General Discussion

General Discussionhey guys

hey guys in General Discussion

    I would like some1 to analyze this game , i dont blame any1 but imo its bs item choice lost us but i want your opinions what do u guys think ?


      WK won the game. Bs yoloed hard but he still played good and u didnt do much i guess


        We couldnt do much cuz it was 4v5 till he came out of woods with midas dagon and when we needed a right clicker we had bs w/ dagon 5 and eth which means all what he was doing is dagon to kill es or und and go back


          oh he went midas str8 dagon? well..... are u 3.5 - 4k mmr? if yes go play some bigger impact heroes and get rid of this lose streak bro


            Im 4.7 my max was 4.8 all my loses r in party games so i dont really care i have 3k friends in net cafe they love to play with me but cant win with them and idk why he went midas dagon he is probably a smurf , he really made our team cry haha "btw this game was solo"


              After looking at his profile he is a smurf with less then 30 % wr with bs very...very cute

              And viper was a smurf too lmao

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                You don't blame any1, yet you are saying bs lost the game. You guys simply weren't far ahead enough to win the game, they have a much much much better late game team fight. Late game dagon bs is not going to carry.


                  6.82 lost you the game