General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP Dota 2 (2011-2014) Goblin Techies Discussion

RIP Dota 2 (2011-2014) Goblin Techies Discussion in General Discussion

    Goblin Techies has been released.

    So, how do you counter him?

    I'm not talking about countering his bombs or traps, but the scenario where he farms an aghs scepter.
    The game turns into a fucking stalemate, aghs Techies is worse than Tinker, you simply can't go highground.

    On the other side, people instalocking techies and doing absolutely nothing but feed/sudoku.

    pls hold me
    dota is deadd

    quick edit:

    here's his aghs upgrade:

    Range from 500 to 700
    Damage from 300/450/600 to 450/600/750
    AoE from 400/410/425 to 410/425/425

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Quick maffs

      His stun is insane

      Quick maffs

        HAHAHAHAHH 270 ms

        CK is faster than techies with boots


          illusion heroes.


            i find it funny that the only hype is from 2k "players"

            Quick maffs

              The thing is that one bomb from his ulti with aghs kills the creepwave completely

              but he will never get aghs so


                Techies can get creeps deceptively fast...and render both him and his carry useless by building stupid items while hogging all the gold.

                Kind of like 3.9k Tinker players in my teams, but at least techies can stun.

                Lol, his starting armor is 7 now...why?

                ICE SKULL

                  only sub 5k autists want techies aka reddit and any other community that equates to cancer


                    >"sub 5k autists"
                    >implying wave isn't sub 5k




                        They actually released him, what the fuck. I will strongly reconsider to play Dota ever again.


                          But... he is not released yet?


                            bat should counter him...with a gem and dagger ofc


                              Most hype about techies came from playdota. All those petitions, thousand of threads how to counter, when they will release it blablabla... Now when hero is infront of release, nobody writes anything... rofl. TBH, hero as hero. People will pick it, either fail it, either own with it. For sure, techies wont be more crucial than other heroes that will make all pick unplayable. So, nothing special.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                ^^^^Abbadon gaming gonna be the new savior. Just collect the balls, man up and walk right into all the mines!!

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                ofc it's viable

                                  Blademail and hope he explodes and I dont


                                    Zeus, bat.

                                    Silance, sigh

                                    Sentry till lane phase, thnm gem is a must. If you play vs tenchi and no sentry, you deserve to lose.

                                    Skip normal paths ( fully moving over rune, side shops , etc )...

                                    For highground, ward up base, and pay attention where he shits his mines.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      so ez to counter, techies off map = stick to lanes
                                      techies spotted = mines somewhere near him



                                        Dust, Dust eveywhere

                                        Also sentries.

                                        It's like if Riki was never announced until today and people will be like "OMG PERMAN INVIS HRRRRRRRRNNGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH"


                                          Ok so us who did not play Dota 1 need 3 lists.
                                          List 1 - Who to pick and what to do if the enemy picks Techies
                                          List 2 - Who to pick and what to do if a team mate picks Techies
                                          List 3 - Who to pick and what to do if a Russian team mate picks Techies.


                                            i dont care about techies in the other team, i care about techies in my team, how to counter that?


                                              list 1 - phantom cancer, send illus all over the way and the russians will explode their mines
                                              list 2 - phantom cancer, you'll have to carry this game hard
                                              list 3 - quit


                                                I have played Techies vs BOTs using this guide


                                                I think Ill be ready

                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                  Have you heard the "i'm suiciding so its not feeding" Almost as funny as "I'm support, so I can feed and its okay"


                                                    Feels like his abilities are instant-cast. Is it bugged? Or cast time was greatly reduced in previous patches?

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      mine should be 0.7 sec cast

                                                      ulti 0.9

                                                      stasis trap 1.5


                                                        Just seen their base attack is 30 lol... they will be such food in early game

                                                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                          30 start dmg = 2 lasthits in all game

                                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                            idk how its going to be played by the 5k masters of the universe

                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                              Satellizer i miss u so hard!


                                                                ^^It won't be played. Hopefully.

                                                                Sugar Show

                                                                  Mines? Who need that? just roam with another slow/stun heroe and gank using smoke...

                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                    techies on enemy team = autowin
                                                                    techies on ur team = autoloss

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      You don't even need to counter that hero wtf. All he does is put mines at stupid places. His laning sucks and he will be a dead weight in the team because he won't do supporting either.


                                                                        You lasthit with mines. It's actually extremely easy to get all creeps with just one mine.
                                                                        Also lasthitting normally with 30base damage isn't impossible if nobody attempts to deny. It's pretty much like SF in early levels.


                                                                        Sam, he can protect your team while pushing a tower with lot of mines = 10000000000damage
                                                                        He can push reasonable well with mines.
                                                                        He can farm fast with his skillset=

                                                                        Oh and, as you can farm fast you obviously can get a fast aghs if you'd like = pushing against techies is a hard task.

                                                                        Doubt he'll be played very efficiently either ways, so fuck Techies

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          He can't even lane so he will reach level 6 very late and you shouldn't be stealing farm from other people anyway.


                                                                            Do you think Techies could be played in a role similar to pugna in an early push strat? Considering he scales somewhat well with items and his Q damages buildings, he sounds like he could be played well both offensively and defensively


                                                                              I'm not sure.

                                                                              They are kinda similar:

                                                                              Pugna has netherward which makes it a challenge to try to fight you while you push,
                                                                              while Techies can plant mines all over your place so if they do take a fight, they'll take HEAVY nuke damage.

                                                                              Techies has like 10sec cooldown on mine at lvl 4 though, so it'll take some time. If they wrap around and come behind you with gem, they'll see all the mines and avoid them, so idno.

                                                                              Techies seems lame, but yeah. They can forfit a similar role.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                stahp it.

                                                                                Techies is trash. He gets countered by fucking sentry and blademail. Srsly he's nothing but food. When he is released, the higher MMR bracket will suffer because of idiots who just have to pick him for no reason.

                                                                                Pos5 Player

                                                                                  Give up you suck

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    Techies will be awsome, probably good and unappreciated offlane material. But I think he will get countered hard by zeus.


                                                                                      They should rename his third skill, to " allahu akbar "




                                                                                          you can play techies mid just fine. unless they specifically pick the counter to it, which again can be used vs anything.

                                                                                          you farm with mines. if you get fast aghs with a setup in team you are a huge threat. (mines also work vs towers for huge dmg)
                                                                                          people think just buying a gem is counter, boy you're wrong.


                                                                                            no ur not

                                                                                            sniper + gem = suck my dick techies

                                                                                            kotl + aghanims + gem = super suck my dick techies

                                                                                            balanar + night + aghanims = super suck my dick techies

                                                                                            same with beasmaster hawk clockwork rockets illusion heroes and whatnot


                                                                                              But even countering Techies is NOT fun, he turns your dota game into Minesweeper 3D


                                                                                                yeah vaikiss, you just counted some of the most popular pub picks
                                                                                                sniper kotl and balanar...
                                                                                                its never fun being forced to pick some shit just in order to counter some crap that some cunt instalocks.
                                                                                                take a tinker for example. you have counters yet he runs rampant.

                                                                                                and once you grab aghs and force on techies (which you can by minute 20) having someone carrying a gem means absolutely nothing.


                                                                                                  Ah, this sweet feeling of walking into load of mines at once...
                                                                                                  Techies wasn't very popular back then in DotA. I think it will be fine. At least, until RTZ or Dendi pick him.


                                                                                                    doesnt really matter anything. any new hero is insta popular. for a while at least.

                                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                                      Does the omni shield counter the mines? I remeber it doeing so in dota1


                                                                                                        The mines are composite damage, they go through magic immunity