General Discussion

General DiscussionShit from the Shit Tier

Shit from the Shit Tier in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Ask questions about what happens in the shit tier.

    Fun fact: I will sometimes add fun facts.


      Is it lonely down there

      playinginursockdrawer mm soc


        No, actually I have never seen the same person twice. (Moral of the story is: there's a lot of bad players)


          Been in it, never going back again.


            What's your ranking of shit tier?

            playinginursockdrawer mm soc


              I'm currently trying to rise out of the 1k shithouse.


                How Sniper and Bloodseeker are doing down there?


                  How are you maintaining a good WR and yet in the shit?

                  आप गे क्यों

                    anyone using voice chat there?

                    Hafla Enjoyer

                      ^I'm in the shit tier too and only angry russians use voice chat here
                      It's really funny to mimic them back though

                      playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                        I haven't had much problems with Sniper or Bloodseeker, however, there have been many games where a BS carries us out of a loss.
                        (Bloodrage is pretty much op..)

                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                          Two Reasons:
                          1. I thought that I could play a lot of heroes that I couldn't. (Just look at my leshrac!)
                          2. I was calibrated to 1125.

                          3. I feed terribly when the enemy starts getting an advantage.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                            People use voice chat, however most of the time it's complaining or "5 man mid"
                            Fun Fact: If you want to use voice chat, use it to coordinate plays, not to just say "All (lane)"


                              This is actually a good proof that there's a huge number of people in the 2k/3k trench while few people on 4k+, because at 4.8~5k I meet pretty much always the same people


                                im playing on a ~4.5k account and i faced the same guy like 4 times (in different times) since yesterday whereas in my 2.8k account i never met anyone more than 1 time


                                  Check out this Dusa skill build.



                                    ^ Ok.....

                                    On topic: What you can also see, when its a 3k game and everyone is solo, even late at night gap is usually below 10. If its 4k, gap is usually what.. below100? If its ~6k, gap becames 1k or more. Im curious about 1k and 2k games, could you provide us some end-game screenshots? You can hide the names and anything, Im only interested in the mmr's of the teams. I mean, all pick game, not some less played game mode.

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                                      Whoops I thought this thread was to share what happens in your games my bad lol.


                                        until 3.8k the gap is like 25 MMR, up to 4k you get matched with 6k players constantly


                                          How often would you say people try and coordinate ANYTHING during picks? Like, do people say "oh hey, that guy picked a Lifestealer so I'll play [Ranged Support] and help him out in lane" or is it just people picking whatever they want without any thought as to how you all will lane it?


                                            do you run into people who know how to stack, last hit, pull, ward/deward and gank or does every one just sit in lane auto attacking? Some of my friends are still 1k and they seem to know what they are doing (at least more then you would think 1k players would) and I am wondering if this is just cuz they don't play ranked, or if they really belong there.

                                            playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                              What is coordination?

                                              On a more serious note, there is no coordination in drafting. You will see Drow, Sniper, and BS pretty much every game. You'll see a couple of support and mid players, but the majority are just carry players that think that early aggression is the only way to accumulate items.

                                              I play Dazzle because usually most of the damage both teams have are physical, so it allows me to dictate early team fights.

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                                                playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                                  A lot of people know about wards (they will often spam "We need wards" when they die), however everyone is extremely greedy (even I am), and will buy wards rarely.

                                                  Most people are stuck in the shit tier because they don't know how to create an advantage. Everyone knows how to play after you get one, but few will actually coordinate ganks or farm enough to obtain that advantage.

                                                  Keep in mind that any criticism that I say towards this tier is usually applicable to me.


                                                  Oops, I forgot about pulling. Very few people other than me pull, and I've only had one time where an enemy has blocked my pull camp.

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                                                  playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                                    I've recently played with a Lone Druid who never leveled up his bear and put all of his items on himself. BTW, check out Juggernaut's skill build.


                                                      Is it possible to climb out of this trench hole?


                                                        How are you able to play support for this long and not be upset with your bad teammates (from time to time)?

                                                        Or does it just suit your style? (like it did mine lol)

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                                                        playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                                          I feel like everyone has a natural limit where your natural abilities are worse than the other players. The point where most people can do as best as they can is the trench.

                                                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                                            I play support because I think that victory is more important than numbers.

                                                            Fun Fact: Playing support is against human nature because people are geedy motherfuckers.


                                                            Also I don't play carry because I don't feel like I'm good enough at farming and last hitting.

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                                                            puni puni butt UWU

                                                              @Poppy supporting retards will not help you rise in mmr. if you really are better than the people you play with, pick a snowball hero that you can win with, and get up to where you're supposed to play.


                                                                If he is better than his current rating he may "carry" games as support, there are several experiments like people picking Jakiro/Chen and grinding easy MMR.

                                                                It is generally easy to win picking mid-late game carries though, but it is possible to win if you play support properly. The thing is people think that picking support = playing support, when its not. Very few people know how to properly dictate the early game tempo. Depending on your bracket, people think that mid is the one supposed to gank 24/7 and supports won't gank mid.

                                                                Picking a good ganker like Skywrath can give your mid lane an advantage if you gank successfully. The problem is that its way harder to play a nice support than to play a nice carry.

                                                                playinginursockdrawer mm soc


                                                                  I have been playing Skywrath when Legion Commander or Void is picked.


                                                                    you can win with supports, sometimes when i play ranked and i see that my team needs a support i will pick one, and we will win that game most likely, because i am 100% sure that we will have vision on the map and a good utility support that will stun and hex and ulti at the right time.