General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvise needed from forumers!

Advise needed from forumers! in General Discussion

    i need help with advise regarding my gameplay.more advise/suggestion will be better.

    kindly take a look and stats your opinion.

    my mmr currently is 3700



      Learn how to fight. Looked at your last 2 pages of games, and saw that you are CONSISTENTLY the lowest in Hero Damage, even when you're playing core roles like Bloodseeker or Nightstalker. What's worse is that your lack of Hero Damage isn't made up for by any other stat - you're not farming really well (your GPMs are about the same as the rest of your team's) and your Tower Damage is good but not spectacular.

      From a stats point, it really looks like you're not contributing a whole lot to your victories.

      Exception: You've played more than enough Tinker to be solid with that hero. Good performance with it.


        usuallly when you're still green its best to go passive heroes and let teammates be active so i recommend going viper/razor and gay heroes like taht and just doing your part and not feeding :)

        ez mmr


          night stalker is shit hero


            balanar is good for gank when have aghanim but also depends on teammate if they can gank well.

            #best counter against tinker


              why the fcuk i keep getting team up with rubbish in mmr


                zzz 2 game both abandon after 1st blood


                  Lol nightstalker aghs... You belong in 1k mmr


                    Good: 61% tinker win rate

                    Bad: tinker spam and everything else on most played heros is below 50% on your page.


                      night stalker aghs is sometimes alright, it's not an every game item and most likely not a first one

                      get dps like armlet / basher and you probably need BKB too, crush early fights and secure map control then once the enemy are too scared to leave the base, aghs is an *optional* item to clear enemy wards with a gem. otherwise just get more dps like heart / assault / abyssal

                      your tinker winrate is high but if that's the only hero you can play you'll get to a point where you can only play tinker if you want to play at the level of your mmr - although this seems like it is already the case.

                      and when you *do* play tinker, how often do you face against his counters, and do you do well even though you are countered? if you can only play one hero well you need to make sure you can play it well no matter what heroes you're against.


                        alot ppl nowdays love picking tinker at the beginning of the game.
                        i play tinker because i have fast hand and my tinker does not reveal itself on map (hidden while war)
                        but it gets bored because some ppl start throwing game due to the annoying tinker issue and thats why im shifiting to a better hero which can control the map i.e balanar
                        i still havent found any good ganker heroes which can solo and gank both at early game and do map control other than tinker, balanar , bat.

                        Miku Plays

                          try controlling midgame then, its not always easy to dominate early game.

                          im not trying to force this to you but trying LC and roaming with someone can secure duel wins. and in late game they will be scared to go push alone since you can easily pick them off.


                            tonight i'll try few games with lc using the midgame controlling


                              tinker is actually really good even if u fight against counters e.g clock nyx skywrath doom bat if u farm efficienctly and yes NS is a pretty shit hero

                              Scepter is really horrible on tinker


                                yr build's kind of weird too, usually u have 2 points in laser and 1-2 in missile to secure a kill else u go full march for fast farming


                                  any tinker skill tree which does not take at least level 1 laser by level 2 is a bad skill tree.
                                  and you seem to underestimate the power of pocket suicide + the advantage that the bloodstone death heal gives.
                                  not to mention night stalker isnt a "mainable" hero.


                                    oh great,
                                    1st game today with lc , my team bs abandon after die once :(


                                    Miku Plays


                                      you dont need MoM for Lc, trick is to get either AC or deso after your blink.


                                        you're annoying like rly annoying so can you pls stop this shit?
                                        even if you're a girl this shit just makes you even more annoying so stop it


                                          no i wont
                                          this is my personal space in the forum