General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I start playing more complicated heroes ?

Should I start playing more complicated heroes ? in General Discussion

    If you take a look at my account, you'll see I'm having quite a bit of success with some heroes like Windranger, Lina, Luna, Death Prophet, etc. who are quite straightforward and easy to understand heroes.

    I am at 2.7k right now so that means I still suck really hard. These days after watching pro, stream, read guides, etc, I got interested in some more complex heroes like Meepo, Invoker, Earth Spirits, Puck. At my level, probably gonna take me ages to even get decent at these guys, but as you guys know, these heroes are OP if played right.

    So should I start trying them, or should i stick with safer options ? Please don't mind my Puck winrate, I spammed Puck when I first started just because he is so cute, yep, I feed hard as puck.


      why not ?
      I mean who cares just play what u want and enjoy game ?


        Do it. Every game has ten players in it, all with a different hero, and if you are unfamiliar with how to play any of those heroes you put yourself at a disadvantage when it comes to outplaying your opponents and teamplaying with allies.


          Windranger is anything but straightforward bro.


            Ye start playing invoker he is awesome probably tha hardest out of you mentioned.. Just practice him enough on medium bots and try memorize all of the spells. Also go for pubs try to take out your mistakes what you could have done better there and here. Here's a guide from Grimorum

            Dire Wolf

              Complicated doesn't necessarily mean better. Some of the strongest heroes are extremely simple, like slark, bloodseeker, wraith king, necro etc.

              Low Expectations

                WR is one of the most complex heros in game esp when it comes to itemization and shakle mechanics is unpredictable as phuck


                  Play Terrorblade lol!


                    Of course you should. I am(was?) not a hardcore PC game, and when I first started playing Dota I literally couldn't do things like double tap F1 to center the camera back on my character. I had trouble using more than 2-3 items, especially before I changed some of the hotkeys(to space and caps).

                    The only way you will learn is to practice and in order to practice you have to play. If you don't want to fuck your team or your MMR over then just play several bot games until you are comfortable with the hero.


                      Steps to learn dota:

                      1. Take a first look at everything

                      You should play every hero at least 1 time, better 2 to get him to know a little better + you need to know exactly, what they are doing.

                      2. Learn the basics


                      3. Specific heros

                      Heros like

                      - Pudge (Hooks, advanced hooks with Forcestaff)

                      - Chen (Micro)

                      - Invoker (Combos)

                      - Mirana (Arrows)

                      Require a specific skill to be effective. A pudge that can't hook, sucks. With playing pudge all your success relies on, is your ability to hook.

                      You can practice pudge, you can practice hooking but at 2.6 k you should first improve on the basics. Lasthit, deni, not feed. mapawerness, positioning, decisionmaking etc. You basically have to suck at everything, to be only 2.6k.

                      It depends on what you want to do and how you want to enjoy dota. By spamming pudge you will get better over time, but the mainskill that will make you win more than you lose will be hook.

                      If you look at the stats of the most successfully played heros in dota 2, antimage is sitting at the absolute bottom of all heros.


                      If you want to play a good antimage you need to:

                      - Farm good: You overwhelm the enemies with items
                      - Have good position: You can get instant, where you want to be and you rely on it
                      - Have to know the approximate Manacost of all Spells: You want to traget your ult right
                      - Have to make tough decisions midgame, when to join, when to splitpush

                      By spamming antimage, you will maxout more of your dota skillset than playing pudge.

                      A pudge sits mid for lvl, hopes to get a good rune or get a lucky hook on the enemy. And he will lose the lane to allmost everyone in farm. You rely 100% on your ganking and hooking+runes. You wont get farm with lasthitting against qop or invoker, if you are not under your tower.

                      1. If you want to improve overall faster, spam heros.

                      2. If you want to chose a hero to spam, and want to improve overall faster: Do not take heros that require a specific skill.

                      If you just want to play for "fun" without seeing yourself getting better as a player, do whatever you want.

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