General Discussion

General DiscussionPA Build MoM Basher

PA Build MoM Basher in General Discussion

    I have been trying Phantom Assassin recently , after I had a horrible stretch with her a year ago.

    I generally go MoM into Basher, after that a talisman of evasion into butterfly and then abyssal.

    I know the build has major issues against nukers due to the active of MoM

    Can anyone recommend any alternate builds?



      Phase/Treads > Drums > Battlefury > Luxuries
      Phase/Treads > Sange and Yasha > Luxuries
      Phase/Treads > Drums > BKB > Luxuries
      Phase/Treads > Drums > Vlads > Basher > Luxuries
      Phase/Treads > > >


        I used to get a Battlefury first, but thats a farming tool, and generally games end before I farm up because team doesn't create enough room for me to farm for sometime

        The drums BkB is one I like too, specially against nukers.



          pls never go battle fury or mom without bkb
          thank you

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I mostly get MoM against lineups where I don't have to worry about any spells

            I choose PA when the enemy team is mostly right clickers


              You should try out the
              Phase/Treads > Drums > Vlads > Basher > Luxuries build

              It allows for early aggression, and as you say game usually ends before u get to farm up there items are amazing for early fighting.

              Miku Plays

                Phase> Drums > basher > bkb


                  What do you guys think about Desolator on her after Vlads and Basher?

                  Phase > Vlads > Basher > Desolator?


                    ^situational, id rather get diffusal for the purge.


                      Phase --> Drums --> Dominator --> Basher --> Whatever
                      Boots --> Battlefury --> Dominator --> Phase --> Basher --> Whatever
                      Phase --> Dominator --> Battlefury --> Basher --> Whatever

                      The first is for when you either have a tough lane and/or are fighting a lot early, or have a lineup that depends on early aggression.
                      The second is for when you can get the Battlefury within 14 minutes and/or if you have a low-aggression team that can defend you while you farm up.
                      The third is for when you know you will need to farm a lot and quickly, while also need to fight a lot early. Early lifesteal on PA is very strong.

                      That "Whatever" can be AC, Mjollnir, Manta, BKB, etc.

                      (I hate buying BKB on PA).

                      ...I suppose I should try a Phase --> Drums --> Deso build on her... But I think lifesteal is better for her.

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                        @Wink: If you're against Omni or Warlock sure, but otherwise the -armor is a huge boon to PA's damage output. Especially when she crits.

                        If you really need a purge/dispel Manta should work fine right? If I'm reading the wiki right they dispel the same things, the only difference is that Diffusal can be used on enemies so against Omni and Warlock it'd be a good pickup.

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                          That's true Dacheat, but you would need to tank up afterwards.

                          Maybe a Phase --> Drums --> Deso --> Heart build?

                          Tiny hp pool and no lifesteal means PA gets shredded in a fight.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            I don't think you should ever skip lifesteal on PA. If you look above I suggested Vlads before Deso. Thinking about it more though I think Treads might be a better option than Phase.

                            Edit: Treads > Drums > Vlads > BKB/Deso would be nice I think.

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                            Miku Plays

                              ^ it actually depends on what the player want.

                              Phase -> higher crits early
                              Treads -> higher hp and mana pool early


                              OP try adding blademail if youre going MoM .. must be fun with nukers

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                                I think you should go cheap item on her
                                She's not really that hard carry you know :/
                                Skill: QWQEQRQWEWREEWR

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                                  It's for purging ghost scepter


                                    My personal choice on her is Phase -> Drums -> HoD -> Bkb, can you add an aquila early if you want, and get the bkb before HoD if you need.

                                    Generally speaking once you've finished those you're good to fight. She's not a late game carry and even most semi-carries can stand up to her so don't play her as one! Get ready to fight early. You can add a basher after the BKB and upgrade both the HoD -> Satanic and Basher -> Abyssal



                                      mom basher best build

                                      then again when i win nearly every mid matchup with pa it doesnt really matter what i get


                                        I always get battlefury to be able to clear waves quickly - one crit and wave is gone. In my games that's good because there is always some lina or rhasta who nuke the whole wave and I get nothing while pushing.