan Backslide

                                                                                                    I have always been more excited for Winter Wyvern than techies.

                                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                                      I cant wait till Pit Lord, meatball-rain was the most fun skill in dota1