General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 new AP mode 6.82

Dota 2 new AP mode 6.82 in General Discussion
one and half gun

    does everyone get a turn to pick now?

    >blue picks
    >pink picks
    >light green picks
    >gray picks
    >purple picks
    >teal picks
    >yellow picks
    >dark green picks
    >orange picks
    >brown picks

    is that how it'll be now?

    one and half gun

      can any1 with dota test try this plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


        I think so, if its gonna be like this it might be gucci now, no more panic picks and 2 mids etc (i mean yea some cu­nt may pick a 2nd mid anyway but no one with a brain will do so)

        one and half gun

          so dota is now dead because 4ks will just go mid/carry

          i guess the only way to play ranked ap if ur 5.8k+ is to change name to a pro to 100% confirm ur mid


            do higher mmr people get to pick first or not


              First post was ok... but then....


                ^^ No.

                "Teams alternate picking. Whenever it is a team's turn to pick, anyone on that team can pick for themselves."

                It's still a race. People are expected to use the 35 second strategy period to discuss lineups and shit, but you know it's all going to be "I MID BITCH".

                Edit: ...

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  If you are orange you have control over the last pick, meaning you can ensure it is a hero appropriate for the team rather than garbage.

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                  one and half gun

                    99% of your posts since you first came here in november has been about me and half of your reddit accounts post history is about me

                    its alright to ban users for calling jason "jason" which his name is stated for 6 months but apparently harassing others is totes fine.
                    awesome moderation


                      You don't consider insulting nearly every user you have an interaction with (especially based on skill level) using offensive terminology to be harassing others?

                      Questo commento è stato modificato


                        35sec of planning, no picking, just teamchat

                        then random team starts pick (It's first to pick, team-wise). One player picks, then enemy gets one pick and so on.

                        first player to pick within the team, then next team, etc to make it more clear

                        one and half gun

                          pretty much any thread you touch in this forum turns into shit, at least youre banned from playdota and nadota

                          one and half gun

                            oh thanks ddsama

                            so whoever picks first, gets to pick first and then enemy player etc

                            Questo commento è stato modificato


                              I can try to explain better, however I'm tired as fuck:

                              You get to know which team picks first during the strategy period.

                              After the strategy period, Team A starts pick and the first player in Team A to pick gets his hero, then Team B gets to pick, the first player to pick here also gets his hero and in changes back to Team A, etc.

                              No worries, always happy to help my idol.

                              Gnite boys!

                              one and half gun

                                gnite broder

                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                  Whatis wrong with 4k picking mid, usually the teams are 4050 4100 4150 4100 4100 so how do u know now who is 6k, no way, the 4k pick mid actually with no restriction.

                                  one and half gun

                                    idk lolz i think it has to do with me tapping into gods wisdom or something


                                      sounds to me like it's just first come first serve per team

                                      one and half gun

                                        imagine if this retarded russian instapicks sf


                                          its not like random draft where only 1 person gets to pick at a time

                                          i assume its like this:

                                          • 10 people in loading screen, teams aren't decided yet though, so less incentive to dodge. someone you don't like could be put on the enemy team instead

                                          • after everyone loads in, there is 35 seconds for "strategising" - presumably where you can talk to your team but you can't pick. this is where teams are decided

                                          • one team gets chosen at random to have first pick

                                          • each team has 30 seconds to pick a hero and then after a team has selected 1 hero, it is the other team's turn to pick

                                          • anyone on team A/B can pick a hero during those 30 seconds when it is their team's turn to pick

                                          • if no one on the team picks a hero after the 30 seconds, then everyone on that team who hasn't picked will lose 2 gold per second
                                          - which is fair because everyone on the team can pick to prevent themselves losing gold, it's not like where 1 person can make the other 4 people lose gold while those 4 people cant do anything about it

                                          • if the total gold lost duration lasts longer than 30 seconds (so 60g), then 1 person is randomed a hero and pick turn switches to the other team. i'm not sure if it's 30 seconds for each pick phase, or if it's like captains mode bonus time where the 30 seconds of time where you can lose gold is for the whole team.


                                            somehow wave hasnt flamed me and im only 4k mmr
                                            yay i guess

                                            or maybe he has and ive not noticed


                                              "pretty much any thread you touch in this forum turns into shit, at least youre banned from playdota and nadota "

                                              no I'm not banned from either of those sites. Where do you get this nonsense from?

                                              But... pretty sure you said you were banned from playdota multiple times.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                your reddit reposts are kinda annoying tbh


                                                  Pretty sure I have reposted around 10-12 reddit post in the last 4 months. Feel free to make a list of them if you want to prove me wrong.

                                                  if that annoys you, then I can't help you.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    it doesnt matter how few you do.

                                                    i still get annoyed if there's even 1 "3k mmr hell its not my fault" shitpost here. same rule applies

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      his reddit posts arent annoying

                                                      its his constant low quality harassment, disgusting image spamming and his attempt at theorycrafting

                                                      he should just fuck off to reddit and everyone will be happy


                                                        Another quality post from wave.

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          also andro, ur like the few 4ks who somehow think like 5.5kish players do.

                                                          one and half gun

                                                            see ur just proving my point, you just show up where i post to spread your low quality harassment to advocate flame bait or you repost threads from reddit that people already saw or gives no fuck about it in order to raise your "reputation" on a video game forum, how awkward lolz

                                                            the reason why u got banned from playdota and nadota is probably that ur a dumb theorycrafting 2k mmr redditard and ppl saw through ur bullshit after ur first post

                                                            now head back to 4chan, reddit or whatever shit community u came from and stay here, u realize u + melody alone pissed many old users and made them stop posting here


                                                              ok so wave isn't exactly the politest db user

                                                              but just repeating "another quality post from wave" is hardly any better. you're just stooping to his level (no offence wave)

                                                              i appreciate the compliemnt but i have no idea what that means. what does a 5.5k player think of that a 4k doesnt

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Andro is kind of right, why do you even bother replying back to wave concede ?


                                                                being insulted by wave is something to be proud of, it means that you are still a sane person with normal logical thinking.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  "the reason why u got banned from playdota and nadota is probably that ur a dumb theorycrafting 2k mmr redditard and ppl saw through ur bullshit after ur first post"

                                                                  literally never happened. I have never registered to nadota, and I have never been banned from playdota (rarely post there but I have an account).

                                                                  You however, have stated you were banned repeatedly from playdota after being banned initially and then creating new accounts to post with.

                                                                  Why you feel the need to project your own negative experience and lie at the same time is beyond me.


                                                                  the "another quality post from wave" takes very little effort. The new images are even easier. Sometimes its just amusing.
                                                                  Pretty much everyone on DB has someone they don't like anyway excluding maybe satellizer. I bet if i kept spelling his name with one L he would crack though.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    well atleast this should prevent all op heroes in one team
                                                                    now its gonna be:

                                                                    first player picks void
                                                                    second player picks skywrath
                                                                    third player picks TA
                                                                    4th player picks Doom
                                                                    10th player picks Pudge ROFL LOLOLOL XD

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      i challenge dorkly and concede to making new accs on nadota and we'll guess who gets banned first

                                                                      i think concede will get banned before dorkly, im betting sf arcana.

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        I have read NAdota a bit and i would rather blown my head than participate in that nerd circlejerk

                                                                        The comments in that place are basically :

                                                                        " X PLAYER SUCKS SO MUCH dxDXdxDxdXdxDXdxDX kek "

                                                                        I am still trying to understand how can someone find that funny


                                                                          "i challenge dorkly and concede to making new accs on nadota and we'll guess who gets banned first "

                                                                          make accounts
                                                                          never post on concede
                                                                          have dorkly post stuff to get banned
                                                                          Win SF arcana from wave
                                                                          wave reneges on the bet and keeps the arcana


                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Wait i am trying to understand how can someone get banned from nadota ? i guess by NOT flaming and by behaving normal ?

                                                                            Not sure

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              I don't like the change at all. It only nerfs groups in ranked from picking op heroes that work together. For solo queue people it just hurts their chances to get a hero they wish to play and it needlessly adds up to four minutes of time to make the damn picks. It's too close to captain's imo for pubs. I guess time will tell, we'll wait and see, but there is going to be soooo much bitching about not picking supports etc or not counter picking or stealing picks. Like when I first pick sniper or terror blade I'm going to get so much hate for wasting the pick lol.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                easy katka


                                                                                  it means that you can't go into ranked with an idea already in mind, you have to adapt to enemy picks instead of just insta locking void + 1

                                                                                  it only adds 8 minutes of time if everyone spends all that time picking which is unlikely because the further you go along the pick stage, the more time someone has to think of a hero that they want, increasing the probability of them actually picking a hero that they are going to play. assuming that everyone takes the longest possible time to pick, the last players on each team will have had 2 minutes and 30 seconds to think of what they're going to pick.

                                                                                  > It's too close to captain's imo for pubs
                                                                                  go take your casual playstyle to unranked then. it's there for a reason, the change only affects ranked AP.

                                                                                  > there is going to be soooo much bitching about not picking supports etc
                                                                                  that already happens

                                                                                  > not counter picking or stealing picks
                                                                                  time will tell. then again since you're already being so negative about it why do you even care, why don't you just play unranked AP if you don't like change.

                                                                                  > Like when I first pick sniper or terror blade I'm going to get so much hate for wasting the pick lol.
                                                                                  so don't do it then

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    nadota's hilarious and awesome how can you hate that place xD

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                        i thought it was similar to cm but without bans and you pick your own hero.. i dunno.. so much derail

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                            forced to support last pick erry game.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                                im turning off dotabuff on my smurf

                                                                                                fuck this


                                                                                                  you didnt count the heroes feets aswell, 4's only enough for the pet you know, Wavesama, please!!