General Discussion

General DiscussionDP and current patch

DP and current patch in General Discussion

    Hero is like auto win... Whenever somebody picks it, rest of the team gets inspiration to pick even more push line up (lycan, rhasta, jakiro or any other push hero). Game turns out into monotony. Get towers asap, win.

    Yeah I know, there is doom, tinker, razor. All those heroes are iritating, but krob is maybe only that needs real nerf (besides void) in 6.82.

    Also, while competitive in 6.81 is meh, pubs are super boring and it is sad to when you play games with almost same scenario.

    Primordial Soup



        razor is insta win im going stronk 90% winrate still aftger 50 games +

        Quick maffs

          I am not having too many problems against dp for some reason

          Miku Plays

            push strat = lower lvls... so if turtling went well = win


              Lately I thought whats a good counter to Dp... Isnt dazzle the best supp you can get for dp?


                I agree ap is super boring


                  Slark is autowin

                  one and half gun

                    i really dislike this hero because you can dominate him in the laning stage but he will be able to push down towers and roll as 5 without any proper items other than euls

                    no ur not, post ur second acc with 90% winrate on razor

                    one and half gun

                      i met two dp pickers yesterday who probably had 20 cs at 10 minutes but as soon as they popped their ulti, my hp went from full to 100 in just 2 seconds lol

                      i bet theres some secret to his ulti to target one unit because whenever i play that hero, my shit always focus creeps instead of a hero standing literally next to me

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        They focus whatever you right-click I believe.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          But she isn't that strong really. At least she is dependant on her ultimate to push unlike Lycan, and is not really that tanky of a hero.

                          one and half gun

                            dunno, whenever i spam right clicks, nothing ever happens

                            i do know however that singsing play this hero along with razor and meepo in russia only for free wins, so it is indeed a free win hero


                              Yes, right clicking someone with DP will make her spirits focus that target.

                              Edit: Well, that's how it worked in Dota1 anyways. Maybe Valve hates you or it got reworked for Dota2.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              one and half gun

                                yeah i'll try to use the attack command instead of just simply right clicking next time.

                                but i hate these gay ass heroes, its more fun playing obscure shit like necro, ta, ember and so on


                                  "The spirits will prioritize damage to the last hostile unit that was targeted."

                                  one and half gun

                                    gonna fucking play dp 5+ times in a row to see if its not a bug

                                    the realm's delight

                                      fuck dp


                                        She's not too bad, if you gank her early she has a hard time rebounding because she is so fragile.

                                        one and half gun

                                          just ward dp's jungle and ur fine


                                            attack, or right click focuses down spirits to a target of choice.


                                              Counter push with timbersaw , Venomancer , kunkka , tinker. Ez


                                                blademail axe lulz

                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                  Flat is Justice!

                                                    anyone with burst counters dp, thats y dp often build tanky items

                                                    so as long as u have a few burst heroes or get dagons, u can suppress her quick even if she ultis

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      It's not like DP is auto-win. People don't counter her with riki/lina or lion/centaur combo. You gotta burst her down the minute she ults or right before. Pro meta right now doesn't really use 2 or more heroes to counter pick 1 single hero and they are running the optimum greed lineup.

                                                      "Sure they have have DP, we have Void" type mindset.

                                                      Sōu ka

                                                        yup you know better than them unfortunately nobody's taking advantage of your excessive dota knowledge

                                                        people saying you just have to shut her down and you win are amazing
                                                        thats every dota hero there ever was
                                                        but dotas not 3vs1 it's 5vs5
                                                        and it's not balanced because you can kill her when you run at her with 3/4 heroes all game

                                                        that's why nobody does it because it's not winning you the game

                                                        she builds phase+euls
                                                        she builds super tanky afterwards and once she pressed exorcism you can doom her or silence her all you want it doesnt fucking matter and have fun bursting all that shit down

                                                        and by the way using all your abilities to kill 1 hero doesn't necessarily win you the videogame

                                                        she has a silence herself so you might wanna get bkb but jokes on you spirits rape you anyway

                                                        and then the spirits heal her full at the end which i dont even think is that big of a deal but what the fuck is that shit for

                                                        remember playing this hero in dota back when heart regen didnt get canceled by damage

                                                        it feels like theres no good hero against dp in the entire heropool


                                                          "it feels like theres no good hero against dp in the entire heropool "
                                                          It seems as though she's weak to heroes with natural high armor (agi carries- sniper, drow. Dragon Knight. ...Spirit Breaker?)
                                                          She has a bafflingly low winrate against Techies that must be investigated further.

                                                          one and half gun

                                                            yeah pick techies sniper and drow against dp

                                                            im dying


                                                              How is 58% winrate against Techies" baffingly low"?


                                                                [S]Bafflingly low winrate is 58%?[/s]

                                                                was beat and didn't refresh page :c

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  ^ Read ^^^^

                                                                  Edit: Huzzah!

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    Dp is vey vulnerable with euls & phase boots. She's like under 1000hp before she actually get's tanking items. Just amazes me why people QQ so much about DP. Maybe u stop qq if u actually picked 1 hero to counter her instead of 5 man greed picks.

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      there is no counter to dp and yes high armor helps against exorcism but you wont have a significantly high enough armor until at least the end of midgame and whats armor good for when you lose all your towers

                                                                      and you keep bringing up heroes like riki and now spiritbreaker who are like really awful at 5 manning as well as at splitpushing and defending the base and they are both extremely awful against euls


                                                                        rks nice too

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Somehow i feed with DP

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            i was pla ying shit on purpose to see if i could win


                                                                            dps balanced

                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                              actually disregard that, meepos balanced

                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                idk why a russian living in australia is queueing in europe


                                                                                  Would Sven's war cry help mutch against her ult?

                                                                                  edit: spelling

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                    warcry is a disgusting ability but making sven work isnt easy
                                                                                    you could also think that omni could work but making those heroes actually work is such a bitch and you definitely need the right heroes to take advantage of the abilities those heroes offer in the exact right timeframe

                                                                                    but the problem isn't finding 5 heroes that do as well as possible against dp it's handling her as well as winning the game
                                                                                    like what do you do with sven?
                                                                                    war cry might be an amazing spell given the right situation (actually that spells really fucking good) but other than that sven simply isn't a good enough hero
                                                                                    you have to look at what you're giving up for getting warcry which is a lot because no matter what role you play sven as there are better heroes unless you integrate him in a line up that makes excellent use of warcry

                                                                                    honestly most of you will never play against good dps so there's not much point trying to convince you how good that hero is

                                                                                    but people thinking that you can just jump her before she ults or burst her down immediately dont know how dota works

                                                                                    everybody fucking knows that your gonna try to do that and and nobody is gonna let you do that unless you fuck it up or your team is in a bad spot to begin with

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        How the fuck do i lose with DP i dont get it

                                                                                        Fuck this hero i hate playing him and i hate playing against it.



                                                                                          AND WHATS THE DP'S DAMAGE THAT RAPES EVERYONE? PHYSICAL. AND WHAT DOES ARMOR DO? ARMOR REDUCES PSYHICAL DAMAGE


                                                                                            that is why i always 1st ban dp and doom. the rest are less cancerous.