General Discussion

General Discussion"game will not be scored", got a loss on db, AGAIN

"game will not be scored", got a loss on db, AGAIN in General Discussion

    again a match where every1 disconnected but slark. couldnt reconnect, game says it wont be counted, but dotabuff fails again.

    i am really so happy i canceld my premium.

    this site really dont deserve any support. maybe when they are able to get TRUE stats

    and now come and flame me


    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      There's so much wrong in this thread and I'm too lazy to point it all out


        my last game had that. every one DC'd. more people on our team then theres and we lost even tho I would have carried the game with PA. sucks and I have heard that the API provides a status that lets 3rd parties know if a game counted or not now but it's not being used on here from what I can tell. Oh well at least it was no ranked, so no issue

        Harry hamburgerryg

          Does it rly matter, aslong as you dont lose rating?


            yes because he lost 0.01% WR !

            sue them !


              yeah sue jason, that idiot, making you lose winrate

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                actually it was 0,03%


                  O sorry my b. Plz no sues!

                  In all seriousness, sorry this happened. We do our absolute best but for some matches there just isn't a way to determine whether the match counted or not. I know it can be frustrating and I hope we have the opportunity to improve this in the future.

                  Jay Ashborne



                      how can he be so professional man? I'd just start to ignore after the 500th thread




                          lol he will sue you for damages caused by that 0.03% winrate lol.


                            fix or report.


                              jason, reported.