General Discussion

General DiscussionMost reliable offlane at the moment

Most reliable offlane at the moment in General Discussion

    Bounty Hunter?
    Dark Seer?
    Lone Druid?
    Nature prophet?

    What do you think?
    If one last person have to pick and he has to pick solo offlane, what would you want him to pick?

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      clock is the best reliable offlane since ever


        batrider !


          doom or tide


            situational? if oppo is uber aggressive tribtm darkseer would be good (just shell and farm)
            if's it's 2 melee with stun th is good
            if it's 2 weakling bat is good
            if soft harassers cw is good
            cw timber phoenix all possible depending on the circumstances...


              What is the reason mirana is so feared in TI and get banned a lot?
              Is it because they are in 1 team so it's easier to use of her ulti?


                I think it's also because she fits into any strat with any team, she's so versatile so a lot of players are good on her. If you're struggling to think of a ban to make, Mirana is almost never a bad idea.


                  Mirana is not the best, since she can't pressure the carry, if the supports let him alone. If I play antimage, I insist my support(s) to leave the lane, so they can roam and do something usefull on other lanes. She has nothing to harrass the carry out of the lane. 48 Basedamage, and no reliable nukes just make her a baddy. Meanwhile a cent/timber/weaver/wr/ds/batrider/tide can wrack havoc on a carry, if let alone with the carry.

                  She shines midgame, CAN setup nice ganks on mid. Her ultimate is annoying for enemy supports, since they HAVE to spend alot of gold on sentries/dusts.

                  But her cons on the laningstage outweight her. A good offlaner should force at least one enemy support on the offlane. Otherwise the enemy team has 2 roaming supports AND a farming carry.

                  Best offlaners to go in the current metagame:

                  Tidehunter, Cent, Batrider, DS, Clock

                  You can never let your meleecarry alone agaisnt a tide. He will simply get 0 farm, and eventually get killed. Same goes for cent or batrider, ds and clock.

                  Just my 2 cents.

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                      not bounty


                        I'd have to say tidehunter. Naturally tanky, his presence in lane makes it so the supports can't leave the carry, can stack ancients and clear it later to fix a bad start, can kill anyone reaching level 6, only needs a blink to be effective. Has good early and late game presence, kraken shell makes it so that even if he gets focused down and silenced and lassoed, he can eventually cast his spells.


                          In order

                          1.Tide, (tied with DS if you're vs a melee carry lane)
                          2. Lich


                            In my opinion


                            even Prophet if he can block off the camps (like how the way Ohaiyo did so well in 1 game, I forgot what it was)


                              Well he sure can :p
                              not only that he also can cut creep in lanes
                              but from my experience it's sometimes fail because treant is too easy to die.

                              bum farto

                                Melee lane - Clock, Tide, Cent, Doom, Bounty, Phoenix, Mirana.
                                Range lane - Windrunner, Bounty, Phoenix Mirana.
                                Nuke lane - Bounty hunter, Clock, Tide.

                                ....some examples but honestly there is no master pick offlane, its all situational and depends what you're up against.


                                  Clock. Even if he gets ultra raped by enemy shit , he can still contribute a lot in games.

                                  On the other hand, if you shutdown cent or tide ( not getting fast dager ), they won't do a lot in team fights and in game at all.

                                  आप गे क्यों

                                    techies. just waiting for him to come out


                                      idk why the fuck ppl have to give their opinion even tho i answered the question in the begining.


                                        By experience, i would say LC offlanes the best.


                                          noone like lone druid anymore :/


                                            If we are just talking about "winning" the off lane than Lich. If by most reliable off laner you mean a hero who is going to fit well into your team as a whole and who can get XP and not die in the off lane then it depends on the other heroes in the game.


                                              ban disruptor!


                                                Wisp n1


                                                  100% clockwerk

                                                  A good clockwerk can:

                                                  Block the pull camp with flare
                                                  Never die because of cogs
                                                  Get solo kills against trilanes
                                                  Gank any lane effectively

                                                  Plus he is extremely farm independent.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    oh what? so if i flare camp it wont spawn? o.O
                                                    or is it just flaring at the right time so the creep will get pulled early..

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      It depends on the game, but generally you want tanky guys that is hard to kill even with a trilane.


                                                        Fnatic disband