General Discussion

General DiscussionLiving Armor does not count towards Heroes Healed SADFACE

Living Armor does not count towards Heroes Healed SADFACE in General Discussion

    This surprised me a bit, first I was curious if healing towers was recorded so I tested a game where I only healed towers, didn't even use Leech Seed. Well no, healing towards towers is not tracked or recorded although it wasn't a big deal since it is called "Healing provided to friendly heroes".

    However I was bummed out when I played a game and only healed friendlies via Living Armor and found that also didnt count under the HH category.

    This bums me out because Treant is by far my favorite Hero and unlike LoL healing and shields do not count towards an official scoreboard "assist" but neither does pure CC like Overgrowth as long as it does no damage the scoreboard doesn't give Treant any assist on his ult.

    In Pubs especially lower rankings it is common for people to look at the scoreboard and check KDA to see who is/isn't contributing to the team and of course people that know how Treant works will understand why his assist may be lower than some other supports. An example would be Disruptor his ult if placed properly in teamfights can grab 5 assists but do you really use his ult for the damage or is the silence the more powerful component.

    I got over 70 games on Treant and have a lot fewer Disruptor or Undying games but the assists are easy to come by with those characters and all my assist records are on those heroes 33, 35, 39, ect. While my best on Treant is 25 I would just like Treant's "hidden" power showcased more, perhaps Towers Healed stat or add Living Armor tracking to HH. Maybe Valve could even add 1 point of damage to Overgowth.

    Anyways that my post I love Treant and I know a lot of vets know how good and powerful he can be but to newcomers and the uninformed a lot of his power goes unnoticed.

    edit: BTW All of my "testing" was done in CO-OP bot games.

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      seems like it's only not recorded for bot games? bot game stats are not recorded and no one cares to look at ur bot games anyway.
      even your kda isn't completely reflective of your game impact becos that depends on your playstyle (gank or actually spending time warding/dewarding/babysit, not fountain camping when winning, not getting camped when losing etc)
      if you improve your mmr will reflect it; mmr is the best measure of ur skill because you would always float around the mmr that u truly belong at that time.

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