General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre pro playa

Spectre pro playa in General Discussion

    I need to learn this hero anyone wanna give me tips or show me a pro Spectre player?


      This guy says Spectre is one of his best heroes. Also that he deserves 5k mmr.¨


        watch bogi's replays (dd sama linked his dotabuff)

        he is a 6.5k MMR player who sometimes instapicks spectre. you can learn a lot from him because as you can see from his KDA and winrate, he is very good with the hero


          but the hero doesnt have any secrets

          go for phase boots -> drums -> manta -> diffusal -> heart

          ult -> find someone alone -> teleport here -> manta -> watch the folk panic without mana -> laugh -> collect your +300gold


          now if you want to be useful to your team, keep farming a lane, ask them to fight, when everybody used their cooldowns and the fight is about to end, you ult there and killsteal every single hero you see out there


            How about if your team got wiped after they used their ulti.


              then you start complaining about them showing how noob they are
              and after the game you create a thread here on dotabuff talking something about peruvians/russians (depends if you play on american servers or europe, if you play on asia then blaming pinoys would do the trick)


                right clicker not hard



                  Playing Spectre is more about mechanical skill and understanding of the game.
                  Just like a lot of heroes:
                  -Wraith King
                  -Sam prokinpah


                    I never carry spectre but I recently started playing her from this guy


                    Haven't lost since


                      @D2CG. ddsama 슬

                      Most of his replays of Spectre have expired.

                      Dire Wolf

                        To be a good spectre player you have to be able to farm effectively no matter what your support situation. I find that hard to do, but if you can consistently get farm on spec without like a babysitting trilane you will be good on her.


                          spectre streng rely more on the team, the most active the team is, the most spectre shine. Passiv dota with support behind spectre, is the best way to lose as spectre

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                          Dire Wolf

                            I see what matrice is saying because spec is a pickoff beast and can join a team fight anywhere if ult is up and spec doesn't have good passive farming abilities. If you do a 4 protect one like you might with anti mage or medusa, spectre simply won't farm as well as them so he could use a couple early teamfights to get involved in.


                              How about skadi on this girl?


                                bad? good?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Skadi is awesome. There's basically three core spectre builds, not my own, but what I have gleaned from all the various spectre threads.

                                  1. Standard boots, diffusal, manta, heart build. Sometimes you throw in a vanguard or drums between boots and diffusal.
                                  2. Radiance rush. I think you go brown boots only, radiance, then try to quickly farm up a manta/heart.
                                  3. Boots, manta/skadi in some order. Again throw in a vanguard or drums if you please.

                                  Build 1 revolves around diffusal and that illusion dmg with it, 2 revolves around radiance and then getting tanky to let radiance do maximum dmg, 3 revoles around skadi rush. Each build has pros and cons, 1 is probably the smoothest to build cus you can be quite effective with just a diffusal and adding 10 agi in pieces helps you farm. Radiance rush is kind of risky sometimes but if you get it sub 20 mins it's almost always a win. Skadi is a little harder to build than diffusal and you're going more tanky than straight offense. You're very hard to kill once you get it though.


                                    Why would you choose +25 damage and a slow from Skadi to +66 damage +36mana burn +huge slow if you really need to chase from diffusal as your orb choice? I'm a big fan of Skadi but on spectre I'd always rather go diffusal + heart if I need tank rather than Skadi. Skadi is not a bad item, I just don't think that it's the best orb in any illusion hero except TB (range illusions don't get the manaburn).

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Well, yea, you trade a lot of offense for defense with skadi. Not always the best trade.


                                        skady is actually an excellent choice on pl, assuming you put diffusal in top left slot, and drop diffu (and take it back in inventory) when you buy skady.

                                        allowing you to have frost on main and mana burn on illu
                                        (basically first orb effect item in inventory is used -that's why you drop diffu and take it back in inventory when you purchase skady-, but when illu are created, item of illu are putted in order from topleft to downright, thus if diffu is top left that item is in illu's inventory first :p)

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                                          I still think that Satanic is OP on Spectre.


                                            Well, spectre doesn't have that strong dps, low base damage, low agi, low agi grow, no steroid skill that work for sata (you cann't leech desolate)
                                            I think it's better to have a tarasque, and a teammate getting a vlad. What however satanic bring to spectre, is the dominator that can help him to farm faster, dominating a troll is fucking great, farm wood as spectre (thx to domi) and last hit creep on lane with the troll
                                            -work pretty well with ghost or lightning harppy aswell-


                                              I mean as a ~third big item. It has awesome synergy with Dispersion. I know, that Spectre with Radiance and Diffusal has great global presence, but in a teamfight Satanic Spectre will outperform it by a mile.


                                                @Once u cyka u never go blyat
                                                I feel like the diffusal->heart takes a lot of money
                                                With yasha->skadi->manta, spec can actually make more contribution into teamfight far earlier than diffusal -> heart..
                                                35% slow for 5 sec from skadi is quite strong..
                                                I don't know. I take a liking into skadi since seeing that this item got buffed since 6.69 until now
                                                I suppose there is a message from icefrog to use this item more often :surprise:

                                                Never knew it works like that on PL :facepalm:

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                                                Ye Season

                                                  Spectre is a hard hero to play mostly because she (even moreso than just about any other hero) needs to have a strong supporting team. She's super easy to pick off (low movespeed, low armor, low hp), and her dagger isn't really that great of an escape. On top of that, she doesn't really contribute that much until she gets 1-2 core items, which will probably take at least 20 mins on average in most pub games. So if your team starts losing their lanes early/early-mid game (assuming the other team isn't sacrificing that much space to you), then you're pretty much fucked barring a big comeback.

                                                  I've also experimented with skadi before, and I found that Diffusal is just a way stronger item choice. The slow from skadi just wasn't enough. I like skadi on Ursa and PA though.