General Discussion

General DiscussionLittle advice

Little advice in General Discussion

    With a little self control it isn't that bad. Usually I only put one to two games a night, anything other I consider a binge lol.

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      me, government hooker

        lel .........


          "I know that some people only goes to the gym thinking that in some months they are going to have a really nice body and its going to be easier for them to get girls ( this kind of people coudnt be more wrong ) but still there is no need to generalize."

          coudnt be more wrong ? dude it's working 100%

          Low Expectations

            ^lol, also generally any type of physical activity is good for your health Gyms are especially good if you live in a huge city where there is limited amount of excericese you can do outside. Sampson prolly generalizes because the only people he sees at the gym are the big once. From personal expirience getting friendly with these guys can save you alot of trouble when you are in a club/bar

            King of Low Prio

              I am forced to go to the gym 3+ times a week I see all types of people. I didnt say all people are like what I mentioned but a HUGE majority of people fit into that box specifically during some points of the year (new school year, new year etc.)

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              one and half gun

                you people fail to realize sampson is a manlet, almost 99% of the manlet population hate good looking people who is tall, lifts, eat healthy and just look better than him in general.

                it wouldn't surprise me if he starts raping little children irl because nobody will pay attention to him cuz hes a manlet

                King of Low Prio

                  I have never heard of someone being jealous of another person eating healthly lol, I wish I could examine what goes on inside waves brain.

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                  King of Low Prio

                    'Dat motha fucker eating all the broccoli while all I have to eat is a pizza'

                    my god wave is so social inept that these are what he thinks normal people commonly do

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                    King of Low Prio

                      In before I am autistic


                        OP, try playing more than 2 weeks of Dota. Don't waste the most beautiful times of your life in the gym.