General Discussion

General DiscussionEnigma tips

Enigma tips in General Discussion

    So how do you actually play Enigma in the early game?

    I thought I was ok with him but I have had him as my daily hero and after 8 attempts I have had no luck. Every lane has been lost after about 5 mins and we get stomped within 15 mins and I have to wait another 10 for the game to finish.


      buy 3clarities , tangoes (give 2 to your mid) and a smoke.
      closing upon 4min mark you go smoke with your conversions to the middle lane and rape. (Could also go to the safelane, take down TI1 after that.)

      Game #WON

      Don't forget to use your 2nd ability on middle lane melee creep at the beginning. (Go base and regen, back to jungle))

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        I can't buy almost any of that stuff because otherwise we won't have a courier or any wards


          what the fuck are you talking about?
          You ask for advices then you argue about them without any logical statement.


          Not enough money? You can even buy another smoke to give to your second support, while he buys obs and sents.

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            Lately I've been playing a afk jungle enigma until 5-7 minutes. Can get black hole by 5minutes and gank the sidelane or push a tower if possible. If not keep pushing. Before I use to get basi for regen, but recently I've been using soul ring.

            Depending on the game soul ring > midas > brown boots > mek/blink > bots then whatever. Can get midas by 7-8 minutes and mek or blink up at 11-13 minutes.

            On radiant side you can stay with the left hard/medium camp until you get 6, Dire you can stay on the right hard/medium/medium

            A good tip when you have the mana is to use midnight pulse to break the trees to easily get 3 stacks at a time or more if you can do it around the stacking time. This is obviously where the 3 stacks are in their respective jungles.


              I'm not exaggerating when I say that if I don't buy a courier and the upgrade and all the wards we will not have any


                Struggle being a scrub.

                Please stop playing Enigma. It's for your greater good.


                  I'm playing him because I want to get better...


                    You can add me right now, go play a game and I go as coach so I can see how you play.

                    Quick maffs

                      God ... you dont need to do all that stuff, you dont need a smoke because there is no wards in your games.

                      Just buy a courrier and clarities and farm your soul ring, dont pull tangoes to your mid he is going to die anyway even with 2 more tangoes, go gank once your Q is at least lvl 2 and bring your minions.

                      Use blackhole and shit



                        Can't seem to add you because your profile is private


                          I've added you. If you want to go play, then accept me.


                            I am the Enigma GOD nubs.
                            *edit(is not enough)
                            Recently I am not playing enigma dagger I am like
                            clarities,chick,wards,tangoes,soulring,brown boots or mek(buckler first pls),bkb,and refresher or dagger( I don't like dagger so much got to hipster mode)
                            nice tip is like I am not upgrading BH at 11 and 16 but rather when mana pool get better. And refresher is not for double blackhole ( like in 2% game is double worth of but people think is like 95%) but for bh on cd up for next fight.
                            Not writting more as I am doin' guide and thinks were explained itself and enigma is not about items or w/e ( well bkb or dagger choose is the hardest for begginers in enigma understanding when bkb and when blink) but about PATIENCE, TIMING & IMAGINATION.- I think so and it goes well so far

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                            Dire Wolf

                              Enigma doesn't buy wards. Tell the other scrub supports to do it.


                                They can get smoke & sentries insted or gaulent if low base hp or even salve for carry is that correct mark ?


                                  dafaq, the only item support need early game is glove of haste :laugh:

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Watch the game alliance got knocked out by evil genius. Amazing enigma play and he is clearly the 3 spot on their team, more farm priority than wraith king and omni knight.