General Discussion

General Discussion"All in one" heroes.

"All in one" heroes. in General Discussion

    Yo folks. I am fairly new to Dota 2, and I am looking for heroes, that can do "everything" to win the game, don't know them all yet. The heroes that can either mid or lane, able to flashfarm, and have strong early damage output, along with scaling ability that allows them to semicarry (and outcarry hardcarries due to great farm and shutting their farm aswell).

    Storm and QoP seem good for this, but their carry potential, especially for QoP, is not that good. I have tried Ember and it looks like a hero that I want - it has mobility, early damage allowing you to net some kills, flashfarm tool (and insane antipush tool for the lategame), he scales well into late. His skillcap seems to be quite high and I see why a hero that seems so amazing can be picked rather rare.

    So, whille my first question is about other heroes fitting for these requirements, the second is about Ember. Is he equally good mid or lane? Should you max flame guard or chains? How do you build him? Could you tell me any pro Ember players? Is he even good above 4k?


      HOW the hell u have 33 KDA with dusa

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        @ sharpyy
        Because this hero seems unkillable.
        I like farmers like dusa or tb, but they seem to be team dependent :C


          Gyro is similar to Ember in those regards, flak cannon means you can clear stacks with ease and farm well, Q can land you some early kills, your W is a stun (although it's kinda lame) and your Ult is nice for team fights.


            Add mirana and invoker to that list, though invoker is a little bit complicated for new players.

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            waku waku

              slark, viper, sketlun kong


                Tinker , Invoker (he cant flashfarm, although he can farm really fast if u go qe midas invoker.), Kunkka, Natures Prophet, Luna

                Ember is good either lane or mid (depends who u play.. ember generally do bad against skyrath mage, bloodseeker, etc)
                If u go mid ember, I generally go flame guard first because for pushing lanes fast before the rune spawn time and that magic resistance.
                If u go safelane ember, I usually get chains so i can get some early kills by disabling them with it also comboing it with your support's stuns/disables.
                Hope this helps!

                Hex Sigma



                    pick sven farm madness and wipe

                    mr dee

                      Shadow Fiend mid, able to flashfarm, and have strong early damage output, along with scaling ability that allows them to carry.

                      Mirana is the hero that fits all role, even cliff jungling lol, strong early game and decent late game with items, as long as you can land some sick arrows then you're good to go.

                      Dire Wolf

                        You want someone who can fight early, mid game and flash farm and not fall off late? They're aren't many heroes that do all of that.

                        If you build void correctly he can. Skip midas and battlefury farming builds and go maelstrom, mask of madness, you will be able to kill anyone early/mid game and turn into a beast later and your flash farm will be fine with mjollnir later.

                        Slark is kind of an obvious choice. Can flash farm with Q later, doesn't fall off if you keep up in items.


                          Invoker = All in 1 hero

                          free mana burn
                          free stun
                          free disarm
                          free eul
                          free escape mechanism with 522 ms
                          free pure damage nuke
                          free pushing power
                          free bloodlust

                          and you can teamfight and play lategame with refresher
                          also nobody can push ur towers

                          eul sunstrike meteor blast = flash farm heroes

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                              @MID OR I FUCKING FEED

                              Why do you get such a late 4th level in quas?


                                because i make meteor longer


                                  QOP is probably one of the weakest heroes right now, ember gets stronger at higher brackets b/c he can splitpush, hard to gank and immediately be ready at teamfights throughout the game, i max q and e first if i go mid or q w if i safelane (mid is better imo you need bottle and levels)
                                  Morphling is generally considered a hard carry but if he goes mid and rushes eblade he can be relevant throughout the game
                                  buying a MoM allows you to flashfarm on most range carries like drow or luna w/o having cleave


                                    brood mother does all that too


                                      Okay it seems that ES and Gyro are the best heroes for this. Others have flaws (for instance, SF has no escape, Invo has no flashfarm and Mirana just mediocre at everything).

                                      So, how do you build ES? I go BF, then Maelstorm and Daedalus. It grants me insane damage output and flashfarm, but I am kinda paper. Of course I am fast and evasive, but die pretty easy if I happen to get focused. Don't like drums, they basically help u with the thing you're already great with. Any opinions on his builds?


                                        Mirana: Support, roamer, mid, carry, offlane. Powerful utility for teamfights, has an escape and chase mechanism, powerful ganker with enough practice, capable of flash farming very well.

                                        Invoker: Support, carry, mid, offlane. Needs levels to be effective, but is still super strong at all stages of the game once he has level 3.

                                        Clockwerk: Solo offlane, mid, or safelane. Powerful ganker at all stages of the game, capable of farming globally, very hard to kill.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Mirana is pretty sick.

                                          I disagree on clock simply because he needs to cooridinate with the rest of your team. Too many clocks pick him with all melee carries and then cog block the hell out of them. I mean that's partly cus they are stupid, but partly cus it's a bad pick. Like clock + void, what is clock contributing during void's ult? Nada. He goes awesome with ranged heroes like a sniper or drow so they can sit back and snipe what's in the cogs.

                                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                            How about TA?

                                            Hafla Enjoyer

                                              Why would qop be a weak hero? Nuke everyone to death early game -> organise a push -> win -> repeat


                                                Mirana, Mirana and Mirana. Have I forgot someone? Oh, yeah, Mirana.

                                                Also Windrunner.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Because qop does zero dmg to anyone magic immune and she's all nukes so once they get an hp pool she doesn't have enough dmg. There's games when qop starts 10-0 and team still loses.

                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!