General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in the 2,7

Stuck in the 2,7 in General Discussion

    After 150 games, i'm still stuck in the 2.7, now i'm going low at 2.6

    Why matchmaking hate me so much.

    I know i'm not one of the best player of the world, but when i see people who race for 6k solo i'm depressed as the hell.

    I don't deserve to have a magina who only want farm all the game and then have less lh.

    What can i do to improve ? What can i do to start to grow the mmr ? It's a fucking random, the randomest.

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

      Go cry another forum like reddit! u can't increase your mmr cause u suck!

      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

        If u really know you are better do a smurf, if u are not just l2p and u will increase it.


          I'll give you a more useful answer, you can add me in game and I'll give you some tips.

          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

            Oh why!!?? When i said it 1 month ago you all replied me like i did here, and now you will give some tips?

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              Tip n1: learn to lasthit
              Tip n2: look minimap every 10 sec more or less
              Tip n3: in tf look evey where and if u are a support dont try to put your ass in the middle cause you will dead so fast
              Tip n4: Always have tp
              Tip n5: Dont feed
              Tip n6: dont rage
              Tip n7: If u are support buy wards and sentrys and whatever
              Tip n8: U have to know you suck even being 4k
              Tip n9: IDK
              Tip n10: i will add more after play a game


                @Fucking X6
                I don't pick carry. Not so much often, and if i pick, i pick something who don't need to be mastered to lh. I pick Doom, Axe, ursa or other junglers.
                I never go in the middle, i go only when i play with friends for ezy gank, i have everytime a tp, i don't feed too much, i rage everytime, i often buy sentryes and wards and wathever, my weak points is: While there is something who happen [Gettin ganked, Teamfights, gank] i totaly forgot to place a ward while i'm there, i even know where i have to place but i forgot to place, i'm working on this. I know be 4k suck, but there is stupid people who think 4k means = 2pro2good and i want realy shit on them for theyr stupid opinions. Idk too. I add u no worries.


                  Dont play axe in the jungle, its a waste imo. It's better to go on a lane, the hardlane if possible and wreck everything in their safelane, especially if the enemy picked faggot melee heroes like pa or void. Once you have ~2 more levels than them just proxy until the tower is destroyed then go do the same thing on another lane. Continue till victory. At your mmr it will probably work.
                  Items to consider : tranquil / vanguard / blademail / blink (core) / shiva / heart / pipe


                    you just suck and you should be glad you were even given 2k!
                    i would give you less than 1k|

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      RULE #1 Don't play during TI4 weekend.

                      RULE #2 Only play carry unless you are way aboe your MMR.

                      RULE #3 Buy wards even if you're carry

                      RULE #4 Buy a mic

                      RULE #5 Watch this video:

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!