General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to break down the winrate of a hero in each bracket?

Is it possible to break down the winrate of a hero in each bracket? in General Discussion

    I think it would be interesting to see which heroes actually have a higher winrate out of the ignorant masses
    I am aware there is a big diference between 4k and 6k (both being in very high skill bracket)

    Ples Mercy

      I think that feature is available for db+ users


        It's not. The trends you can observe are winrate over last 30 days, pick rate over last 30 days, and how often a hero wins at a specific level compared to all other heroes (on average) and how often that hero reaches that level in any given game.


          Zenoth posted some time ago a chinese site which showed the winrates of heroes per skill bracket to prove his point in how TB was winning big time in the Very High bracket. But IIRC, it only divided winrates by those skill brackets (Normal, High, Very High). Very High is anywhere above 3700 MMR, so it was still pretty unreliable.


            DotaMax does this for free, I believe.

            Jay Ashborne



                I believe normal bracket is 3300 and below, high is 3300-3800 and very high is 3800+


                  Higher winrate by low bracket players: Lich, Abaddon.
                  Higher winrate by high bracket players: Chen, Lycan, Invoker.

                  These are some I remeber, there was a list somewhere.

                  आप गे क्यों

                    links or it never happened
                    we need links!


                      Very High apparently starts at about 3.7k actually.


                        Google is your friend.


                          "Higher winrate by high bracket players: Chen, Lycan, Invoker." You have too high opinion about higher bracket. It ain't the international