General Discussion

General DiscussionLate night DotA!

Late night DotA! in General Discussion
bum farto

    Totally fair!

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        LVL 24 meepo totally fair. Thats a lvl a minute


          lol you played against the pro slayer lightningknight :D

          nothing to do just ff


            eww dagon NP


              LIGHTKNIGHT Kreygasm


                so sad ur np decided to be a troll

                bum farto

                  Ironically NP did really well, that was a 6 minute dagon and he was pick up people BS's ult saw.

                  ICE SKULL

                    u want to see trolls?

                    821082686 potm
                    821009182 dp

                    will add more

                    bum farto

                      Please don't, I am not turning this into a thread where all the bleeding heart smurfs come out to complain about broken MM and bad team mates. It was very late and I queued US East cause it should have been about early night there and I got all these skewed MMR ranges.


                        oh boy

                        complain thread

                        time to :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:


                          Us east, the trenchiest of the trench. Only the strongest survive there!