General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you expect a new patch soon? and if yes what do you want to be cha...

Do you expect a new patch soon? and if yes what do you want to be changed in General Discussion

    ^yeah, but totally worth it. Make mages carries volvo!

    Hex Sigma

      pls icefag


        i honestly dont feel tinker or faceless are OP at all forgive me if im wrong but hasnt faceless been the same for ages other then a tiny agi buff and like a turn rate buff or some shit >.<? and not 1 fuck was given until pro players started playing him lol no one cared about PA until arteezy started playing him same goes with tinker hes been the same for ages except a small buff to rockets for Eblade but they all came into meta and then noobs started getting pwned by them and then they QQ new heroes will come into meta and faceless and tinker wont even get nerfed and everyone will forget about them and start QQing about next months flavour ( my opinion :D)


          ^reason why people only qq when pros start playing the hero is becayse if pros dont play the hero, people assume the hero is weak since it doesnt fit into competitive meta.


            ^ exactly they dont even have to nerf them some other heroes will get a buff meta will change lineups will change people will QQ about a new hero that fits into that lineup but that hero hasnt changed for 6 months but because pros are pwning with it and now everyone is playing it plz nerf :D

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            Last picking is 4 pussies

              I think your missing some changes Quack but yes on one hand if pros don't show the commoners how to make some easy and super effective there will not be tears.

              Quick maffs


                SERIOUSLY BOTH



                  ur very wrong actually.

                  those heroes were played so much that PROS decided to fuckin play them and ONLY THEN scrubs like you decided to try it.


                    and tinker was always broken. only ppl didnt know how to play him
                    march is doing 2x the dmg it should do. everybody knows that since always.


                      remove void


                        Tinker actually got massive buffs that made him competitive. Rockets hitting ethereal units means he doesn't have to rearm to ensure kills with an E-blade, and the removal of blink dagger's mana cost helped a lot with his mana problems.

                        Faceless...well. His turn rate got doubled, he got an extra 2 agi (+2 damage), a 25% reduction in the mana cost of Time Walk (and a buff to the slow), a bigger chrono, and an Agh's upgrade that made him a viable offlaner.


                          yup, if they had simply added the pause mechanism, he would still be a shit offlaner, but actually could be played as a carry...


                            Remove Tinker Complete-Fucking-ly, or at least from ranked.
                            I swear this hero dropped me from 6.5k to 5k. I wish I was exaggerating.

                            Ples Mercy

                              u srs?


                                I know what I don't want. More retarded Aghs bonuses for supports (EG lich lion) that results in "no buy wards need to farm AS cyka"

                                Player 103543943

                                  Skywrath will get nerfed, possibly mana cost increases as icefrog seems to like making heros weaknesses worse instead of nerfing the strengths.
                                  Tinker will possibly get a mana increase to his ultimate.
                                  Lycans armor and base strength will probably get nerfed which will make him a bad laner, but still be a good pusher.

                                  Hopefully riki gets reworked so his lvl 6 ability is available lvl 3 like meepo.
                                  Nerf dp ms to make her slow as shit early game and maybe some str aswell

                                  Medusa and tusk both need a buff, just some base stats will do it i thnk.