General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I missing something?

Am I missing something? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    how did pl manage to make a 15k xp comeback? (besides the fact that i hate the new pl)

    When he started pwning he only had 2 core items. He had a score of like 2-9/10. Also his farm was not that good. Am I missing something?

    Also if you're thinking of PA, no she didn't do much... you can watch the replay if you dont believe me. I was personally dealing with her.
    But pl... man that semi phaseshift is really annoying.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Miku Plays


      Hex Sigma

        he didn't push early or mid afaik. All his td is from the endgame push...

        Miku Plays

          I mean you guys didnt even try to get t3s.

          Also, you guys doesnt have a good farm even with those exp advatage you have. Sven is missing bkb, Lina with MoM - Shes too squish for that, he couldve gotten aghs. Other than that others were ok.

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            yeah you are missing a lot
            also the new pl is pretty bad

            Hex Sigma

              @hatsune there is no team in soloq lol. Anyways I gotta practice storm more.