General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Misadventures of a 3k smurf

The Misadventures of a 3k smurf in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    I tried playing some games on a new account. The first game was in normal skill, I went 31-5 as viper. Not really suprising. The second game was in high skill, and I did pretty poorly (1-6-6) with my random, abaddon.

    MM decided to give me another shot at high skill and this time, I stomped again, 28-7-20 on bloodseeker. I played one more game, and it was in very high.

    We lost pathetically, I was a decent part of the problem. Clearly I don't belong in very high, but it seemed strange to get an easy win in high when I am usually in normal. After those games, I played some 1v1's.

    They were all in high skill, and I won a fair number. Even after losses, I didn't go down to normal, and never to very high either.

    All 1v1's that I have done on my real account are in normal, with limited success. But in high, I was holding my own. Just some observations (it probably helped that I picked better, such as no kotl).

    Some irrelevent observations: PA's dagger shouldn't crit, there is just no reason; you shouldn't be able to kill another lane's tower to win 1v1's. Again, it just has no purpose. In a real game, if I outlane their mid, they can't just take a free tower elsewhere to make up for it.


      And why is there no reason for PA's daggers criting? the damage value was nerfed and she's not that viable as a late carry as a simple bkb really stops her from her real danger (blink strike). She, IMO, excels if she gets quick levels and can use that chance to crit pop some supports. Most semi-carries can beat her late game with a simple MKB and BKB combo.

      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

        Just flavor-wise I mean. A critical strike is finding a weakness in opponent's armor. How can she do that from 1100 range?

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          well of course that dagger hit opponent's penis if its critical hit..


            You can throw a dagger into a kink in armor, why not?


              You can calibrate your smurf at 4k+ just by picking the right heroes. Doesn't mean you will be able to hold that 4k+ mmr.
              I don't think you will really fall to your original mmr on your main, you will improve a little and be like 200-400, maybe 500 more than on your main. Still doesn't make up for the ruined games where someone checks your profile and sees less than 100 wins.

              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                I don't really plan on playing any more on it, may as well play on my real account. I stopped 5v5 after unintentionally ruining a 5k game. I figured 1v1 doesn't matter, because I'm not ruining anyone else's game, and plus I had ~60% wr in 1v1 at high skill

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!