General Discussion

General Discussiongg 4.8k is too hard for me

gg 4.8k is too hard for me in General Discussion

    easier to win in 5.5k+ than this fucking bracket

    1. boots stealers
    2. bottle stealers
    3. they dont let u bottle crow
    4. your entire team goes mid to farm after 6 minutes
    5. TBD players who sux worse than 3k account buyers on 5k accs

    not even my ta can bring me to 5k

    charged up

      elo hell confirmed (???)


        lol how the fuck that jakiro got that much kills and gold in this game?

        ICE SKULL

          stfu retard its not elo hell

          elo hell is when u get 2k mmr gap between ur teammates and opponents

          ICE SKULL

            no idea, he was good but clock and meepo kept dying to him

            Quick maffs

              elo hell

              charged up

                wave why u so mean :(

                Quick maffs

                  Man that jakiro holy shit

                  U just lost to a jakiro man


                    I wish I was good enough to protect wave-sama's smile


                      how is that possible im having the opposite effect

                      Hex Sigma

                        definetly elo hell

                        ICE SKULL

                          i said the jakiro was good and my team didnt let me b0ttle cr0wz0

                          nobody at 4.8k-4.9k lets you bottle crow, they either steal your bottle or go afk

                          fuck them all, i hope their gas pipes inside their oven explodes

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          ICE SKULL

                            just look at my last,

                            i dont even remember if it was tiny or slark who said "i farm" but wheres the farm guys i see fucking bracers and boots

                            ICE SKULL

                              slark beat tiny in terms of last hitting up to 22 minutes, GOOD PLAYERS + RECOMMEND FOR TI5


                                gimme that account so i can learn from better playaz

                                ICE SKULL

                                  if i get enough account buyers and tbd players to drop me down to 48xx you'll have it


                                    i report every bottle crower i encounter and make sure to drop their bottle so they learn to not do that shit in a pub (eventually they will stop)


                                      Cmon can u Japan stop fuckin spamming this forum with useless emo threads? Go get a life.

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        ey bby u wan sum fukK?

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          acually it is elo hell, because everything is really random, the tiny and slark were both smurf accounts.

                                          You have no control anymore, since volvo gives u 24h ban for dodging. You are forced to play with 2k trash with smurf account against 4k people if u are unlucky enough.

                                          enjoy ur stay in elo hell.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          ICE SKULL

                                            ey bby u wun sum fuk too?

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              no thx, only into women.


                                                okay wave, then i'll be waiting for that

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  buy me sum legion arcana


                                                    how expensive is that
                                                    add me on steam nigga so we can talk better

                                                    Steam ID: sleavera
                                                    steam name: SLEAVE

                                                    Killer Queen

                                                      ta picker


                                                        Now you know my pain. Never said I was above this bracket/trench but if even you're stuck in it... it says a lot.

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          i am completely honest and not trolling when i say 4.8k.4-9k is 50% forced winrate
                                                          everyone is free to check the replays of my matches


                                                            so do you get a 24h ban for dodging one game or is it after multiple games dodged.


                                                              it adds up. think it matters how much games you played since last dodge.

                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                how is this 5.3k?

                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                  i dont even care about 50% forced winrate since im obviously in it because i need 300 games for leaderboard but why is this a thing ? XD

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    Why Do I Get This When I Reach 485x?

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: riki lets dual mid
                                                                      [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: i give u bottle
                                                                      [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: u take runes
                                                                      [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: then u give me bottle for refill
                                                                      [ALLIES] 14/f/japan: ok?
                                                                      [ALLIES] Dota apem ro pro only: ples
                                                                      [ALLIES] Dota apem ro pro only: let me offlane
                                                                      Angel Eyes has disconnected from the game. Please wait for them to reconnect.
                                                                      [ALLIES] Dota apem ro pro only: oh god

                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                        phase + hood riki LoL

                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                          im giving away this acc for legion arcana or something

                                                                          cant tell if valve rigged the algorithm on this acc or something

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            yep definitely rigged


                                                                              get into steam so we can deal

                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                nigro i am gonna sleep


                                                                                  yea i think this range is rigged as well or something

                                                                                  i just hopped onto my 5.1k account after getting trashes all day long on this account at 4.8k

                                                                         (i went mid with drow)

                                                                                  everyone on my team was 4k yet played decently. potm/ogre roamed top and mid and secured the lanes, though i was outcsing necrophos anyways cuz he's like 4.5k and doesn't know how to last hit. potm/ogre were actually sub 4.5k (??!!) but they did shit that even some 5k supports i've had don't do (which, once again, i find extremely odd)

                                                                                  if i was playing on my 4.8k account everyone on my team would just be trash and it'd be a free loss cuz they'd farm 4 cs/min while contributing nothing

                                                                                  ty valve for wasting my time. i'm going back to my 5k account

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    ^ No seriously man, who the fuck cares?


                                                                                      some delicious tears in here


                                                                                        Meh, I have been dealing with this for the last week. Guiri reached his 5K already so I am not going to solo queue anymore, games are just way too wank.

                                                                                        1. Get massive spreads, like I have seriously played page 1 games while I was 4877, how????
                                                                                        2. So many fucking smurfs, I play a in-game-game called Guess the smurfs and 10/10 it's always the jungler or zeus.
                                                                                        3. People are so fucking defeatist, 1 death and all hell breaks loose and people calling gg and afk etc.
                                                                                        4. Dumbass mix of plebs some who are wanting to play well and others that don't so you're fighting as much against your team as you are the enemies.


                                                                                          jakiro is support lol
                                                                                          u lost to a support



                                                                                            Just wait after 28th jully, there will be less smurfs


                                                                                              Even better! He lost mid to Jakiro!

                                                                                              What is Jakiro's mmr?

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                i play drow mid often and jakiro sadly counters her pretty bad


                                                                                                  Benao i like your drow <3. Btw, which is your most favourite pringles's flavor? Mine, rosemary. ;D

                                                                                                  On topic: Wave this happens in 3.8k also and extends all the way up to the top. Sometimes other players are dragging you down. For example, i played today this game and i lost it because puck didn't let me get my 3-minute midas and stayed afk in our fountain with it making sure not to stay immobilized so as not to get an abandon. How am i supposed to feel on my occasion?

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                    normal :D

                                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                                      no, ive boosted many accs with high success with almost little to nothing losses months ago, its just that recently, 4.8k bracket has become a TBD/smurf/downsyndrome bracket

                                                                                                      i could go mid, farm, have around 150 cs in 20 minutes, force the enemy team to constantly babysit their mid because i crush him, and my team would do nothing, not even push towers. and then when they die, they start pinging me and go afk. just dl the replays and you'll see

                                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                                        3.8k is piss easy bracket, i can win my matches 1vs9 until 4.8k