General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with feeding teammates?

How to deal with feeding teammates? in General Discussion

    Earlier i had a game where our team was completely dominating the score was 25-8 but the thing was 7 out of the 8 deaths were on our undying who gave it all to drow she ended up completely carrying the game for her team even though both other lanes won by a landslide. Just wondering but is there any tips/tricks that anyone could give to deal with these sort of people who continually feed a carry until the game is ruined because of that one person. Sure i could've ganked and maybe helped them out more but i felt dominating my lane and getting easy kills was more important to me.


      you lost to a 3/10 dagon void

      Welt aus Eis

        tips: git gud


          If he's intentionally feeding:
          Buy a blink.
          Blink to trees in sidelane.
          Go listen to music, watch tv or surf through forums.
          Come every four minutes to make sure you get at least one creep's xp.
          Repeat until the game ends.
          Spam well played at the ending screen while pinging the feeder.

          If he's a retard who doesn't know how to play safe:
          Farm and snowball faster than the enemy who's getting fed. If you can't, then try to win the farm war by killing him (you get gold and he loses). If this fails tell your team to 5 man and take objectives. If this doesn't work try to turtle and hope for a comeback (one lane of raxes or even two is not the end of the world).



            pick void, jump in and ulti the fed guy, kill him and get 1300 gold


              When my team mates feed, I feed.

              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                okay, I'll be the one to say it--you had just as many deaths :(


                  You don't some SERBIAN FUCKTARD called mid last game, had 0-3 in 6 minutes and was constantly typing -_-, his mates bottom werent doing a better job since they overfeed the mage and jug I think, So i just abuse my crhono to have that fucker die, FUCK SERBIA


                    He had as many deaths because the first guy fed.
                    Buy shadow amulet and sit in lane while watching tv

                    me, government hooker

                      when my teammates feed i join the feed


                        if they arent intentionally feeding u need to vebally abuse them so hard that they start doing it once or twice. then mute these idiots and rape the shit out of everybody so he will be quiet and thank you later for being godlike


                          How do you deal with feeders?
                          - You don't.