General Discussion

General DiscussionAgha on Void

Agha on Void in General Discussion

    When do you actually want to go agha on void? Do you get it if your team has skills that work well with your ult (qop, invoker, dis, any kind of aoe really)? Do you get it if you want to take a part in teamfights more?

    The only time/s I went agha was long time ago when I was new, I was like "oh agha upgrade, sure gotta get it" then I was flamed but then you see pros going for it now so there's gotta be a reason to do so.


      A 60 second cooldown lockdown for any heroes, so worth taking it if your teammates have so much dmg potential, also late game that less 20 second cd is great coz you can pick off enemy heroes without worrying about the cool down of ur ulti. Srry if my grammar is fucked up my 3rd language

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        The cooldown reduction is nice, but I almost never get aghs on him. I prefer building into a refresher over aghs for the late game dbl ult dbl bkb.

        If you have good farm, spending the 4200 on something else will probably land you more kills than dropping the ult cooldown a bit and adding a second to its duration. I'd rather finish my mjollnir, build a crystalis and work on daed than spend the gold on aghs.

        If you are heavily teamfight oriented and need the ult as often as possible, aghs is a solid choice. This might be why pros get it. Also, in pro games they know better than to have 4-5 caught in void ult, so aghs helps keep it off cooldown and gives a little more duration so void can use it frequently.

        Just my two cents.


          The increase of one second on Chronosphere may not sound very big, but it's actually very significant.

          I build Aghs on Void 100% of the time if I'm playing offlane (which I usually do), which may be a mistake sometimes.
          However, when you play Void offlane you don't really need to rely on yourself farming the entire game, making him a very high impact hero.

          Whenever your ult is off CD, you go with your team looking for a kill (or by yourself if there's heroes you can catch and kill them.)

          If you're gonna play Void, I really suggest you to play him offlane.

          You'll find yourself having more impact on the game. Get level 6 which should be fairly easy, then you buy a TP and gank mid.
          ^Way too win. Pretty easy.

          :Buy teleport, press G to teleport mid, press Q to leap, press R to Chrono:
          ^Recipe to high mmr


          Also consider refresher, it's superstrong. Look at chronosphere as doom, expect the heroes are also locked in place.

          With refresher+aghs you have 12sec of doom, that also are stunned. (Keep in mind you can doom your team-mates too! :D)

          You should most lilkely not build refresher over Aghs cause you'll have very big mana problems. You might not be able to pull both chronos off.


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            @ butter - I tend to go refresher every game that goes late, and if used to initiate I have mana for mjollnir, leap, ult, mom, refresh, ult, leap.

            Generally by this point I am probably 25. If I have dropped treads for BoT then maybe mana becomes more of an issue, but all it takes is one teammate with mana boots and life is good. To be honest I only have issues using dbl ult if they have mana burn, or if I get initiated on and have to use some abilities/items before I get to try a dbl ult.

            Edit: Another thing I though of just now is that late game my respawn tends to be longer than 60secs, so the cd reduction is wasted if I have aghs, ult, then die. By the time I respawn it is possible my non-aghs ult is off cooldown so the reduction is wasted.

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              I picked it up a few times even on the safe lane when I had low stats, coz if you're going like MoM Maelstrom or something you can be barely over 1k hp

              E.G. my most recent game

              Also I needed a chrono every TF to get Omni down before he could drop his shit, they were owning the fights before I zoned him owned coz of his spells.

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                Yeah, if I'm in need of hp/magic immune i will grab bkb before MoM (i usually go midas, treads, maelstrom, mom/bkb, bkb/mom, mjollnir, crit/refresh/bots/bfly/mkb depending on what I need.

                Maelstrom makes farming quick enough, especially combined with midas, so the bkb/mom come online pretty quickly.


                  Usually pros get it after MoM+Mjolnir+BKB and then go refresher

                  Dire Wolf

                    Do it if they have nothing to counter your ult. Like if they have a bane and viper on their team then every team fight when you chrono one of them will ult you to counter the chrono unless they are brain dead and stand next to each other and you chrono them both. But if their supports don't have ranged disables they your ult is basically an iwin button.

                    In general going aghs is never bad though. It's not that situational, it's at least a decent pickup in every game.


                      Get aghs if:

                      -Void is not your main carry
                      -You have heroes on your team that can advantageously use the chronosphere

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        Get aghs if:

                        -You are way ahead or you need HP vs. nyx/OD/Silencer.
                        -You have the tendency to get allies stuck.
                        -You can't wait for level 16 for that fast cooldown.


                          straight after midas even if midas is 20 mins in


                            never, unless ur shit


                              When your team strat is centred around your chronosphere.


                                Manta is better imo :/
                                Make the nuker outside chrono confused which one to target
                                for duration better go refresher as 6th slot after you upgrade to travel


                                  Oh well, kunkka wanted safelane (this game taught me to NEVER let heroes like that take safelane again - it's a waste), we seemed to have a nice chrono oriented team so I decided I will go off void and rush agha.


                                  It actually didn't go that bad (especially for me) but I was taking so much shit from that raging rhasta for me going agha its unbelievable lol.

                                  I mean, letting the kunkka safe when they have heroes like WK and spectre was actually a fucking retarded idea both by kunkka and our team for letting him do so (he was with windranged so I guessed they wont move from safe).

                                  So, is it actually kind of my fault for us losing or it's everyones fault for that retarded setup and letting the game go for that long? I realized we didnt take advantage of our short cd ults, we should have forced teamfights as soon as my chrono was up, am I right?


                                    when you're not main carry, need some distraction and want to be an ass


                                      Agh's is good on void if you think that your team can nuke the enemy in chrono, heroes like sand king,lich, witch doctor, aa, lion with aghs, invoker etc. If you can't rely on teammates doing damage in chrono (in solo it's like 80% of the time), better finish off that daedalus, mjollnir or get that bkb instead of aghs.


                                        You are right, especially because im in 3,4k mmr which is low so relying on my team to do so much damage during the chrono is kinda stupid, I guess I'm gonna continue safelane void without agha or just go for it if I offlane but when we have a REAL hard carry to be on safe (not kunkka)


                                          I get aghs as a comeback item or if the game is close and my team can do things from outside the ult.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Aghs was an awesome pickup for your team, you have invoker who can emp or drop that fireball shit during chrono, kunkka's boat, tons of dmg and will make it a no brainer to hit, powershot, ss ult and nuke. You have shitloads of dmg for a chrono, aghs was a good call. You only have to be careful not to chrono your own teammates cus lich ult will wipe you.