General Discussion

General DiscussionRe-calibrated and still got 1000 MMR higher than my first acct.

Re-calibrated and still got 1000 MMR higher than my first acct. in General Discussion

    Here is the continuation and results of the first thread I made 2 months ago;

    Link to my original post two months ago when I made the smurf.

    During my calibration, I won 6/10 games, and played 3 zeus games (I don't know how much this factored into the equation). I had to re-level to 13 after my first 3 calibration games because valve suddenly patched the ranked minimum level requirement.

    Main account: 3502 MMR

    Smurf account: 4580 MMR

    The possibly bias during recalibration is the fact that I haven't played ranked on my main account for several months and my individual skill may have improved. However, 1k seems excessive.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      now play 50 games, and post a screenshot


        50*-25mmr*0.8 = -1k mmr gg


          You'll be back at 3.5k as soon as your mmr has normalised.


            50(25*.6) - 50(25*.4) = 4805 with 60% winrate :)


              You really think you will have a 60% winrate on an overcalibrated smurf? If you were that good you would have gotten out of 3.5k without needing to smurf.


                Just keep playing. 50 games on a smurf is nothing.


                  If you lose 80% you win 20% and therefore you you go 0.8*50*(-25) + 0.2*50*25 andI think that one results in just -750 :p


                    did i claim it to be 80% loss?

                    think a bit at least before posting shit


                      ^ then your variables really make no sense. What is the .8 supposed to mean?

                      I kept around 60% ranked wr on my main acct 6-7 months ago. I just didn't bother playing many games to rank up so I made a smurf.

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                      go kill urself

                        i was 3.8k on my first account, mainly because i repeatedly threw on it, then i smurfed to a 4.6k account and then lately made a 4.9k smurf, i gained 500 mmr on it, 5.4k. so the logic that all smurfs have an "inflated" mmr is pretty bogus

                        congrats on ur new mmr

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                          peru shit talking

                          edit: it wont be long until you lose your 5k and 4k from your accounts! cause guess what! you're trash that cant rise from 3k

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                            @kitrak, so by your logic any 2-3k trash should smurf and get 5k mmr so fuckin EASY mothafucka bitcha swaga nagga?

                            Midi Prill

                              Lol 5k players cling to it so hard cuz it's all they have going for them. so funny to see them freak out when someone coems near their range


                                @ OP

                                you abused zeus for your first 3 ranked calibration games 3 days ago (as in before the patch valve put out).

                                then you saw that it was nerfed, played some normal games, and then went back and played ranked games with spectre for another "global ultimate do lots of hero damage" hero(and one tb and one silencer for whatever reason... probably you were asking people what their mmr in games at the point and knew you were 1k past your normal account).

                                You know exactly what you were doing when you did your calibrations. You knew you were going for a hero damage "press R as many times as possible" tactic.

                                Then you decided to come to the DB forums and ask for peoples approval and stated the following - "The possibly bias during re-calibration is the fact that I haven't played ranked on my main account for several months and my individual skill may have improved. However, 1k seems excessive."... Sorry but people on this board know better than that. It was "excessive" because you were juking the match making algorithm. Go play another 100 games on that account ranked solo and tell us where you end up. Good luck, I hope you keep your mmr high.

                                and lawl at having KingRaven in one of your games....


                                  who's kingraven

                                  go kill urself

                                    i mean if i calibrate to 4.9k, go to 5.4k from there whats the problem? if im winning games >50% im technically better than that bracket...

                                    like you guys act as if smurfing is horrendous, what you fail to realize is that ive gained 500 mmr on the same account after it was calibrated to 4.9k

                                    this isn't even getting defensive, this is just pointing out that the logic on your side makes no sense (its not that i couldn't climb 3.8k-5k, its that i didnt feel the need to. its mathematically faster to just smurf it. i played with 5k players pretty routinely in ixdl/nel so i knew i was at that level).

                                    im curious, what mmr do you guys think i'll get on this account? because my guess is 5k

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                                      apparently kingraven is someone from HoN. That was on the same team as moonmeander


                                      Wrecked all game with omni-spectre combo though

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                                          nel was full of shit though. i havent played there in ages so i couldnt refer to now. you'll get back to 3k soon enough trash just keep playing.

                                          go kill urself

                                            poor benao doesnt realize that 4900->5400 is the wrong way to 3k

                                            thought education in europe was supposed to be better than america but hey maybe ur an outlier

                                            and on the topic of gameplay, isnt it shameful to have a sub 50% winrate with void + only one of ur top heros has a +3 kda

                                            and then theres mmr...

                                            benao keeping it real

                                            any of u sub 5ks who think im not 5k material: want to 1v1 to show me ur trashiness or compare mmrs otherwise stop acting like u know shit about how matchmaking works and how bad smurfs are xd

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              "any of u sub 5ks who think im not 5k material: want to 1v1 to show me ur trashiness or compare mmrs otherwise stop acting like u know shit about how matchmaking works and how bad smurfs are xd"

                                              Idk, the reason I dislike smurfs so much is because they're arrogant dipshits like you who think they're grossly better than anyone else. I think its an innate personality trait for them. Demand mid, trash talk, play bad but think they're good and etc. Whatever response you make to me is probably 99% going to prove me right.


                                                fucking american bitches, i fucked your moms and dads.

                                                go kill urself

                                                  @humdinger did you even bother reading benao and others' responses? there's literally no difference... not to mention you left the jist of the argument unanswered. the funny thing is when people resort to personal attacks with zero logic behind them - do it with only logic or do it with both, but dont just make it a personal attack, and at least respond to the substance behind the other guys post.

                                                  99% of the time im 100% constructive - go through and look at any of the other posts i make on this forum. the 1% im not is threads like this - where people act like smurfs are somehow beneath the rest of the community. ive already proven that as a smurf my level of play is obviously higher than others. that's not being arrogant, that's stating the obvious, and if you don't say this then there's a bunch of people with 3k games played in high skill who flame people every day for having "50 games played" or "100 wins" or stupid shit like that - people need to understand that games played has nothing to do with skill, and a lot of the problems people tend to have with smurfs are generally reflective of the entire dota community. smurf ruined your game? look at the rest of your games and see who fed in them, odds are there's a bunch of people with thousands of games played. smurf called mid? plenty of people do that. trash talk? half of my friends who have mains do the same thing, its actually quite enjoyable for some and some look down upon it, but why isolate smurfs with this? play bad but think they're good...i mean i hate to break it to you but that's essentially saying someone is in effect bad - yet im a smurf and id say i play fairly well. and its quite common to see people see themselves a lot better than they actually are - see all the people whining about how they have shitty teammates (isn't that 99% of the dota population?)

                                                  effectively, you and people like you like to use smurfs as scapegoats when in reality the things you say about smurfs are true of the vast majority of the dota population - but because someone has 3k games that makes them immune to such attacks. i had the same conversation with sampson, and after i posted a nearly identical argument it seemed like even the people who were anti-smurf recognized that when i showed them that being true in their own games.

                                                  if you'd like me to pull games and show users who reflect what i just said let me know.

                                                  edit: found my first one just by looking at the top of the forum

                                                  NEED SOME ADVICE :C 2.8K MMR PLAYER HERE. IN GENERAL DISCUSSION
                                                  Magnum LexusMagnum Lexusabout 4 hours ago
                                                  How do I escape the plebeian tier?!

                                                  1.1k games played, thinks hes better than the level he's at - isn't that what you just said smurfs do?

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    I'm personally not against smurfing if you have ever chanced upon other threads where I've argued with people like Sampson, you would know. Smurfing lets someone play against better players and has a high chance of letting them improve unless they're retards. Mathematically, you're creating joy because 5 players will be for ezy MMR if you're bad as opposed to your 4 teammates.

                                                    No, like I said, I dislike smurfs because of their attitude. Look at that chunk you just wrote, you probably think you owned me with it. Exactly what I said about proving me right about your arrogant attitude lol. The logic that all smurf players have inflated MMR isn't far off. Smurfs are delusional players who sincerely think they're better than they really are, their damn reason for smurfing is because they believe they're stuck in a trench. For every smurf you show me that deserves their smurfed MMR, I can throw a hundred at you for smurfs that don't.

                                                    You're angry that people associate you with this horrible bunch of players when you knowingly used a method to raise your MMR that you know everyone looks down on; because you couldn't be bothered to raise it the normal way. Its like if you're a regular guy who took steroids to become buff. Then after you've become buff, you stop taking them steroids and yet you still get buffer. Then you go tell around "See, I could've done it all along, I just wanted to do it faster".


                                                      hes retarded let him be

                                                        Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                          You're really forcing your argument here. What the hell do you mean by more competitive, people are raging all the time at smurfs because they usually play atrocious. If you refuse to accept that smurfs are generally bad players, then I can't really argue on that anymore because its your opinion.

                                                          Also, please don't be paranoid. You're the one not reading my points, I was explaining to you how you shouldn't assume I was making a personal attack because it wasn't. Can you fucking read?! Anyone with half-baked comprehension skills would understand that 1. I acknowledged you're an exception, 2. delusional smurfs were clearly not directed at you.

                                                          Response to your point 1: Like honestly dude, that example was clearly showing the buff guy was capable of being buff without the use of steroids was clearly talking about you. I can't believe I'm going to have to explain the analogy. Let me use a simpler one. Imagine you're really smart, you can ace tests easily. But this one day there was a test on a new subject you never studied before. You could probably ace if you bothered putting in effort. But you're 'lazy' so you use a cheat sheet. Now, it doesn't fucking matter if you ace every test afterwards on that subject. People are going to harp that you cheated once. In this case, 'smurfing' because you were apparently too lazy to grind up even though you could.

                                                          Response to your point 2: They aren't unique to smurfs, its just that when you compare the % of rude/lousy/crappy/whatever smurfs to the smurf population and the % of rude/lousy/crappy/whatever normal players to the normal player population, the general smurf is more of a dick than the general player.

                                                          I'm actually bothering to explain to you why everyone else is treating you as a rambling idiot and I really hope you'd try to understand what I'm explaining. I am not really going to bother responding because I'm going off but I hope you understand how biased and warped your views are because you want to justify smurfing to secure your own e-peen over your MMR.

                                                          Because at the end of the day, you're just an upset kid because people aren't acknowledging your MMR. Have you ever wondered why noone doubts Wave's skill despite him smurfing all the time? Because he actually proved it without whining like you are and spamming a short pool of games of how you're doing well in 5k.


                                                            4k=pick supprt thanks:

                                                            ''poor benao doesnt realize that 4900->5400 is the wrong way to 3k

                                                            thought education in europe was supposed to be better than america but hey maybe ur an outlier

                                                            and on the topic of gameplay, isnt it shameful to have a sub 50% winrate with void + only one of ur top heros has a +3 kda

                                                            and then theres mmr...

                                                            benao keeping it real

                                                            any of u sub 5ks who think im not 5k material: want to 1v1 to show me ur trashiness or compare mmrs otherwise stop acting like u know shit about how matchmaking works and how bad smurfs are xd''

                                                            i would love to play 1v1, need to train with anyone i can

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              Dude, let it go.
                                                              DB community is not the place you are going to get an intellegent answer(most of the time). It's good for flaming and praising 5k players only.

                                                              Every other MMR thread goes like this:
                                                              1. Smurf or some other person like you posts a question about MMR and just wants it to discuss it with community
                                                              2. 5k knobheads come and start flaming poor person for completely different reason claiming he will go back to his "real" mmr in no time.
                                                              3. everyone starts talking on a completely new topic.

                                                              Point is, most of them think "being 5k = KNOWS EVERYTHING", so you are just wasting your time here.

                                                              The forum needs a revamp to be able to work.

                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                gaining 500 mmr is pretty convincing....



                                                                  Sure.... relentless, dorkly, dipshit, oleksandr and a bunch of other 2/3/4k players are totally ignored. Because you're ignored and your ideas are mocked doesn't necessarily mean everyone else's is.


                                                                    I didn't say anything about ignoring, did I?
                                                                    and there you go, flaming again poor(or not) people.

                                                                    You kinda need to stand up for what you are saying tbh

                                                                    go kill urself

                                                                      i mean if you ever read the definition of scapegoat you'd know what i mean...i've seen more people who show the characteristics you say smurfs have that have 1k+ games than i have from smurfs. nobody wants to think they're the reason they lost - so they try and pin the blame on someone else. lets blame the guy with 50 games, says the guy with 2k games - valve's so stupid that they're putting me with a guy with 50 games!

                                                                      im pretty sure ive seen way more complaint threads from people with 1k+ games about these people with 50 games who they think ruin their games, how they're in the trench, etc. - basically everything you say smurfs do. so in a nutshell, yes, smurfs are a scapegoat for people who can't accept they suckerino

                                                                      go kill urself

                                                                        i mean look at the threads people post that show arrogant qualities - how many of them are smurfs, and how many of them are non-smurfs?


                                                                          I'm confused - i thought 'smurf' accounts were made by higher ranked players, who would purposely lose games to keep the ranking on their smurf account low, in order to stomp lower skilled players when they felt like it.

                                                                          For example, I played a game recently where three players on the opposition team who quite clearly knew how to play DOTA all received Welcome Gifts at the end of the game, implying they were on new accounts, possibly for the purpose of surfing (for infos sake, I'm at 2.7K solo ranked MMR).

                                                                          How does a 'smurf' account end up at a higher ranking then their main? Or do I have no idea what 'to smurf' actually means?

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          go kill urself

                                                                            ^Actually, that's what the term is supposed to mean, people who shitstomp lower ranked players for "fun." However dota 2 players have twisted it into a word that basically applies to anyone with a couple hundred games or less played on an account, even though games don't reflect skill.

                                                                            And a smurf's account ends up where the player's skill level is at the current time - if i think i'm better now than i was 3 months ago, like a lot better, then i might make a smurf because i could get +500 pts versus taking forever to gain same amt in ranked.



                                                                              Thx for the reply, although that second part still doesn't make sense to me- if the smurf account MMR is higher, wouldn't it be harder to get +500MMR, compared to a lower ranked main account - regardless of the number of games played?

                                                                              EDIT - sorry, I get it now, make a new account (smurf) and get calibrated 500 points higher b/c you are better then you where 3 months ago - damn that is still a lot of levels to gain on the smurf account before you can play ranked though.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                ^^may you post the dotabuff link to your 5k account ? thank you